Friday, December 31, 2010


When I listen to Linkin Park I feel like "I'M SOMEWHERE I BELONG". Their music is soo bad ass that at times I "BLACKOUT" I haven't "GIVEN UP" on them and never will. While other bands will be "FORGOTTEN", this band will never "HIT THE FLOOR". While many people do not like LP right now, eventually those people will be "CRAWLING" back to real music and feel "NO MORE SORROW". Those that still support LP are "NOT ALONE" and must know that other fans are "WITH YOU". Rock on LP!!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

I Hate Boys!

So if your friends with me on facebook, you're probably wondering what my status is about. Well, lets just say I don't miss high school all that much anymore. Everybody thinks girls are drama queens just wait and see because apparently they're guys that act like that too. And he just got his dumb ass deleted off my facebook page. Even though I should have deleted his ass long time ago but I didn't because I didn't want to believe that you'd treat me like shit too. So you are GONE!

Why is it that people think that just because somebody like me (that is out of high school) needs to keep my mouth shut? Apparently this stupid dirtbag does! Actually he said it to my cousin but she sent it to me because I was curious. Nobody messes with me or anybody close to me. Do not even go there with me! You will the first person I'd yell at. I have no problem with making you look like a fool. Trust me.

Nobody tells me what to do unless you are matured or an authority. Just because we are an underclassmen from high school doesn't give you the right to tell us we need to keep our mouths shut! If you really want us to keep quiet about something you talk to us as an adult. But since you can't act like one your not gonna be taken seriously. You need to grow the fock up and get some manners. Don't come around me with that attitude I'll make ass beg for mercy!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

White Christmas.

Good evening! Merry Christmas everybody! Hope you all had a good Christmas and enjoyed the snow if you got any. We sure did. It was a nice change for once because we never get a white Christmas. It was suppose to start yesterday at noon but it ended coming around 5 or 6pm that evening. Let's just say I was happy! I didn't expect that after all the snow we got last week. God does work in mysterious ways.

Everybody knows that A Christmas Story plays on TBS on Christmas Eve and Christmas day, and I actually never got a chance to watch it all. I was sad, but I'm all better now. The Wizard of Oz is on now! Except my mom isn't here to enjoy it with me, instead she's working right now. :P So I'm watching it for her. It skipped during, "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" I was singing to it and it skipped. Ruined a perfectly good song! Way to go TBS!

What did you get for Christmas? I got a bunch of girly stuff but I'm not complaining and it came in a purple case. Heck yeah! I got a Cheetah fuzzy pants, a hoodie, and two plaid shirts. The light purple one is sooo soft and very cozy to lay in I might add. I got Life Savers candy canes and gum. A $50 girl card, my nana gave a apple and orange (which sounds good right now!) the Burlesque CD, Backstreet Boys CD "This Is Us," and Christina Aguilera's CD "Bionic." So I'm really happy at the moment.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve!

Merry Christmas Eve everybody! Since my cousin came over last night we didn't decide to turn off our laptops til possibly 3am and then we finally turned off the light. Unfortuately I didn't go to sleep til 5pm. Kristi passed out earlier than I did... Well if you really want to get technical about it Emily went to bed earlier than any of us!

She burned me a CD for me and she has the SAW theme song on her laptop and it didnt go on the CD. WTF? Instead of that song, I ended gaining a song I already had. Get Silly. That song is sooo old. We heard about 3 Backstreet Boys songs last night and jammed and sang with them. Gosh, what little girls we are! Speaking of the devil, we're listening to them at the moment too! She probably hasn't noticed that this is one of their newer stuff.

Tomorrow morning, somebody will be waking my butt at the butt crack of dawn to open presents. My family is crazy! We try to beat each other at my nana's house. Its interesting because we do this every year and it never gets old. The bragging rights only last a few weeks but its fun to do. We're a funny bunch so it never gets old.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Today is Thursday, which is usually when The Vampire Diaries new episode comes on but since they're taking a break (a long one I may add) my Thursdays have gone downhill. I don't want to watch "Kill Or Be Killed" that one scared me. Not as much as "By The Light Of The Moon" but it still scared me.

My cousin Kristi is coming over and spending the night. My room is actually clean which is unreal because its never clean. Thank god, we're family because its clean to certain areas. I'm ready to talk, laugh, watch TVD (maybe), listen to music, and take lots of pictures. It will be like New Year's 2008 all over again! We were at my nana's and thats all we did was take pictures! It was really, really fun.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Linkin Park OR Paramore?

Well what is there to say about these two bands? Lots of things really, I like them both alot.. Linkin Park has 6 members and Paramore (technically) 5 members but a couple of days ago it was announced that Zac and Josh Farro quit the band. I was beginning to form a little bit of a crush on Josh and now he's gone. I already have a girl crush on Hayley Williams. Who wouldn't really? The woman is hot! That red hair makes her! I hated the "Brick By Boring Brick" video because she had blonde hair. Thank god, she didn't keep it.
Linkin Park is an awesome band! I have a crush on 4 out of 6 members. I don't know if that's sad or what, but on the other hand not being on my "crush" list might mean I like you better than the rest. Joe and Brad are my favorites! You can now guess who I have the crushes on. It took me awhile to say I have a crush on Phoenix and Chester. Chester use to freak me out now he turns me out. Phoenix is a red head, thanks to my nana I'm starting to like red heads. Thanks nana! The first two I liked were Mike and Rob. OMG! They are soooooo cute!
I have two Linkin Park shirts and one Paramore shirt. I have 6 of the Linkin Park CDs and none of Paramore. I don't know how many singles I have of Linkin Park. I have 3 singles of Paramore. I've tried getting red in my hair. Instead I ended up getting an Auburn color. Its short and right now spikey. I love both bands what can I say?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Royal Wedding.

I'm not ready for this Royal Wedding, Prince William and Kate Middleton. I'm probably going to leave somewhere else that way I don't have to hear all about it. Which that's going to be hard to do. I don't know why I'm not looking forward to this because I love Royal things. I love hearing news about the Queen. I would love to visit the Buckinghim Palace instead of the White House. Yeah, I'm that weird! Maybe it's because I might have myself a little bit of a crush on Prince William but who doesn't. Kate Middleton is very beautiful I cant wait to see what her wedding dress will look like.

I want my wedding dress to be two things. Poofy and sparkly, I want it to be like lacey feel to it and very poofy. It has to have straps or I will not wear it. I have never liked upstrapped dresses I'm always afraid that its not gonna stay up on my top half. I don't want a cream dress just a white one. Bright white too. I want my bridesmaids dresses will either be red or purple dresses. I love red and white together, but I would love purple dresses or at least something purple. I don't want anything big like the Royal Wedding would be, like broadcast on every channel the WHOLE day.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Sometimes I think love is like magic. It comes and goes, nobody can make it or handle it, and things can go wrong and the whole thing is messed up. They're both the same because there is a lot of people out there that don't believe in love or magic. I don't really believe in magic. Sometimes I dont even believe in love. Nothing has proved to me that either one is real. But I'm still holding out on love.

If my sister can have puppy love and since there is a such thing called "soulmate" I guess I have no choice but to kind of believe in a little. Surpringly I've finally wrote three songs now. All three are about love. One could be a duet and I wasn't even going for it being for two people I was writing and reading it and thought "this could be good for two people to sing." That song is called, "Love Letter" and the other two are just random love songs that I wrote because I was actually in the mood to write them.

So there's this guy, I've known him since what feels like forever for me it's been probably around 12 or 13 years we've known each other. At home and when I'm with friends I want to forget about him because I know he only likes me as a friend, but everytime I go around him or I hear his name its like everything that I like about him just comes full circle. It shouldn't but it happens. I saw him over the weekend after I had flirted with a couple of basketball players (from the other side) and had some fun. I saw him and I just went from being Madison (my alter ego) to Meghan (this sweet and loveable side).

I can't chose. I like him, but I can't wait forever to finally to get his attention. But its driving me nuts that I want to even be with him. He's the second guy to gain my trust and actually not lose it yet. Its hard gaining my trust, but I don't know. My emotions are gone hay-wired because of him.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christina Aguilera!

If you didn't know by now, its Christina Aguilera's 30th Birthday! I am a VERY big fan of hers! She is my favorite female solo artist! She is this decade's Madonna, because Madonna changed what everybody thought of her, she didn't care what everybody thought about her, and she constancely changed herself for herself. She's a mom and almost "single" from her husband. My favorite album is Back To Basics because I love the blues and hip hop together and I love how she dressed up in everything. She defintely has the lungs for that decade. I really wanted to see Burlesque when it came out in theaters but I never got to because of weather. Indiana and our weather sucks! But I still love her! I want a Christina Aguilera poster and the Burlesque soundtrack for Christmas, hopefully I get one of them!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Positive Thinking.

Dreams can be a tricky thing. Dreams can create a place where everything can go right. Nothing will seem out of place and nothing goes downhill. You keep certain things to show yourself you could really work. But not everything is what it seems. So I've been doing some positive thinking. And sometimes these dreams kind of help get through the negative thoughts that fly around my mind.

