Monday, December 6, 2010

High School Memories. :)

I've been out of school since May, so the last time I had "good" chocolate milk was like the last full week for the Seniors. I really wish I didn't miss high school, but I do. I don't miss it all. I miss some of it, like some of teachers and my friends. I miss having something to do, and not getting bored like I am now. I don't miss the "serioius" assignments. Especially in Government. Gosh, I hated that class, I might've gotten a good grade in there, but it wasn't one of my favorite classes. I'm not saying why what was my favorite thing in that class, cause thats me.

I don't miss Film Literature. Thats another class that I didn't like and I couldn't get out of. I had to hsve my schedule changed twice. Damn, Sports Literture. Thank god, I got of that class though. I love how myself knows when I don't belong somewhere. Because that was defintely a class where I knew I didn't belong in. Too many altheltes in there. This is how sad I got about it, I couldn't even figure out how to write a summary about this article on a game or something. I think that's when I told myself "if you don't know the plays of basketball or football then you don't belong in there." I almost cried in there because I felt so dumb being in there where ALL of the other students had been sports before. I never have, and Powder Puff Football doesn't count. That's just what I think.

I loved seeing my sister and her friends at lunch. I sat with her ex-boyfriend Trevor and his friends most of the first semester at lunch. Sometimes I would sit with Em and her friends, I remember when I was freshman but I don't remember being a crazy kid like her at lunch. But my freshman year was a trip in general. I miss being in Choir with Darcie, Jessi, and Natalie. I miss our CRAZY conversations. I miss my Peer Tutoring class, that was an interesting class just going in it day by day. I defintely wouldn't change it at all though. I miss Art Class ALOT! I'm getting urges to draw again, and I can't draw at the moment because I'm afraid of failing. Another class I defintely miss is Creative Writing with Mr. Stuckey, he made that class so fun and crazy. I actually loved when we did the Japanesse Peoms they were my favorite.