Saturday, April 30, 2011

Another Twitter Suggestion.

Thanks to my friend Juliana, @Mrs_Hah she gave me another suggestion for a blog post. She said to make a list of things of what I like about Rob. My add to this Mike's side as well. I told you I can't chose. So let's get to it!

He's a sweetheart.
He's caring.
The only guy in this world that wears glasses and looks amazing in them.
He's shy.
Doesn't usually talk as much.
Looks good with short AND long hair.
Use to be a bad boy.
A brunette.
Brown eyed.
Hopefully learned from his past.

Another sweetheart.
Piano player.
Doesn't have red hair anymore.
Might have a past even though he's never said anything. (they all can't be perfect)
Hopefully learned from his past as well.

The Bourdon Wives.

If you though Chester Bennington or Mike Shinoda was popular with the ladies in Linkin Park, you were sadly mistaken. Mr. Rob Bourdon (the drummer) has a few girls that LOVE him to pieces! It's good to know I'm not the only one who's crazy about Rob. Some are a little bit more crazier about him than me, but we all love him!

I now follow 7 girls who are "Bourdie" addicted. I only talk to about 6 of them. We're from all over the world. Me, Patti, Melissa, Esha and Allie are all from the U.S. but Ivy and Shade are from overseas. Ivy is from Czech Republic and Shade is from Veitnam (sp?). We maybe from all over the world but we still like the same band, Linkin Park and the same guy, Rob Bourdon. However, everyone knows I'm not good at choosing. So I'm still a Bournoda girl. I love both Rob Bourdon and Mike Shinoda.

Somebody yesterday asked me, "Did you get married and didn't invite us?" She only asked that question because my Twitter name is @MeghanBourdon. Well, no. I didn't get married. I don't think Rob would ever like a girl like me. I already have enough insecurities. Thats exactly what I told her. I haven't found a guy yet who doesn't go for looks first. I don't think Rob would be able to handle me. Vise Versa.

From Adam To Blake: The Voice Quote.

"If you weren't 6'11" I would totally kick your ass right now!" - Adam

Friday, April 29, 2011

Katerina Petrova.

Talk about being amazing! Nina Dobrev is amazing at taking two different roles on The Vampire Diaries. She plays Elena, who is sweet and kind of a go-getter. She loves everybody and wants to protect everybody she loves from Klaus. Then she plays Katherine Pierce/Katerina Petrova, who is an ancestor of Elena and had her finger wrapped around Damon and Stefan Salvatore themselves at one time, but that was in the 1800s.

Apparently around the 1400s she had two other brothers falling for her too. Elijah and Klaus. Still trying to process that they are brothers. Elijah cares for Elena, kind of like Stefan. Klaus and Damon are literally like twins. Even though last night's episode looked like Damon still has somewhat of a heart. Damon cares about Elena, Klaus just wants her to break this curse. Boys will be boys!

I am Team Katherine/Katerina! I love when Nina is just crazy and feisty! I watched her on The Seven on MTV yesterday afternoon, and her and the guy that's one there where asking her questions to answer how Elena/Katherine would answer. I was very surprised how fast she had those answers! I almost cried last night when Klaus asked her to go by the window without bracelet. Not my favorite vampire!!


Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Creative Mind Of A Disabled.

This is the new and improved blog of Meghan. I changed it all! April has been a wonderful month for me. Its had some bumps in the roads, but what road doesn't have cracks or holes somewhere? I've blogged alot more this month than last December. January through March sucked. I hardly ever blogged about anything. I gotta say everything I've thought about on posts are for my Twitter friend, @Mrs_Hahn. Her name is Juilana, and she lives so far away from me but she has given alot of inspiration to keep my creative mind flowing.

I've changed everything on here pretty much. I changed the Headline 4 times this month. Then one night I thought of different things that could be more like me. Since I am disabled, there's this thing in people's heads that we can't do anything. Well you're wrong. I have a creative mind and I love to dream. When I think of something to blog about, I usually get pictures first and then the words just come flowing out of my toes.

I took the Headline Title out so I could have a banner. It was going to be The Vampire Diaries, but I switched it with Linkin Park. I actually don't like the old Linkin Park all that much, but between Hybrid Theory and Meteroa, Meteroa is my favorite! I can listen to that CD from start to finish. Linkin Park is very big inspiration to me. Everytime Mike Shinoda posts something on his blog, I gotta look! Sometimes I do regret it, especially if it has a reptitle that I hate. Other than that, I guess you could say I use him as a teacher to be a good blogger.

