Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I Gotta Feeling. ♥

I'm in one of my moods again. Where I want to cry and be sad all day. Well thats not gonna happen today. I'm also feeling pretty random too. One minute I'm listening to Linkin Park the next like now The Wreckers. I feel like singing! But I can't because someone has to work tonight. I'd still do it if I had the guts, but I don't.

If your a friend on my facebook you've probably read my status. The one that says, "
you know how every woman says 'walking in high heels hurts?' Or something like that? I would kill just to walk in them and I'll trade off my wheelchair to you." Yeah, that one. As you know I'm in a wheelchair (if you didn't know you need to catch up) anyways, everytime I went to a dance or heck prom I wanted to wear high heels.

Yeah, I'm pretty weird. I like going into stores and looking at shoes. The only time I wear shoes is in the Winter. I only wear sneakers. I love Nike and DC shoes. I just like anything with personality. But I've never woren high heels. Everybody says high heels suck and especially to walk in. Well I want to trade. Because I've been dying to buy purple high heels. Sometimes I just want to put them on my dresser and just stare at them and say, "I wish."

You know how when you eat alot of ice cream and get a "brain freeze?" Of course you have. Well I got a good one for you. I don't get those. Since I have metal in my back from surgery 8 years ago I get back freezes. Not joking either. My whole back get tense and by my shoulder blades up to my neck hurts like hell.

I kind of wish we bleed our favorite colors. Thats a random thought. I just came up with that one. Since my favorite color is Purple my blood should be that color not Red. Now for the people who have more than one color they like. You could have you (Red) blood cells be one color and your (White) blood cells be another.