I'm always putting on my Twitter statuses things that suck about being handicapped. Well surprisingly I have postive thoughts on there too. A couple of days ago, I posted a post about how "I'm NOT a Groupie" and I'm not. So that big thought lend to this thought, I'm sort of in a good place being handicapped I don't have to worry about any of these musicians flirting with me or anything else I don't plan on doing with anybody... for awhile. I feel good about this. I know I'm weird but I'm just giving my negative thoughts a break.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Stereo Love.

I am in love with dance tracks. Any kind is good with me really. I am also a big rock an roll chick. I love me some hardcore guitar sounds and the screams. It can be a turn on I have to admit. I've actually turned into a fan of both of them last year. 2009 was a good year for me. This year was just dull to the core. Kesha came out last year and hasn't left us like some people said she would. 30 Seconds To Mars did pretty good this year during different award shows.

So everyone would just assume that I only like those two genres right? Wrong, I like more than these two. You're probably thinking "Oh, she likes country and pop too." That's true but that's still not enough for me. I like stuff that you would never on the radio. There's a new song called, "Stereo Love" by Edward Maya. I heard it on SXM BPM and to me it sounds like if you were in a French movie that's what a song from there would sound like. So I like different culture's sounds. I like Bollywood music. Slumdog Millionaire helped that out a little. But it was actually The Cheetah Girls Movie: One World that changed me. They're sounds sooo good with hip hop.

I love mixing two different genres together. Like on dance movies, Save The Last Dance and the Step Up Movies they took hip hop and classical together. Made it sound awesome! I love 1930-40s Vintage clothing and I also love old blues and jazz music. I am a little weird with my music but that's just how I am.

The Vampire Diaries.

I am a really big vampire diaries fan. Everybody should already know it by now too. Usually I don't like putting myself on a team. I'm a Team Damon and Team Katherine. Sometimes I can switch into a Team Caroline and Team Tyler fan too. Tyler is SEXY! I find myself switching back and forth between a vampire fan to a werewolf fan. I love Damon and I also really, really like Tyler too.

The couples are even a harder story to tell. I have to say I think I like Stefan and Elena together Every girl in the world likes a guy and everytime that guy likes a girl or is in a relationship with someone they get very defensive. Somehow, I only that way about my TV shows which is probably the best thing for me. I like Damon single, but then again at the end of the episode "Rose" makes me sad that Damon compelled Elena after he told her he loved her. I think I even cried the first time I watched that episode.

I have two more couples that I hope work out somewhere down the road. I like Caroline and Tyler together. Even though I know Caroline is too attached to Matt, but I think its the other way around. I think Matt gets way into his relationships. He had a hard time getting over Elena in the first season and he just LOVES Caroline. Both Caroline and Tyler on the "By The Light Of The Moon" episode made me cry. I cried that Caroline felt bad about Tyler going through the pain. Seeing Tyler go through the pain made me cry.

Another couple that should get together soon is Bonnie and Jeremy. You know Jeremy likes Bonnie just be his body language around her. He cares for her and you defintely got that by the last episode last week. I'm not gonna lie but I was literally screaming at my TV because Bonnie and Jeremy wouldn't kiss each other. Hell, Jeremy didn't even go and grab her. Ugh! It makes me mad. Bonnie thinks she likes Luca, I can't wait to what she does to him after she finds out that he's been playing her all this time.

Songs I Want,

  1. Alice - Avril Lavigne
  2. Ride To California - Paper Tongues
  3. Hey Baby (Drop It To The Floor) - Pitbull/T-Pain
  4. Pretty Girl Rock - Keri Hilson
  5. Firework - Katy Perry
  6. Peacock - Katy Perry
  7. I Don't Have To Try - Avril Lavigne
  8. Scars - Papa Roach
  9. Through Glass - Stone Sour
  10. Higher - Taio Cruz & Kylie Minogue
  11. Somebody To Love - Justin Beiber
  12. Bottoms Up - Try Songz ft. Nicki Minaj
  13. We Are The World - Various Artists
  14. Vogue - Madonna
  15. Supermassive Black Hole - Muse
  16. Beautiful Dangerous - Slash ft. Fergie
  17. Dirty Bit - Black Eyed Peas
  18. Express - Christina Aguilera
  19. Cry - Rihanna
  20. She's Country - Jason Aldean
  21. Sober - Kelly Clarkson
  22. How Does It Feel - Avril Lavigne
  23. Tonight - Toby Mac ft. Skillet
  24. Dirty Talk (Laidback Luke Remix) - Wynter Gordon
  25. Hey Now - Xzbit ft. Keri Hilson
  26. Gypsy - Shakira
  27. What's My Name - Rihanna
  28. Grenade - Bruno Mars
  29. Marry Me - Train
  30. Heartbeat - Enrique Igeslias ft. Nicole Scherzinger
  31. Hang With Me (Acivii Mix) - Robyn
  32. Jar Of Hearts - Christina Perri
  33. Save Me From Myself - Christina Aguilera
  34. Save Me - My Darkest Days
  35. I Just Wanna Run - The Downtown Fiction
  36. Hella Good - No Doubt
  37. OMG - Usher
  38. More - Usher
  39. I'm Back - T.I.
  40. Ya You Know - T.I.

I'm A Music Junkie! :)

I need alot of songs on my iPod. I'm running low of stuff to get excited about. I know that's sad since I have like 1,000+ songs on the sucker but I want more. I'm like a junkie pretty much. Addicts are addicted to drugs well I'm addicted to music. "Music is my drug, and YouTube is my dealer." Except not everything I want I've watched on YouTube. I use a music engine website called, Its an awesome website to use to look up songs from your favorite artists. I'm actuallyusing it right now. Since I like pretty much everything I've divided everything in four playlists. Disabled_Meghan's playlist has ALL rock songs. Pop/Dance playlist is all what it says; party tracks mostly. Country playlist, yes I have a Country playlist. When I'm in the mood I will listen to country music. And then you have the Random playlist. It has songs from Backstreet Boys to Xzbit.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Sometimes I label myself. I've always labelled myself. I really don't mind it because I know its true. I am handicapped and proud. So I've head people call me "Wheelchair girl" before. I actually adopted that nickname then it got changed to "Speed Demon." I defintely know that's me all the way. No other nickname has ever decribed me before until this last one.

I have labelled myself as "emo" before. I think emoes get a bad rap because everybody thinks they are always in black and don't have very many friends. The reason why I called myself an Emo was because I can get depressed pretty fast and can't (usually) get myself out of it. The thing is that I know I'm loved, I have friends, and I don't wear black ALL the time. I'm like a Scene kid. I wear all different colors and go a little crazy during these depression spells. Sometimes I am a bitch and the other I am a very nice person. You can't tell what's wrong with me unless you see me in my room coped up in a little ball, crying myself to sleep just to get the day over with. That is what happens when I'm depressed, it maybe different for you.

Somebody I know gets depressed not a lot, but she gets depressed for two days and she "acts" like she's okay. Well since she's still young she doesn't know that not talking about your problems will make just as worse as listening to your iPod 24 hours a day. Not saying that doesn't work, but its not healthy. Listening to even sadder songs defintely don't work. When people are depressed they need to listen to upbeat songs. Nothing sad, I wish saying this would make me realize not to do that for the next time I'm depressed.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I'm NOT A Groupie!

If you have a Twitter and about half of the people that you are following, are you considered a groupie? I hope not, because I hate that word. I hate the actual meaning of it. You can call me a die hard fan but that is all. I turn into a real bitch when people call me a groupie. I am a fan following my favorite celebs. Including, favorite singers and bands. Actors don't compared they just have stalkers. Big difference, but I'm not that either.

If you go to a concert and if you see girls with a halter top and skinny ass jeans she is a groupie in need of some respectfully clothing to these married men. If they have a ring on their finger I hope they're wives kick your ass. Then again the guys should get into trouble as well, they let it happen in the first place. Dumbasses! Ever heard of "Women know all?" I'd learn it before you get married.

There is one good thing about being handicapped. I am very respectful for the wives/girlfriends of these muisicans. I think that's why I like "Married To Rock" so well. They have to put up with these guys every single day. Also, since I'm always sitting in my chair and I'm not that pretty to look (expression) I don't have a chance in hell with ANY of these guys. Somehow that is a good thing. I can't trust guys to begin with, musicians are the same. Wow, I'm mostly talking about Rockstars when Rappers have a even bigger bad boy reputation.

Naughtry Or Nice.

Are you a good girl or a bad girl? I think I am a mix of both. When the sun comes up I become a good girl with a bowl of sugar, spice and everything nice for breakfast. I only watch "good" shows and listen to dance music and ballad songs. Get all my tears out early in the morning and be set to be for the rest of the day. I'm always a good girl, but I have my moments. Every girl has a crazy side and they really shouldn't try and hide it. It's going to come out someday.
Around 5 the sun starts to go down and the dark clouds starts to fill the sky and little stars form. When the clock tells 8 everything starts to change. Its like transformation when night comes a person can change their mood, style, attitude, and even sexualitly. If your 21 and up everything gets better with alcohol. Drugs are illegal, but good luck telling that to the true badasses. My transformation comes to me around 9 and ends when I've had enough and I fall asleep in the early morning.
Since I'm still young so I can't have the alcohol. You can have a bad girl time without the illegal stuff. Music is like my drug and playlists and Youtube are my dealers. The songs that usually make me change are strong hip-hop party tracks and hard rock songs. Two examples from each: Get Crazy by LMFAO and Whatever You Like by Nicole Scherzinger ft. T.I. for the hip hop tracks and Supermassive Black Hole by Muse and Beautiful Dangerous by Slash ft. Fergie. Supermassive Black Hole could turn a whole group of girls into bad girl with just the intro.

