Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Royal Wedding.

I'm not ready for this Royal Wedding, Prince William and Kate Middleton. I'm probably going to leave somewhere else that way I don't have to hear all about it. Which that's going to be hard to do. I don't know why I'm not looking forward to this because I love Royal things. I love hearing news about the Queen. I would love to visit the Buckinghim Palace instead of the White House. Yeah, I'm that weird! Maybe it's because I might have myself a little bit of a crush on Prince William but who doesn't. Kate Middleton is very beautiful I cant wait to see what her wedding dress will look like.

I want my wedding dress to be two things. Poofy and sparkly, I want it to be like lacey feel to it and very poofy. It has to have straps or I will not wear it. I have never liked upstrapped dresses I'm always afraid that its not gonna stay up on my top half. I don't want a cream dress just a white one. Bright white too. I want my bridesmaids dresses will either be red or purple dresses. I love red and white together, but I would love purple dresses or at least something purple. I don't want anything big like the Royal Wedding would be, like broadcast on every channel the WHOLE day.