Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday Night.

So for the past two days I've been in my room, bored to death pretty much. Tuesday night the Midwest had some pretty powerful storms come along. Tornadoes were popping up all over the place. My mom went to work and my dad had my sister and I to care for. Plus ChiChi, Sydney, and the lazy cat Oliver. He slept on the couch the whole time and didn't move much throughout the storm.

Our power flickered throughout the storm. Since we don't have a basement, we use our bathroom for our shelter. I was in the tub on "dog duty" watching ChiChi so she didn't get out and get hurt by anyone. Well after the storm was just coming in the power went off for 30 mins and my sister was trying to bring our other dog Sydney to the bathroom. Well ChiChi jumped out of the tub and since they're was no lights. INCOMING! All three collided. ChiChi didn't jump out after that.

After the storm calmed down we all went to bed. Well in the early morning I awoke to my fan being off, my TV was off and our porch light was off as well. Our power was gone but the phone still worked. My dad got a generator for us and got more Peanut Butter! My sister and I were bored out of our minds. We could not make it through the 1800s I will say that now. We are addicted to our iPods and Internet. I personally missed Twitter the most. Facebook is second best. I missed all my favorite people that day and night. Since there wasn't any power. I finished my book after a 2 week break from it. I was desperate. I also finished my song "Freakshow" which I was very happy about.

Its 10:25pm now, we've had power for 3 hours now. My sister and I are taking our advantage to our Internet being back. I've been on Facebook and Twitter and talked to a few people on Twitter. I was so glad I got to talk to them before they went to bed. Tomorrow round 2 is suppose to come. I don't know if its am or pm, but I'm not ready. I hate storms! Especially metal in my back I get worried when I'm around lighting. I hope we don't get anything worse like they're saying, but who knows. It just makes you think though. Everything can be gone with one blink. So with that being said, goodnight world! See you tomorrow!