Sunday, November 14, 2010

Twitter & Facebook.

I have had my Twitter account for over a year now, my first follower was someone that I went to school with. The first few people that I started to follow was Oprah, Denise Richards, and Jenny McCarthy. I knew what Twitter was but not as much as I thought did was true. To be honest, I thought it was like Facebook. I was wrong. All you do on Twitter is update what your doing and if you have friends on your "Following or Follower" list then you kind of talk to them. Just with a 140 characters. If your like me, you have to spell out the whole word and doesn't use the shortcut. I'm surprised I kind of use shortcuts on some words when I text, because normally I don't.

My "following" list has over 100 people that I am actually following myself. Only a hand full is actually people that I really do know that I'm following. As for people that are following me, I have 60 people/websites/junk following me. It doesn't bother me who actually follows me. What bothers me is how many people I am following. I have over a 100 people and they're mostly celebrities. I have two news Twitter friends. NEWS25 and E! News. I'm following my favorite people, like Linkin Park, Britney Spears, Hayley Williams, Paramore, Lady Gaga, to just to name a few for you.

I have problem with Twitter, which you can say "maybe they should've kept their privacy to themselves." Excuse me, its either putting it on Twitter or one of the other news will find it. Which would you like? People are going to judge you whether or not you post sh*t or not. That's how drama gets started anyways, whether you post it on Facebook or Twitter. Everytime I try to speak my mind its like its World War III. Everybody wants to know. Everybody wants to know. Who cares what other people think. Let them think what they want to think. It's your life, you have the right to speak your mind. If they have the guts to say it to your face thats one thing, but like posting it to you on their status. They're dumb. Like I said, that's how drama gets started.

So to be fairly honest, I hate Twitter and Facebook for the reason anything anybody says drama gets started. Myspace is lame, but for some reason I still use it and sometimes its a relief I still do because hardly anybody gets on there and says something. People will take a survey or two and leave. That's all. Myself on the other hand, I update my statuses by using Twitter and change my background every over month and I add music to my playlist. Its a relief to me. Oh, and I no longer have crazy people trying to add me anymore which is also good too.