Monday, December 13, 2010


People can be judgemental. I know this, I can be very judgemental to alot of people. I can't give them a chance because everybody may make fun of you, but sometimes you should look at a person in a different light. When the 2008 politicial began everybody started hearing about Sarah Palin then we heard of her daughter's pregnancy. I don't know why everybody hates the both of them. Sunday afternoon I watched half of the episode on Sarah's Alaska with her nephew Matthew. I bet nobody knew her youngest son Trig has Down Syndrome. I sure as heck didn't know. I've been very judgemental towards her and her family because everybody doesn't like her. There's only some much hate you can take. So I'm just saying I changed my mind. She has a son with Downs Syndrome and a daughter with a baby. So could be Wonder Woman. We can wonder all we want to, but she shouldn't hate her. Everybody is different. Nobody can perfect. Politics suck anyways.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Let It Snow!

I'm still up and been pretty much attached to my headphones since noon. I like my music loud, and when you have a parent sleeping or your dad watching a football game in the living room your headphones become your best friend. I literally went from listening to T.I. first then Cheetah Girls and last but defintely not least Linkin Park. Somebody was a genius and posted the videos from the World Stage Performance when they were in Madriod for the EMAs and I went through possibly seven videos.

They're song "Iridecent" has got to be the saddest song they've ever written. My point of view it is. I love the part when they're ALL singing. They all sound so good. It usually makes me cry but I am not crying at all today so surprisely I didn't cry but the video was ticking me off because it wouldn't load. It would load a little I would play it and it would stop again. So lets just say my patientence got the best of me.

It is snowing outside! I don't know how much but from what everybody has been saying on my facebook its defintely snowing. Emily might have a delay or heck no school at all. It is Pike County after all. Our town never goes to school in the wintertime. Ahh, one of the joys of not going to school anymore. I don't have to go out in the cold and wear two of almost everything. This cold weather doesn't help my bones in my legs at all. I swear my hips have pop about a 100 times since I woke up this morning. It sucks! My lower back hurts which isn't unusal really so its okay.


Its Sunday morning and I feel like dancing already. I actually thought I was going to be depressed today since it was suppose to the last day of my first semester of college. But I'm not sad at all. I still think this afternoon is when it'll hit me. Maybe I'll find something to watch on the TV or listen to dancy songs all day that feel better about my decision.

Another plus with this. Last night I got some sleep. I had my headphones on til midnight and I took them off and rolled over and just rested my eyes. Getting out of the house after spending five days in the house and not beinging able to tell myself to relax my brain. So I got to sleep til 6:14 this morning. Yay! One downside was Rugrats wasn't on. So that sucked but its all good. :)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Jar Of Hearts.

Its Saturday evening and I'm at my nana and papaw's house. I've been here since 3:00 this afternoon and its been a very interesting visit. Me and my nana has one of our big talks again. We didn't talk about anything bad which we never do. I watched half of the IU and Kentucky game and was thinking about a high school teacher I had that was obsessed with UK and had his classroom covered with different pictures. I kind of miss high school because I miss his Creative Writing class and Novels class.

My nana is watching one of her favorite bands right now. Queen. She likes Queen, my band Linkin Park, REO speedwagon, Adam Lambert, and Bon Jovi. She loves YouTube. I think she likes YouTube the most then Facebook and Twitter. She's getting use to Twitter, well some of it at least.

Now my mom is here and I'm listening to Jar Of Hearts by Christina Perri. Well now its Candyman by Christina Aguilera. The two Christina's. We're suppose to get a lot of snow tonight and tomorrow. Yay! At least this time I don't have anything planned this weekend. Alright, gotta go. I'll blog later tonight. :)

Hey Baby (Drop It To The Floor)

Pitbull has done it again and its with T-Pain. Its an awesome party song to listen to. I'm in a party mood since its early Saturday morning. Hehehe..

Friday, December 10, 2010

Avril Lavigne.

Does she look familiar to you? If your an Avril Lavigne fan raise your hand! Or foot in my case. She is truely the shit. Excuse my language but she is. I've loved her since 2002. It all started when I was at Shriner's for my back surgeries. Well me and roommate Shelby use to sing her songs on our way to trips. Everybody loved when we use to sing on the bus. After I got home from all three surgeries I finally got Avril's first CD "Let Go" and was in LOVE with it! I can't find it now though. I'm actually wanting all 3 albums for Christmas. I need a Avril Lavigne buzz. I can't wait til next year. Her new album comes out in March! If only my birthday was in that month. But anyways, don't knock Avril Lavigne or she'll kick your ass. And so will her fans. Haha :)

Disney Channel Curse.

Its official! The Disney Channel has put a curse on every big star actress that has ever worked there. Did you hear the news? Miley Cyrus smoked into a bong, but apparently the stuff she smoked is actually legal in California. Who knows what else she smoked when the video wasn't on. Billy Ray Cyrus is gonna have his hands full. Technically she's old enough to deal with things on her own now. Daddy can't help her here. Especially if she's living with her mom.

Remember Lindsay Lohan? Yeah, she played the twins on The Parent Trap and switched places with her co-star mom Jamie Lee Curtis on Freaky Friday, (both I must say we're Disney movies) and look at her life today. She's been in rehab too many times to be counted on one hand. Her mom Dina Lohan just admitted a couple of months ago that Lindsay actually is an addict. Yeah, thanks for clearing that up for us Dina. Since we already know from how many times she's been in jail, rehab (went and left), and DUIs. All three from both alcohol and drugs.

Demi Lovato has checked herself into a rehab center. Which one person on my Twitter says "Treatment Center" Its called rehab sweetie. Sorry, but it is. Anyway, rumors have spread that she cuts herself (which would explain why she never wears anything without sleeves or a jacket) and she hit a back up dancer while on tour. Ouch! She did a campaign ad for anti-bullying and look what she did if that's really true. Another rumor came up that Demi has never really gotten over her relationship with Joe Jonas yet since he quickly started dating Twilight star Ashley Greene after him and Demi broke up. This started a war between both stars two days after Demi checked herself into rehab. I like Demi, I really do but nobody can be strong for too long and I think she just proved that to us.

Other girl stars that have worked at Disney at one time that have had their names in the bad press. Britney Spears and Vanessa Hudgens. But Vanessa has only done nude pictures. When you turn 18 you are an adult. You can take your clothes off for anyone you want to. Thank god you really don't hear much about that anymore. Poor Britney though. Recently she's had her name in the bad press about her boyfriend hitting her. She quickly shattered rumors on the day of her birthday.

So what does all this mean? Well it could only mean one thing. Disney Channel has put a curse on every big time female star. Beware other Disney Channel stars. Don't say I didn't warn you. :)

My Intervention.

I think I'm going to do my own intervention on myself tonight. I'm staying up late at night and going to bed around (4 or 8 am) and I get up around 2 pm in the afternoon. It's getting so old. I'm tired at night but I can't get my mind to let me go to bed at all. It sucks! Wednesday night I had kind of an excuse. Our dog ChiChi decided to sleep with me. I'm somewhat of a roller at night and I can't control my legs at night so I'm afraid I'm going to hit her at night. I only got two hours of sleep that night.

Last night was even a better trip for me. It was around possibly four in the morning and I heard a noice from behind me. And I'm already paranoid at night especially if I sleep with my back towards the closet. Anyhoo, Oliver decided that he wanted to come out and almost fell off everything he went on. He's so old, poor Oliver. Then he jumped on my bed and sat on my head board for a bit and then he came and laid down by my feet. Five minutes later he ran out. Next minute I knew he was back and actually ready to sleep. He slept on the good part of my pillow. Lucky cat. He stayed there til my mom got home from work. Luckily after she took me to the bathroom he went and went to bed with her. So I got my bed back and I actually got some sleep.

So it's going to be another sleep-less night for me. So its going to be intervention time for me. My intervention is staying up all night long and not going to bed until around 8 or 9 that night. Yes, I have done this before. I don't really recommand doing it. Because I tend to turn into a bit of bitch if I don't get all my sleep. But I don't care I want my sleep schedule back but it'll probably be back on Sunday since that day is going to suck anyways. So yeah probably even more late night blogging for me again tonight.

Late Night Blogging.

This is like my fifth or sixith time being up late and waking up really late in the afternoon, but really whose counting besides my family? Lol. I'm such an all nighter kind of girl. My dad's fault really. When I was a baby he would wake me up in the middle of the night and we'd watch cartoons, but that was also when nickelodeon had the good cartoons on. He gets mad at me now that I'm doing it again. It's his fault.

