Monday, December 27, 2010

I Hate Boys!

So if your friends with me on facebook, you're probably wondering what my status is about. Well, lets just say I don't miss high school all that much anymore. Everybody thinks girls are drama queens just wait and see because apparently they're guys that act like that too. And he just got his dumb ass deleted off my facebook page. Even though I should have deleted his ass long time ago but I didn't because I didn't want to believe that you'd treat me like shit too. So you are GONE!

Why is it that people think that just because somebody like me (that is out of high school) needs to keep my mouth shut? Apparently this stupid dirtbag does! Actually he said it to my cousin but she sent it to me because I was curious. Nobody messes with me or anybody close to me. Do not even go there with me! You will the first person I'd yell at. I have no problem with making you look like a fool. Trust me.

Nobody tells me what to do unless you are matured or an authority. Just because we are an underclassmen from high school doesn't give you the right to tell us we need to keep our mouths shut! If you really want us to keep quiet about something you talk to us as an adult. But since you can't act like one your not gonna be taken seriously. You need to grow the fock up and get some manners. Don't come around me with that attitude I'll make ass beg for mercy!