Well I hope you enjoy my next posts of May! Since April is almost over I thought this would be a good way to find more things to blog about in the following days. I will do my summary of last night's The Vampire Diaries episode either tomorrow night or Sunday night. I haven't made up my mind yet. Enjoy my posts! :)

Fast Five!

The preview is right! This summer starts early! It starts April 29th 2011! Which if you look at your calendar that would be tomorrow. I am so pumped! I've been waiting for this movie since I saw the 4th one in theaters with my mom. I love these movies! These movies are the reason I got my nickname "Speed Demon" in middle school. In my defense, we had ramps in both the middle and high school parts. So I kind of earned my nichname in a sense.

This movie has the originals of the first movie and fourth movie. Paul Walker, Vin Diesel, Jordana Brewster. 2Fast 2Furious had Paul Walker, Tyreese Gibson, and Ludacris. The only person from the third installment is Sung Kang. A new person in this installment is Dwayne Johnson. This is one amazing cast! I really wish Paul was in the third installment, but for some reason with the other guy it changed the third movie. The ones with Paul are better though. Who would not like Paul to be in the third Fast and Furious movies? If you say no, you're nuts!

The Voice!!

Tuesday nights will be booked between Dancing With The Stars results show and this show THE VOICE!! It is amazing! Tuesday I hardly watched it because we had storms down in Kentucky and our weather man kept popping up on the screen. I was not happy! It also didn't help that the channel that DWTS was on that weather man appeared every 5 minutes. I'm surprised I got one full hour of the results show and the first performance of NKOTBSB.

That's not what we're talking about though. We're talking about "The Voice" and the whole concept of the show. I think its very interesting how they set up these "Blind Auditions" for the coaches, they are NOT judges they made that very clear at the beginning. The coaches are Blake Shelton, he's a country singer and engaged to Miranda Lambert. Cee Lo Green, who is Gnarls Barkley and his single "F U" hit #1. Christina Aguilera, the only female, selled millions of records, was in the movie Burlesque, and gotta say this she will always be the Queen. Then last but defintely not least, Adam Levine of Maroon 5. He plays guitar and the lead singer. Maroon 5's album "Songs about Jane" were inspirated by his ex girlfriend Jane.

I think my favorites from Tuesday night is Kelsey Rey and Javier Colon. Javier literally almost made me cry! Made ALL four coaches turn their chairs around. You know he was good if he can make all four turn around. Kelsey Rey is very pretty. Her voice was VERY good! I loved her performace. I thought that guy Jared was very good even though nobody picked him. I was sad. The 16 years old girl Xenia, she defintely has something pretty unique in her voice. I can't wait til next Tuesday to see who else becomes one of my favorites! I am beginning to LOVE this show. Its so much better than American Idol. There needs to be a different music show besides A.I. and The Voice is it!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mother Salvatore Draft.

So yesterday I wrote my first chapter of Mother Salvatore. Its a The Vampire Diaries fan fiction. I just got done reading it over and I just got one thing to say... it sucks! Why can't I write anything worth not thinking its bad? Or I start out one way and about to the end there's a new storyline and it ends the way I want it to. I want to keep the end but I don't know what to do about the beginning.

It sucks when you have an idea for a story and when you try to write about it, it ends up being a disaster. That's what happens to everything I write. It sucks even before I end it. It sucks not being able to write in one day that way every thought could be brought out. Just one problem. I feel like I need two laptops just to fix everything.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I am an animal lover! I'm not much of reptiles and incests person. I don't like things that crawl around that look creepy and fly around and could kill you. I love birds, especially exotic birds. Animals that are from the wild should just stay in the wild. Since people keep making cities and towns in the animals habitat the animals have no where to go so they are running around in these cities and towns looking for food because all these people have taken it all.

I am watching Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. They're doing a house for a family that owns a Domestic Animal shelter. Its such a great episode! I feel bad for all the animals, like Tigers, Lynx, Lions, and other animals that are getting abused by idiotic people. Animals should NOT be treated badly! Especially the BIG animals!

The other animals that are more common to inside homes. Like dogs, cats, fish, hamsters, rats, rabbits, snakes, horses, pigs, and more. The DO NOT deserve to be abused! They have feelings too. Just like humans! I haven't went to the Zoo in a very long time and I'd love to go back to see the Tigers and Lions. I don't know about bears. No "oh my" there.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Spell Your Name.

I found this from one of my friends on Twitter, who uses Tumblr. She posted this "Spell Your Name With Linkin Park Songs." Kinda sounds easy doesn't it? Yeah, if your name is short. I have six letters in my name. So let's do this!