Our dog ChiChi decided last night that she was gonna sleep with me. Earlier that day she rode on my lap when my mom went to get my sis from cheer practice. We went from my parent's room (where the computer is) and went to the living room. Hoping it would scare her off my lap. Then I got done with the sucker I had in my mouth and so we went back in the bedroom. I spit out the rest of the sucker in the trash can and made it safely back. It was a LONG trip! Anyhoo, apparently she loves my blanket alot.

She slept all night in my room. I almost fell off my bed twice. I always think I'm going to hurt her. I'm a worry bug. Then that morning my mom came home from and took me to the bathroom and after that ChiChi left with her. Then 15 minutes later she came back and slept in here for an hour before leaving again. This time she didn't come back. Now she's sleeping with dad. Oh and we're also Rabbit sitting our friend's rabbit. He's name is Bentley. He's so cute. I want one now.

Goodnight everybody! Sweet Dreams!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Random Thought.

I have a lot of things in my head at the moment. I want it to snow really bad.. But my momma has to work on Sunday so never mind. Shes at work tonight, tomorrow night, and Friday night. Tonight is a Law & Order: SVU night. I don't know if its a new one but I hope it is. Tomorrow is Vampire Diaries or what I like to call it a Vampire Day. I'm watching 3rd Rock FRom the Sun and Joseph Gordon-Levitt and he is cuter now than he was.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ian Somerhalder.

Ian Somerhalder is S-E-X-Y! He is my favorite Vampire ever! He's such a beast....literally. He plays Damon Salvatore and OMG would I love to be in Rose's place when they had sex. Not even kidding. I love guys that are dark haired and blue eyed. It makes them so mysterious. He could so kick Robert Pattinson ass in the Twilight movies. Actually both Ian and Paul Wesley can kick his ass. Paul is the "sweet" one on Vampire Diaries. He plays Stefan Salvatore and he's hot but Ian is gorgeous! Sorry. I have a poster on the back of my door and they both look so yummy. I think I would scream first and then die if I got to meet them. Heck the whole cast could kill me as much as I've watched it. You know when you really like a show when you start yelling at the TV when one of the characters does something very stupid. I'm going to cry this Thursday because Stefan and Katherine are going to have sex. And Tyler is going to turn into a werewolf. Aw, Tyler is cute too! I need a poster of him too! :)

Its Midnight!

Its a late night visit to my blog tonight. Tonight I'm on Twitter because around midnight facebook kind of dies down. So the only thing I have left is Twitter and my blog. I don't have anything to talk about because it is so late and my brain is gone. I am watching Jimmy Kimmel and they're making fun of Mel Gibson's new movie. Thats so funny! Ian Somerhalder is going to be on the show and I am so excited! He is SO sexy! Yummy! I love Vampire Diaries a lot. Paul Wesley is pretty cute too! But I LOVE me some bad boys. :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

High School Memories. :)

I've been out of school since May, so the last time I had "good" chocolate milk was like the last full week for the Seniors. I really wish I didn't miss high school, but I do. I don't miss it all. I miss some of it, like some of teachers and my friends. I miss having something to do, and not getting bored like I am now. I don't miss the "serioius" assignments. Especially in Government. Gosh, I hated that class, I might've gotten a good grade in there, but it wasn't one of my favorite classes. I'm not saying why what was my favorite thing in that class, cause thats me.

I don't miss Film Literature. Thats another class that I didn't like and I couldn't get out of. I had to hsve my schedule changed twice. Damn, Sports Literture. Thank god, I got of that class though. I love how myself knows when I don't belong somewhere. Because that was defintely a class where I knew I didn't belong in. Too many altheltes in there. This is how sad I got about it, I couldn't even figure out how to write a summary about this article on a game or something. I think that's when I told myself "if you don't know the plays of basketball or football then you don't belong in there." I almost cried in there because I felt so dumb being in there where ALL of the other students had been sports before. I never have, and Powder Puff Football doesn't count. That's just what I think.

I loved seeing my sister and her friends at lunch. I sat with her ex-boyfriend Trevor and his friends most of the first semester at lunch. Sometimes I would sit with Em and her friends, I remember when I was freshman but I don't remember being a crazy kid like her at lunch. But my freshman year was a trip in general. I miss being in Choir with Darcie, Jessi, and Natalie. I miss our CRAZY conversations. I miss my Peer Tutoring class, that was an interesting class just going in it day by day. I defintely wouldn't change it at all though. I miss Art Class ALOT! I'm getting urges to draw again, and I can't draw at the moment because I'm afraid of failing. Another class I defintely miss is Creative Writing with Mr. Stuckey, he made that class so fun and crazy. I actually loved when we did the Japanesse Peoms they were my favorite.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Baby Names:


Mirabelle Ruth
Kayleah Danielle
Taylor Janise
Bryna Mae


Bentley Morgan
Mason Lee
Zane Alexander
Maverick Roman

Who Knew

I've wanted it to snow since last week. Because everybody had snow just not us and what does it do? Snow on the freaking weekend where I had plans to do something with a friend. Saturday was the actual day that we had planned this. We planned to go to Evansville and go to the mall and after that go to the movies and see Burlesque. Well my friend kept giving me different times to pick from for the movies and snow started coming our way on the Radar. So my mom just decides that she wasn't going to let me go.

So instead she said today we were going to go to the movies in Jasper. Well we ended up going over to my nanas AGAIN and had Tacos for lunch. Ugh! I wasnt happy because I knew my friend wasn't going to text me saying she was free this afternoon. Everybody pissed me off one way or another. Whether they didn't mean to or not, I'm just not all the way here and I'm not the best person to get mad at anyone.

I'm stuck at home. Its snowing, football game is on, my dads drunk off his high horse, my moms doing lundry, Emily had her boyfriend over at my nanas, and I feel like I could kill someone. I am just anixous. I feel like I could seriously have a panic attack or something like that. Nothing goes right anymore. Music never seems to help anymore. I have so much anger in me. One of these days I'm going to yell at someone and they probably didn't piss me off. That's my luck at the moment.

I can't cry because my dad can't stand seeing me cry. I quit school because I couldn't handle the damn pressure. I can't trust men. I can't trust anyone pretty much, but I talk to everyone about my problems. My very own Nana is driving me nuts. Sometimes her opinions get on my nerves sorry but they do. I want to draw so bad, but everybody has to lift me back on my bed. I hate myself. I'm insecure of what I look like. I hate snow, sleet, rain. Anything that covers a hole. I'm not blaming anyone for my problems either, just me. I hate blaming everyone for everything when its my life. I can't even a smart choice. I have so much wrong with me that I can't think anymore. I'm just depressed right now. It sucks so much. :(

Friday, December 3, 2010

Back To December! :-)

Its December, which is the last month of the year 2010, Christmas- day of birth of Jesus, and New Years Day. Its one of those months where if you live in Southern Indiana, you kinda hope it snows on Christmas like it does everywhere else. The past three years there hasn't been any snow for Christmas. It never feels like Christmas without SOME snow on Christmas morning. Oh, just thought of another thing this month is thought of; its the end of first last semester of the seniors in high school. It gets better after this month is over.
This little picture is of Dill Pickles. He's the youngest baby of the show Rugrats. I love Rugrats! It will always be my favorite show ever! Hopefully my kids will be able to watch them and get excited about learning about different things.
My favorite character on the show was Tommy. Everybody use to think I kind of acted like Angelica when I was younger. When I turned 10, yes I can admit I was a brat and I acted out in some ways. But I wasn't as bad as her. Anyhoo, Dill just looked adorable in this picture. Its my facebook profile picture for Child Abuse. Chang your facebook default picture of your favorite cartoon from you childhood for Child Abuse. Keep it there til Monday (December 6th).

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Feeling Of Wanting To Settle Down.

I've had these feelings. It may be my hormones and it may be because I'm lonely and I'm looking for love. At this point it could be both of these if you want to get technical about it. I've wanted to have kids since I was 13 years old, but was smart in waiting well because I don't have a choice really.

I've been single for 4 years. Next Valentine's Day will be my 5th Valentine's Day alone. I hate that damn holiday. I've had two boyfriend both in middle school. None in high school. Never got to experiance the best years of my life. Was stuck at home most of the time.

So now that I'm out of school all together. I'm getting lonely and actually wanting to find a boyfriend. My sister has had more boyfriends than me. I've only had one guy kiss me and I was 7 years old. I don't know what "wanting to settle down" feels like but I think I can tell. I just feeling like love isn't in the air for me.

NASA Finds...

Well did you hear the new lately? If you haven't sorry to burst your bubble but there are little green men on the other planets. Anybody seen the commerical for the TV show "V" anybody wanna ask that happens to us. Heck, maybe we'll get lucky and our life will turn into a "Transformers" movie. I'd go for that. Especially my wheelchair.

If Aliens were like robots I think people would be fine, but little green men? I don't know about that. I'd be scared of my life. I hated the Scooby-Doo movie about Aliens. It was even in cartoon form and it still scared the hell out of me. Everybody said they weren't real. Now what are we suppose to think?

