Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve!

Merry Christmas Eve everybody! Since my cousin came over last night we didn't decide to turn off our laptops til possibly 3am and then we finally turned off the light. Unfortuately I didn't go to sleep til 5pm. Kristi passed out earlier than I did... Well if you really want to get technical about it Emily went to bed earlier than any of us!

She burned me a CD for me and she has the SAW theme song on her laptop and it didnt go on the CD. WTF? Instead of that song, I ended gaining a song I already had. Get Silly. That song is sooo old. We heard about 3 Backstreet Boys songs last night and jammed and sang with them. Gosh, what little girls we are! Speaking of the devil, we're listening to them at the moment too! She probably hasn't noticed that this is one of their newer stuff.

Tomorrow morning, somebody will be waking my butt at the butt crack of dawn to open presents. My family is crazy! We try to beat each other at my nana's house. Its interesting because we do this every year and it never gets old. The bragging rights only last a few weeks but its fun to do. We're a funny bunch so it never gets old.