M - My December
E - Enth E Nd
G - Given Up
H - Hands Held High
A - Across The Line
N - New Divide

Sunday, April 24, 2011


"I've stopped trying to keep in touch
with people who don't care to try to keep in touch with me..If they have better
things to do, so do I."


"Never let a mirror define you."


"Girls are like an abstract painting. They are still beautiful, even if
sometimes, you don't understand them."

When It Rains, It Pours.

I thought this title went with the weather and my thoughts. Yesterday I cried three times and I thought I was done since today is Easter and it's a new day. I was sadly mistaken. I shouldn't had watched The Last Song cause I knew it would make me cry. I've seen the last part of it before but I couldn't get myself to cry. I watched the whole movie and bawled like a baby. So the title works for that too.

Well after the movie was over. I started thinking of other things which increased every tear to keep flowing through my eyes. I started thinking about things that bother me on a daily basis. I posted about I think people should get another word to use when they go to say "retarded." I hate that word and lots of other people do too. Nobody tells anybody about it because people will continue to say it. That's just how this world works.

Then I started thinking of other things that have been bothering me throughout the week. Ok, I can't take it anymore. I hate being handicapped. Its not easy, its probably harder than going through reality. I have to depend on other people to do shit for me. I'm 19 years old, still living with my parents. I will always have to have somebody to help me. I feel like I'm burden to everyone. No wonder I hardly have friends that want to hang out with me. I have never had a boyfriend because every guy here is an asshole. I want to move away but I can't because I'm stuck here.

Everything I watch or listen to is a constant reminder of the things I can't do. After watching the beginning of Avatar and seeing Jake Sully get the chance to walk around in his brother's Avatar body just made me sad. For all the people who aren't handicapped like me and play us on TV or music video. You should be happy that once that day is over you get to go back to normal. We don't and I'd give anything to learn to walk, run, wear high heels for the first time, swim like everyone else, drive a car, go out every weekend, hell even get a job. That's all I want and I can't have it.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Last night's episode of The Vampire Diaries was another great episode. It showed Elena's brave side and that apparently EVERY set of brothers has things for the Petrova Doppelgangers. I don't know about you guys but I didn't look at the clock through the whole episode. It was 10 minutes before it ended that I looked at the clock. It was that good!

I love when they bring the actors back in time. For example, this episode they went back to the 1400s. Back before Katherine was Katerina and when it was really cool to have long hair. It was there when Elijah was talking to Elena about the Sun and Moon curse and Klaus all together that we find out that ELIJAH AND KLAUS ARE BROTHERS! We should have known I'm serious! If she could seduce Stefan and Damon, she would have needed practice. Like the quote says, "practice makes perfect."

Let's talk about Klaus for a second. Klaus in long or short hair? Me, personally I like the short hair. I still think he looks like Kevin Bacon with long hair. I'm debating if he looks like him in short hair or not. I didn't know that you could be both a Werewolf and Vampire? Somebody should go tell Bella Swan! Sorry, couldn't help it. No offense but now knowing that Klaus has not one but two witches on his side, how is Bonnie suppose to kill him now? Well I guess Elijah could help since he is an original.

I feel so bad for Jenna. Defintely not how I wanted to know about that Vampires are real and that your niece is dating one. Did Klaus actually tell Jenna that he was a Vampire? I don't know if I was paying attention at that part. My dad came in around that time. I hope she doesn't do anything stupid while knowing the truth now. Oh, I bet Alaric's really going to want to kill Klaus now. Since he's got his body now.

Delena Maybe?

elena and damon Pictures, Images and Photos

Sad, but true!

Page Graphics

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Dancer In Me.

If I wasn't handicapped. Stuck in my wheelchair or my bed all day. If my legs worked right and I had some muscles in them too. This is what I'd be doing. Dancing. I love watching dance movies and dance videos on YouTube. When I go to Basketball games at my old high school to watch my sister cheer. I would live for when the dance team gets front and center. Doing turns and twists and making everybody look at you without thinking if they're just cheering you on just because you're a pity. They wear cute costumes and glow when the light hits them.

I would love to learn to dance. I think that's why I'm always searching for different music. Just to see what sounds good and if you can dance to it. I daydream about myself dancing to my favorite songs. I've danced with the hot dancers in movies and it makes me sad. I am addicted to Dancing With The Stars. Its made me love the Tango and Waltz. I use to hate slow dances but then after awhile I noticed something. The slower the song, slower the dance, and longer dress. The dresses the dancers wear are gorgeous!