Since our Government thinks its okay to keep things away from the general public for a few decades. Tells the people WHO have found things like ships or little green men that they're seeing things. When people tape things moving in the sky and say its an Air Force or Milltary air craft now they know the truth now. Can you sue the Government? Just wondering.

Thanks for scaring all the little kids that are probably mad at their parents for lying to them about it. There goes some sleepless nights for you. Thanks to our government they threaten everybody that found any of the Aliens ships or themselves that it wasn't an Alien thing. I bet that little town in what Texas or New Mexico feels a little bit better now.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Twitter & Facebook.

I have had my Twitter account for over a year now, my first follower was someone that I went to school with. The first few people that I started to follow was Oprah, Denise Richards, and Jenny McCarthy. I knew what Twitter was but not as much as I thought did was true. To be honest, I thought it was like Facebook. I was wrong. All you do on Twitter is update what your doing and if you have friends on your "Following or Follower" list then you kind of talk to them. Just with a 140 characters. If your like me, you have to spell out the whole word and doesn't use the shortcut. I'm surprised I kind of use shortcuts on some words when I text, because normally I don't.

My "following" list has over 100 people that I am actually following myself. Only a hand full is actually people that I really do know that I'm following. As for people that are following me, I have 60 people/websites/junk following me. It doesn't bother me who actually follows me. What bothers me is how many people I am following. I have over a 100 people and they're mostly celebrities. I have two news Twitter friends. NEWS25 and E! News. I'm following my favorite people, like Linkin Park, Britney Spears, Hayley Williams, Paramore, Lady Gaga, to just to name a few for you.

I have problem with Twitter, which you can say "maybe they should've kept their privacy to themselves." Excuse me, its either putting it on Twitter or one of the other news will find it. Which would you like? People are going to judge you whether or not you post sh*t or not. That's how drama gets started anyways, whether you post it on Facebook or Twitter. Everytime I try to speak my mind its like its World War III. Everybody wants to know. Everybody wants to know. Who cares what other people think. Let them think what they want to think. It's your life, you have the right to speak your mind. If they have the guts to say it to your face thats one thing, but like posting it to you on their status. They're dumb. Like I said, that's how drama gets started.

So to be fairly honest, I hate Twitter and Facebook for the reason anything anybody says drama gets started. Myspace is lame, but for some reason I still use it and sometimes its a relief I still do because hardly anybody gets on there and says something. People will take a survey or two and leave. That's all. Myself on the other hand, I update my statuses by using Twitter and change my background every over month and I add music to my playlist. Its a relief to me. Oh, and I no longer have crazy people trying to add me anymore which is also good too.


Monday, November 8, 2010

EMAs 2010!

Last night the EMAs (European Music Awards) were on MTV 2. I was up until Linkin Park performed. Then I ademptted to go to bed. That didn't work so well. I am very happy that they won for Best Live Act. I was even surprised that my nana watched it last night. She said it was cool. She still thinks Mike was cute. He's not cute, he's a stud muffin! :) She even liked Bon Jovi pertformance apparently. That'll be another favorite band she'll like now. Oh well, they're good too! I was also happy that Kesha and Paramore won their awards too!

The Obivous.

Well, the first thing I have to say is "Holy Crap! They're hot!" There we go, now I feel better. The sad part about the is picture is that the tallest person is in the back and apparently Chester is the shortest since he's in the front. Awh, :) I just LOVE this picture a lot. They all look so serious. They all look different compared to the Hybraid Theory pictures, but of course they were younger then. They're not that old. They're in 30s but who cares they're hot! I tried to set this picture as my desktop background but their heads got cut off except for Chester's. His was the only face you could see. This is like the 5th picture of them that I have saved on my laptop. And this was the only damn picture that didn't want to fit. So I found four more. But do you hear me complaining? You shouldn't at least. Because now this picture has a place to go now.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

November & The #7.

Its November and the first week of this month. Eh, it was okay. My calender hasn't been changed it and it really needs to be. I hope the rest of the month gets better because this whole week has been nothing but drama, drama, drama. I hate it when my family just loses their minds and makes everyone get involved even when some of us don't want to be.

My birthday was Monday, and it was one heck of a slow, boring day. My parents slept pretty much the whole afternoon which sucked. My mom and dad got Mexican food, Skittles, The first season of Vampire Diaries, and an iTunes card. That didn't want to work worth a shit. In all it was a relaxing day for me kind of. My nana gave me $50 and my Uncle Russell gave me $100 gift card.

I have such a wonderful life. My cousin Chris and his wife Amber came down for the weekend with Dalas and Lynn. Saturday started out as a good day. My mom dyed my hair, Kristi's and Emily's hair. My mom got it darker, brown. Kristi and I got ours kind of a copper red and Em got hers a darker brown/blonde. Kristi later got hers darker last night with Amber. So me and Em are dying ours again next weekend. I'm happy.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

HaPpY HaLlOwEeN!!!

Technically its not Halloween, but people are taking their kids out tonight instead of tomorrow night. Which I think is stupid because of two reasons, because Halloween lands on a Sunday and the second Sunday Night Foiotball. I think my hometown has lost their freaking minds but thats my opinion. But anyways, me, my sister and cousin Kristi went out today and we brought her new puppy Max and which was a big success! We got alot of candy but we had to divide it up for 3 people. So my share is smaller now. Oh well. At least I didn't act like a witch. Lol. So anywho this is my halloween costume. I was an Punk Ballerina. I even had red hair coloring in my hair. I got really into it. Now I want the pernmant stuff now!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Last Week Of October.

Just thought I'd say I have four days until my 19th birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm excited for Sunday, me, my sister Emily, our friends Jayde and Jace are going trick or treating at the nursing home. I hope the old men behave themselves around my sister. She's gotta thing for the old men. She even calls our papaw Precious. He thinks she's funny.

I'm craving some sweets! We have Dum-Dum suckers in the house and if we have trick or treating they best be hoping I'm not at home. Cuz I'm the sucker queen. If your costume ain't scary, cute, or original your not getting any Dum-Dums. Just kidding! I love kids costumes. They're always original. Not as scary as the adults. I can't stand scary costumes.

Saw 3D is coming out this weekend. Yay! No more previews of it on my TV. I am not going to see it. Your gonna have to kill me first to make me see it. Its in 3D which is a big factor of why I won't see it. Another reason is because its a "Saw" movie. Two things: Blood and clowns. That is all you have to say to make me scream.

I know Chester Benington is gonna be in it, and my luck he'd get killed first. No use in going now isn't there? Now there's a Dead By Sunrise song in the movie and Chester has his shirt off. Thats still not getting me to go. If you look hard enough on YouTube I'm sure there's a video of that has the same song that is in the movie and with his shirt off. Just saying. That works too. Don't make me or yourself go to a movie that you know won't like when you have YouTube for a lifesaver.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My 100th Blog Post!

Since this is my 100th blog post I thought I'd change it up a bit. In my past blog posts I have posts about baby names, school related stuff, songs, and Linkin Park. Well since this is my 100th post. Lets keep the guy part but lose everything else.

On that note, as you can see I have a Mike: The Situation and Pauly D from Jersey Shore. They are freaking HOT! The only reason why I didn't watch the show before was because of Snooki. I still don't like her really. But I hate Angelina more than Snooki.

Anyways, The Situation and Pauly D are freaking cute. Mike is just obivous why I think he's cute. Pauly D is cute of his tattoos. I love their faces their so cute! I go for the face before anything else. Thank god, they would never come in Southern Indiana, we already have enough players here we don't need two more.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Red High Heels. ♥

Well I'm up to my old ways again. Thinking about funny things about my life. My snappy comebacks keep getting better and better as the years go on. Thanks to my crazy family. And I like to watch Family Guy, Jeff Dunham, and The Blue Collar Comedy Tour. So I don't think that helps either.

I think my butt grew over night. Not even kidding. I have this seat cousion on the floor (another one of my dads successful ideas) and my right butt cheek is almost sitting on the hard floor. Even with carpet on it, its still hard as a rock. It sucks! This started as a conversation starter on my facebook now its making me think. I knew my butt was butt I just didnt know it was that big. Big butt girls rule! :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I Gotta Feeling. ♥

I'm in one of my moods again. Where I want to cry and be sad all day. Well thats not gonna happen today. I'm also feeling pretty random too. One minute I'm listening to Linkin Park the next like now The Wreckers. I feel like singing! But I can't because someone has to work tonight. I'd still do it if I had the guts, but I don't.

If your a friend on my facebook you've probably read my status. The one that says, "
you know how every woman says 'walking in high heels hurts?' Or something like that? I would kill just to walk in them and I'll trade off my wheelchair to you." Yeah, that one. As you know I'm in a wheelchair (if you didn't know you need to catch up) anyways, everytime I went to a dance or heck prom I wanted to wear high heels.

Yeah, I'm pretty weird. I like going into stores and looking at shoes. The only time I wear shoes is in the Winter. I only wear sneakers. I love Nike and DC shoes. I just like anything with personality. But I've never woren high heels. Everybody says high heels suck and especially to walk in. Well I want to trade. Because I've been dying to buy purple high heels. Sometimes I just want to put them on my dresser and just stare at them and say, "I wish."

You know how when you eat alot of ice cream and get a "brain freeze?" Of course you have. Well I got a good one for you. I don't get those. Since I have metal in my back from surgery 8 years ago I get back freezes. Not joking either. My whole back get tense and by my shoulder blades up to my neck hurts like hell.

I kind of wish we bleed our favorite colors. Thats a random thought. I just came up with that one. Since my favorite color is Purple my blood should be that color not Red. Now for the people who have more than one color they like. You could have you (Red) blood cells be one color and your (White) blood cells be another.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

RiP Teen Pop.

Yesterday, was a sad day for me. It was the one year ago that I actually didn't want the Backstreet Boys CD. How sad? If it didn't suck after the first single came out they might've had a chance. Instead they killed their chances. I was more concerned for the CD that was going to come out the Tuesday after. Thank god for Dead By Sunrise.

I was even listening to "Larger Than Life" a little bit ago. And I didn't even want to listen to it. The lyrics came flying out of my mouth and I couldn't help myself. My toes were even tapping away to the melody but I didn't feel happy while listening. I guess I'm one of those fans that was disappointed in their favorite band. I have grown up since then I like rock now. Surpringly, it makes me happy. I know weird.

Its officially time to say goodbye to Teen Pop. Like Disco it died too young. The 90s are no longer here anymore. People change. They grow up and want something more. Sometimes the old stuff can't always be a safe place. Its something that after awhile or if your really depressed it can make you happy, but not always. Music changes. Sometimes thats a good thing. Not a bad.

Bye bye.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dear Anyone Who Is Wiling to Hear. ♥

Your heart was willing to forget.
The feelings you kept inside.
Silent people stand around you.
Making you remember every mistake you made.
Making you cry for every little thing you did.
Your no longer dreaming.
Your screaming.

To anyone who is willing to hear.
The words just flowed out of your mouth.
You didn't keep anything hidden.
So I thought to keep you in my prayers.
Hoping you'd smile and laught again.
To anyone who is willing to hear.

You feel like dying.
The thoughts arrive.
Your feelings leave you behind.
Good memories are gone.
People are staring at you.
They're no longer talking to you.
And as your trying to figure out what you did.
Your screaming for sound.

To anyone who is willing to hear.
The words just flowed out of your mouth.
You didn't keep anything hidden.
So I thought to keep you in my prayers.
Hoping you'd smile and laught again.
To anyone who is willing to hear.

Your stuck in a corner.
By yourself.
Everything you ever wanted left.
Nothing but a scar.
Dear anyone who is willing hear.
To hear me cry.
To hear me lie.
To hear me say bye.

To anyone who is willing to hear.
The words just flowed out of your mouth.
You didn't keep anything hidden.
So I thought to keep you in my prayers.
Hoping you'd smile and laught again.
To anyone who is willing to hear.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Music Turned Me. Rock Edition.

This is the third and final music edition blog post. Its the rock edition. My favorite type of music. Here's my favorite bands, as of now of course. Linkin Park, Skillet, Flyleaf, Breaking Benjamin, In This Moment, Paramore, We Are The Fallen, Lacuna Coil, and Three Days Grace. To be honest every one of these bands, I hated at first. A few years I wasn't even a rock fan at all. All of my friends were, but me.

When I was in middle school everybody loved AC/DC. The adults would be so surprised when everyone would request the older rock n roll songs at dances. Anyways, in 2004 I was interested in Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, Evanescene, and Avril Laivgne. Avril was actually my first punk/rock singer. She's still good, I like her a lot. Good Charlotte has came back and they still got it. We haven't heard anything about Simple Plan in a few years, what happened to them?

Music Turned Me. Rap Edition.

Music turned me. It's probably turned you too. But this is the rap edition. Since we're talking about rappers, I might go for it and say whats on my mind about rap music. This might offend you, so brace yourself because I'm not holding anything back.

Lets start off with something kind of interesting and yet, hilarious at the same time. Does anyone remember when Snoop Dogg went country? I do!! It was hilarious! I can't stand when rappers try and do country songs. What the hell? I mean seriously, are you that bored or in this case too high to think straight anymore? Anything but country! Snoop dogg went for it and failed miserablely.

Rap started in the 80s. It started with Run-DMC and Russel Simmons. How do I know this? Rap music was my school project in my computer class in middle school. The 80s started out with LL Cool J, Sal-N-Pepa & Cypress Hill. Just to name a few. Bad then they're music was about drugs and women. Kind of like now, but violence and graphic language were two of the biggest drawbacks of rap. Since about half of the rappers sold drugs during the day, and then at night they did whatever they had to.

One thing about rappers that I hate the most is that they degrade women, but women aren't making it any better because they get money afterwords. Some on tour with the rappers and degrade themselves even more. I don't understand why they would do that. Even if some of the women had children I still wouldn't do that. Your not helping your child out by leaving them with grandparents and making a fool out of yourself. That's how you can get more kids and no daddys to help you out. Because you become a whore for a night or a month.

Music Turned Me. Pop Edition.

Music turns alot of heads. Especially, musicians that change their music type. Some start in one type of genre and sometime after their second blows up they change everything up. Usually its just a one time deal. Like if a musician/singer/band does a Christmas album, that's a usually a one time deal and you automatically know what month its going to come out.

Some artists are not just a "one time" deal. They go all out just to change what people have heard or what they heard the artist play before. Stephen Jerzak is one example, my sister likes him a lot. She's use to his Acoustic songs then his other songs. When an artist changes from one type sometimes they lose fans. Because the fans were used to one way, they usually hate the change.

What made me think of this I was listening to the Backstreet Boys for the first time in a month. I know how sad, especially when they were my first band, CD, and the only reason to get my first stereo. That was a long time ago. I will always like them, don't get me wrong, but has anyone listened to their last two albums? "Unbreakable" was in 2004, I liked the singles but the album sucked. Then last October they're "This Is Us" like I said I liked the first single but that was it. And they posted on their Twitter they're recording a new album, I'm screwed.

Anyways, you remember the "old" Backstreet Boys songs? Loveable right? Tell me what the hell happened? I know artists want to change, but man! That's a pretty big jump. Teen pop in the 90s to a little bit more Pop/R&B in 2004. Some of the songs were like their stuff but we've all grown up, they should too. When N'Sync broke up Justin Timberlake went from boy band teen pop to pop/hip hop. Nobody's complained about him because it was like the other guys of N'Sync were his back up singers. JC was the second singer in N'Sync but when he went out on his own nobody cared.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Well if you have me as a friend on Facebook or is following me on Twitter. You should already know that I have 81 songs on my computer. That's a lot of freaking songs that I've written in the last 3 years. I didn't know that I could write so much. I should just put them in one big folder on the computer, but that's a lot harder than just printing them out.

I have most of them printed out. But all the ones in the first folder probably haven't been looked at since I wrote them. I write one and them I'll leave them alone or they'll be fixed again and again. And I hate fixing something that usually doesn't need to be fixed. There's a lot of them that were just drafts in my notebook and I typed them on here. They were the lucky ones. Some ideas I get at night, when I can't go to sleep at night I'll think of a title/melody/chorus and the rest will just come pouring out. Since I can't write at night with a pen and a piece of paper I use my phone to save the thoughts. I have wrote 3 songs that way. Its easier that way I think.

These are the titles of my songs:

85 In A 50
A Hundred Truths (Thousand Lies)
All I Want
All-American Disabled
Age Nothing But A Number
Anything But Normal
Another Day
Another Love Like You
Black Cherries
Breathe Again
Chasing Tornadoes
Cold Feet
Crazy and Overrated
Forever Knowing
Hard To Handle
History Behind
His Eyes
I Am Alone
I'll Be Here
I'm Done With It.
Its Addicting To Know
Its A Secret Life
Just For You
Keep Up
Lady Phoenix
Let Down
Looking Out This Window
Looks Shouldn't Matter
Love Sux
Memories Are Weak
Most Wanted
Never Gonna Happen
Nobody Knows
Once Upon a Dream (Life)
One Year Ago Today
Random Song
Runaway Train
Sanity Left
Save Me
Song Of Change
Sorry For You
Standing Here
Standing Tall
Stereotype (Its My Life)
Strange Love
Stop Staring At Me
Tears Of Despair
Tease Me
Telling Stories
The Day She Didn't Say
The Emotional State
The Love Of Your Life
The Music Man
The Past
The Thin Line
The Way I Loved You
Thinking To Myself Again
To U I Am
Way Of Life
What If


Friday, October 1, 2010

Its October Bitches! ♥

Its once again the funniest month of the year. At least thats what I think. Lol. I do like 4th of July but it doesn't have my birthday the holiday's over. Haha, so October is probably the second month of my favorites. November being the best ever! Duh.

You should already know November is my birthday month. If you didn't know that well now you do. So far for my birthday, I hasve no plans for that day, but that will probably change since my mom has my birthday off and Halloween! So as of now, probably going to my nana's and having a party there. Which I'm down for that anyday.

Anyways, back to October. October means two things dressing up and lots, and lots of the big C. CANDY! Yummy stuff! My sweet tooth is driving me nuts! We now have candy at the house, but I want my own. It sucks to share with my family members, no offense. :) My favorite candy are Reese's, Skittles, M&Ms, Candy Canes, Gum, Hershey dark chocolate, and Sweet Tarts.

This year for Halloween will hopefully be the best ever! Last year I had to celebrate my birthday the weekend before my actual birthday weekend because my mom had to work that weekend. But this time she doesn't so guess who's making plans for that weekend? Me bitches! I'm going trick or treating for Halloween with my sister Emily and her friends Jayde and Jace. I went Halloween costume hunting online for something cheap and different.

I found three of And I thought the little kids had the best stuff never mind, its the adults. The whole costume thing for women I mean. I found two costumes that I LOVED! One was a Bee from the Transformers movies! How ahh-mazing is it? Then I found a Vampira Bellarina costume and loved that as well since I wanted to be a Vampire anyways. It was Red and Black of course I wanted it. Then the last one. Its not as crazy as the last two. Well like, I could be allowed to leave the house if I get the last one. It was a Kitty (black cat) teen costume. It was different and cheap. $19.99.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Meghan vs. Madison. :)

Everybody thinks I am this sweet, innocent little girl. Who feels sad for everything in her life. Whose always in a depression bubble. Loves people for who they are. Loves little kids. Things like that. Well if you really knew me, I have this double side. We'll call it wild streak.

My altar ego or twin. Whatever you want to call her is my other emotional life. At first she only existed in my dreams. Because when I dream, I'm not handicapped I am just like you. I named Madison Elaine. Since my name is Meghan Elizabeth she ended up having the same initals as me. It took me a few years to figure out if I wanted to name her or not. I've always liked the name Madison so that's how that started.

Madison Elaine Workman, is the same age as me. Everything that I like she likes too, but on somethings she hates. Like kids, she thinks they're annoying. Madison is the flirt bug. She loves to flirt. She has a lot confidence that as Meghan I don't have. Madison is cocky and a little bit of a bitch. Hahaha... She really doesn't give a damn. She loves to cuss as you can tell. :) She hates people too. Well thats Madison for ya.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New State Of Mind.

I'm in this new state of mind and I absolutely love it! For some odd reason I'm starting to listen a lot more lately. I've been really cautious about people. I've actually cared more than I use to. And I have really changed my music presences. I have been going around my nana a lot more lately. Been going over there for two things to talk and vent. Sometimes even cry. I don't usually cry because I've been the "strong" one right now. Going through with school and not giving a damn about what people think of me and my degree.

I've been a good girl about adding people on myspace and facebook lately. I had one guy a couple of months ago apparently had a freaking crush on me and I didn't even know him. That's scary!! He loved how I looked and loved my feet. Sorry, but ew! Call me old-fashioned but let's go slow and let's be friends. I'm not looking for a relationship. Actually I haven't really looked for one since I was in middle school if that tells you anything.


I Remember.

I remember my senior year very well, because it was just last year that I was a senior in high school. Getting ready to have fun at the Powder Puff Football game. My team had high expectations because we had won the last two years and we really wanted to win again. I had made a goal that I wanted to play more than once this time. Since we played against two teams (then Freshmens & Juniors) and I don't remember what offense I was because I still don't know how football goes.

Tonight I am going to watch. I don't know who I hope will win just yet. But I do hope nothing gets hurt and I kinda wish Emily could have played but with her back she wouldn't been able to. Hopefully she can play next year, or maybe her senior year. She better play her senior year. Its a lot of fun. Its the only "sport" that I played.

Friday night is Homecoming night. Why do they do exciting things after I graduate? Really? Its not fair, but I don't like the rules of Spirit week anymore. Its gotten stupid. So I don't care. But they're having a Homecoming Parade for all sports and clubs. They didn't have that!! I would have loved to walk in a parade. :)

Good luck!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Never Mix Your Parents With Whatever You Listen To.

Never mix your parents, hell anybody that you live with that isn't the same age as you with whatever you listen to. Because it just might come back to haunt you. If people have heard it one way that don't want to hear it in another. Trust me, both my mom and nana have decided to be this way. Here's what I mean..

My mom and sister Emily, we were watching American Idol season 9 from start to finish with my now-71 year old grandmother tagging right along. Calling after every commerical just to see what they thought about the performance. If your not a friend or a family member of me than you don't know who I'm talking about, but you will. Everybody thought he was going to win it but ended up losing to Kris Allen. Yes, I am talkin about Adam Lambert. My nana is OBSESSED with him. She has a scarpbook of everything that's American Idol related of him, and just other things that people send the woman.

Well, at the beginning of the month she went to his concert in Evansville, and loved it but one little problem was there. Apparently she couldn't see him much and he changed how most of the songs origninally sounds on the CD. She's seen the Unplugged esposide too, and she still didn't like how they were different. She even got herself a mini laptop and I had to create her a Twitter. Poor Adam, everybody that is related to my nana feels bad for you to have her as a fan. Nana, if your reading this don't kill me, but like you said write about it and you'll better. I feel better now! :)

Alright now its the fun part. My mom and dad started all this so its only fair to blame the both of them for this one. In 2005 or 04 I don't remember. My dad loved the song "Numb/Encore" because it was always on the radio then. So my mom got him the CD for Christmas. Thing was he only liked one song and there were five other songs that he didn't want to listen to. So me and my mom listened to them. My mom loves "Jigga What/Faint" ALOT. Which got me into them. The rest is history for me. My mom however, the only way you can describe my mom right now is a Linkin Park oldy critic. Thats what I call all the ones that say Linkin Park's new stuff sucks. The new stuff sounds good. It does not suck at all. :P .

There is a good thing to this story. I got my nana into Linkin Park. All three of us think Mike Shinoda is a stud muffin. Lol. Nana kinda likes Chester which is interesting because she doesn't like it when he screams. Poor guy! She almost knows every guys name and what they look like. She even watched Sunday nights VMAs if that makes it better for you. She's actually excited to listen to the new ablum, but not as excited as I am.


Monday, September 13, 2010

VMA Night.

So okay, last night was the VMAs (Video Music Awards) where all musicians come together for the final award show of the year. So they have to go out with a bang. It has had so many commericals about it for the last couple of weeks about it that if you missed it you would be sorry. Well here's a side note. For the one's that didn't watch it... You didn't miss much.

Different artists were nominated like, B.o.B & Hayley Williams, Paramore, MGMNT, 30 Seconds to Mars, Florence, Justin Bieber, Usher, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Eminem, just to name a few. And of course, the ones that won the most were the ones that everybody knew. Lady Gaga, Justen Beiber, and Eminem. Lady Gaga won for Best Video of the Year, Justin Beiber won Best New Artist, and Eminem won for best Rap Video. Duh! Heck, I ever knew they were. That wasn't a surprise at all.

In the past VMAs there has been a lot of singers lip-syncing. For example, Britney Spear's performace for "I'm a Slave For You" in 2003 there was no doubt she was lip-syncing. Dance, walking around and a mircophone by your mouth. You are flipping lip-syncing! Sorry Britney, I love you but you lip-sync your performances. Nicki Minaj defintely lip-synced during the pre-show. Justin Beiber sounded like his was lip-synced. You couldn't tell because all the girls were screaming the lungs off. Usher's a professional, your lucky if you can tell if he made a mistake of not.

The drama over what happened at last year's VMAs between Kanye West and Taylor Swift is getting more annoying than ever. Especially that's all everybody wanted to talk about. Everybody was worried about what would happen between the two of them. When Taylor Swift performed her VMA song, it was classy and sounded sincere. It was defintely for Kanye West but it could have been written for someone else too. I didn't watch Kanye West's performance because I knew who it was for and all that jazz. Maybe the 2011 VMAs will be a nondrama fulled awards. Doubt it!

And last but not least. Linkin Park's performance. Two words: Freaking Cool. Does anybody think the place that they performed at look a lot like the animated place of the music video "In The End" or was it just me? They really outdid themselves. Really cool thing that I loved about their performance was that five out of six guys had microphones and sang with Mike and Chester. That's different, but in a good way. I love Linkin Park lots, but I hated waiting til the end of the freaking awards just watch them. That part sucked!

Throughout everything that happened, it was an okay awards ceremony. It wasn't good ceremony but it wasn't a bad one either. I hope I didn't offend anybody but this is MY opinion about the whole thing. So if you read it and hated my sayings get off my post and read another one. Congrats to everyone on your nominations/wins/performances. It was a beautiful night. Thanks for the rush of a lifetime. =)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

August 2010. :)

Its August people!
August 2010.
I'm going to register for school on the 19th.
New Student Orientation is the 20th.
I'm excited to be a student at Vincennes University.
And start something new.
I'm still going with Audio Recordings with my major.
I don't intend on giving up on it unless I just hate it.
I just hope my other half doesnt let me do anything stupid.
She is part of me.
She knows how to put thoughts in my head.
Who knows. Lol.

Summer Is Ending. =[

Well I'm not a student at Pike Central anymore. It all kind of hit me the other day. This summer was better than expected. I never expected a summer like this before. This summer has had its ups and downs. I've been depressed. Time was never on my side. I had family get togethers every Saturday. Went up to Fort Wayne, IN for a weekend for my aunt's wedding, I also had a few girl nights out too, and I went to the Pike Co. 4H fair this year and went to my first and probably last country concert ever.

I realized a lot during this summer. I realized that I haven't fully accepted myself all the way like I thought I had. Everything is getting better there. I let a wall down and talked to someone half my age and got a friendship out of it. The people that I thought were my friends at the beginning of my high school years are not my friends and I am completely fine with it. I got all the friends I need. Besides at college I'll gain some more anyways too.

The one bad part about this summer was when I was around my family I was depressed. I was depressed for 8 days. They were the worst days ever!! Nothing would help me. I hate when depression just takes over like it did. My family and friends couldn't help me out of it. I was even at my cousin's house and spent the night over and I was really depressed and all I could do was think about college and what people thought about what I needed to do with MY college degree. It just got to me and it was the only way for me to handle it. Then my heart found its strength again. Linkin Park announced when they're new album was coming out and new single too. Then an hour later I found out there is going to be a Fast & Furious 5. That just made it better!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Finally A Graduate.

Yes, its official! I am a Graduate from high school. On my way to going onto college in August. I am going to Vincennes University and majoring in Audio Recordings. I love music and I would love to produce it. Hopefully people take me seriously with this, because I know what everybody is thinking. "How can she do this?" Well thanks for that question. My answer is this: I can have my seatbelt taking off of me and if somebody is willing to help me then it can be done.

Hopefully my songwriting gets better. I wrote a song called, "Used Paper" two weeks ago during my fourth period final. Since I had an "A" in that class I got out of taking that final. The song is about me being a used piece of paper being ripped about from the metal wires. It could a graduation song, if you look at it.

I will be posting some pictures soon of the past couple of weeks.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Mike Shinoda Pictures, Images and Photos

You know if you have that one person that just inspires you and you want to be the best like that person? Well this is what Mike Shinoda is to me. Yeah, I'm probably crazy but everybody has some kind of role model and inspiration somewhere. Surprisingly, I liked Fort Minor before Linkin Park since I was into Rap before Rock.

I was watching "Charmed" on TNT and the commerical for the All-Stars came on and I was hooked. If a song has some kind of classical intersuments in the background I'm going to like it. Then I got into Linkin Park but this was 3 years after I got intoduced to Fort Minor. I heard the Jay-Z/Linkin Park songs first. My dad was a fan of "Numb/Encore" and my mom was into "Jigga What/Faint." Since then I've lost it. My parents still listen to Linkin Park. My sister could care less, but she's sang the words to "Leave Out All The Rest" so she can't say shit.

Mike is an artist, and not just the musical defination either. He went to Arts school and he is really good. Last August, I really wanted to trade my King Tut for a plane ticket just to see his art show. That same month I wanted to do something that would prove not only me but other people wrong. I wanted to take Drawing for my last year, but I hadn't passed my ISTEP yet so I would get to take the class 2nd Semester. I didn't want to wait but I certainly didn't want to start this idea on my own without being an a class. I had the picture I wanted but never used it. Once December rolled in, I began my search for pictures of the guys of Linkin Park. I had the confidence to do this, so really he was the reason to do this.

The first day of 2nd Semester of my last year I showed my art teacher my pictures and he was surprised that I was ready to do these. He showed me how to do the grid for my portraits. Joe was first and Rob's was last. I should have left Mike's last because after I got his done I didn't have the same motivation I had for everybody else's. Chester and Rob's are a disaster, but everybody seems to like them. Mike's a Chorcoal drawing, and is actually my favorite. He's my inspiration to kick some ass in the future. How many people get the chance that they got drawed by a person who does everything with their feet? Not many trust me. I hope to go to one of his Art Shows later on. That would be really cool.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Greyson Michael Chance Performs 'Paparazzi' by Lady Gaga On The Ellen De...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Purple Eyes! :)

These are my purple eyes that I drawed in my Drawing class. Hopefully this will be in the Art Show, but you never know. This is one of the ones that I love. My dad is finishing putting the frame on it, so it looks prudy. The original picture I actually posted earlier on the "Art Show" post a couple of weeks back and this was the end result of that. The iris were suppose to be baby blue but purple makes the eyes more mysterious to me. I actually named this drawing "Legacy" Because I'm leaving high school this year and this picture is sort of like me leaving and looking back with another outlook on life. That's why I changed the iris. My iris are brown and I'd changed mine into purple if I had enough guts to do it. :)


Wheelie... my favorite little evil character on Transformers 2: Revenge of The Fallen. Yeah, I know I'm obsessed, but I don't care. He was the funniest thing on the movie well besides the twins. I like the scene were they're at checkpoint between Egypt and Jordan and Wheelie is between Simmons and Sam and the guard comes walking down from the post and Wheelie goes, "Oh great, its a fricking munchkin! Short people are mean, tell them he's tall." Instantly I laughed my butt off. Cause he has a point. Short people are mean, but we have to be. I really hope his in the third movie because after they get to Egypt its like he disappears and I got depressed at the end, but then "New Divide" came on and I was back to my normal self again. =)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Halfway Gone -- Lifehouse.

You were always hard to hold
So letting go ain't easy
I'm hanging on but growing cold
While my mind is leaving

Talk, talk is cheap
Give me a word you can keep
Cause you're halfway gone and I'm on my way
And I'm feelin, feelin feelin this way
Cause I'm halfway in but don't take too long
Cause I'm halfway gone, I'm halfway gone

You got one foot out the door
And choking on the other
Always think there's something more
It's just around the corner

Talk, talk is cheap
Give me a word you can keep
Cause I'm halfway gone and I'm on my way
And I'm feelin, feelin feelin this way
Cause you're halfway in but don't take too long
Cause I'm halfway gone, I'm halfway gone

If you want me out, then I'm on my way
And I'm feelin, feelin feelin this way
Cause you're halfway in, but don't take too long
Cause I'm halfway gone, I'm halfway gone
I'm halfway gone, I'm halfway gone
Now I'm halfway gone, I'm halfway gone

Don't take too long, don't take too long
Cause I'm on my way
If you take too long
Cause I'm halfway gone and I'm on way
And I'm feelin, feelin I'm feelin this way
Cause you're halfway in but don't take too long
Cause I'm halfway gone, I'm halfway gone

If you want me out, then I'm on my way
And I'm feelin, feelin feelin this way
Cause you're halfway in, but don't take too long
Cause I'm halfway gone, I'm halfway gone
Cause I'm halfway gone, and I'm halfway gone
Cause I'm halfway gone, yeah I'm halfway gone

Monday, May 3, 2010


I love the Lion King.
We are tie-dying T-Shirts in my first period class this week.
We're suppose to decreate the door.
I have 3 weeks left.
Which is 17 days.
I hope tomorrow we have another two hour delay like we today.
I'm suppose to bring in my Art Projects.
I'm ready for Red Lobster w/ my family.
I'm ready for graduation parties, especially mine.
I think thats about it.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

All Six. :)

Now I have proof on here, facebook, myspace, and twitter. Well I've only posted 3 of the 6 on my twitter. :( It takes to long to post them just my phone to TwitPic so you've got to give me some credit that I finally posted pictures on here as well. :) Alright, I'll put what media they are in and the guys names... but thats it.

1.) This is in Pen and it's Phenoix (bass guitar player) of Linkin Park.

2.) This is Joe Hahn and he is the DJ of Linkin Park. This is also in Inkwash (pretty much ink from a pen and water).

3.) Okay, this is two in one picture because it was too far away I guess to get individual pictures. Anyways, first is Brad Delson, he is the main guitar player in Linkin Park and his is in Pencil. Then Rob Bourdon is in Pastele and he is the very hot drummer in Linkin Park.

4.) This is Mike Shinoda, his is in Charcoal. It was the first one I did in Charcoal. If your wondering what's around the frame. That's barb wire. Mike is the MC/piano player/guitar player in Linkin Park.

5.) This is my second Charcoal drawing and its of Chester Bennington. He is the singer of Linkin Park & Dead By Sunrise.

PS: My dad did my frames for me. I have my "Musical Collage" in my room and it will not be framed because of the size of it. I also have another picture that I am working on and its those eyes from my last post, but the iris will be purple instead baby blue. And I might do a flower for myself at the end of next week. :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Art Show.

I will be so happy when I get these
protraits done. Everybody's driving me crazy about my frames and I really don't think I will get them done, but I also have like a few weeks left too, so I think I'll be okay. I think everyone should come to it. It's May 18th in the middle school art room. It's going to be sweet! Mine are of these guys of course. Just to let people know, it was a challenge for me to get through them all. Trust me after my forth one I almost gave up. :( Let me say in order of what media I draw them in. Inkwash, Pen, Pencil, Charcoal, Charcoal again, and Pastal. (I don't think that last word is spelled right) Anyways, it was fun, but hard too.

This is sort of like the next picture I'll draw out. I actually might do this one instead, but the other one is done in Inkwash. And this picture has blue eyes and the other one had black eyes. I donk't know I like them both. I just might do both. :)