I already have rhythm in my hips and I can count in the steps but its the standing up long enough that's more complicated. I've noticed more that Rock music is only made for Strippers to dance with. Everything else is fine with modern dances. I love Ballet and Hip Hop the most. The whole Prima Ballerina is in me I swear. I love the dance movie "Step Up" because it had Ballet and Hip Hop in it. I love when I see guys dancing! It makes me smile! The guys get very creative with their moves.

If you were to ask me how many dance movies I've seen I wouldn't be able to tell you because I have no idea. I'm that addicted. I can do (not that I think about it) the Cupid Shuffle. I can do the sitting done Cupid Shuffle. Yes, it can be done! I can also make my chest pop. At school dances I've gotten a few pointers watching everybody else but I've also gained some sadness from it too. Since I can't do the other dances like Ballet, Hip Hop and my newest Burlesque it makes me sad. The Dancer inside of me wants to come out that's probably my sign I listen to too much music. I have my headphones on right now and I can't control myself to stand still. Oy, I'm crazy!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday Night.

So for the past two days I've been in my room, bored to death pretty much. Tuesday night the Midwest had some pretty powerful storms come along. Tornadoes were popping up all over the place. My mom went to work and my dad had my sister and I to care for. Plus ChiChi, Sydney, and the lazy cat Oliver. He slept on the couch the whole time and didn't move much throughout the storm.

Our power flickered throughout the storm. Since we don't have a basement, we use our bathroom for our shelter. I was in the tub on "dog duty" watching ChiChi so she didn't get out and get hurt by anyone. Well after the storm was just coming in the power went off for 30 mins and my sister was trying to bring our other dog Sydney to the bathroom. Well ChiChi jumped out of the tub and since they're was no lights. INCOMING! All three collided. ChiChi didn't jump out after that.

After the storm calmed down we all went to bed. Well in the early morning I awoke to my fan being off, my TV was off and our porch light was off as well. Our power was gone but the phone still worked. My dad got a generator for us and got more Peanut Butter! My sister and I were bored out of our minds. We could not make it through the 1800s I will say that now. We are addicted to our iPods and Internet. I personally missed Twitter the most. Facebook is second best. I missed all my favorite people that day and night. Since there wasn't any power. I finished my book after a 2 week break from it. I was desperate. I also finished my song "Freakshow" which I was very happy about.

Its 10:25pm now, we've had power for 3 hours now. My sister and I are taking our advantage to our Internet being back. I've been on Facebook and Twitter and talked to a few people on Twitter. I was so glad I got to talk to them before they went to bed. Tomorrow round 2 is suppose to come. I don't know if its am or pm, but I'm not ready. I hate storms! Especially metal in my back I get worried when I'm around lighting. I hope we don't get anything worse like they're saying, but who knows. It just makes you think though. Everything can be gone with one blink. So with that being said, goodnight world! See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Classical Influences.

I love when bands take two different genres and put them together in a song. When the band is both Rock and has classical influences throughout the album I feel like I'm in Heaven. I love it! It is sad that I've been a fan of Symphonice Rock for several years now but I just didn't know how big it is and how many other bands use it too. My first band that uses it was Evanescence, which I'm still a fan of and addicted to. Even though I only have one CD by them I'm still addicted to them. Amy Lee is amazing!

Well today all I've been listening to was metal bands. I've only had the guts to listen to bands with a female in them. I can't listen to metal bands with all males. I've been listening to rock music for the past 4 years and I STILL think rockstars are creepy. I thought Linkin Park was bad when I was younger, because Mike and Chester looked creepy. Two years later all hell broke loose. Anyways, I still can't listen to big metal bands that put eye liner on them. I'm weird I swear.

I've been listening to the bands: Xandria. which are VERY good! I love their songs, "Vampire" and I usually don't like songs at first. I give songs two chances before I say "they're out" and of course the title is "Vampire" so I couldn't help myself. I love "Sisters Of The Light, Ravenheart, and Black Flame." There was another song, but I can't think of it. Sirenia, whom I'm still unsure about yet, Within Temptation are a new favorite. I love "Aquarius, Angels, Jillian, What Have You Done Now, and Memories." Lacuna Coil, they started this because of "I Won't Tell You" and "Spellbound." Nightwish is another band that I'm starting to like too. I love their song "Bye Bye Beautiful" and love the music video.

Spiders, Snakes, and Iridescent! OH MY!

I've been in a good mood for the past couple of days. Besides having a creepy spider in my room and having no idea where it is now, I'm doing a pretty job keeping calm. Until night rolls around then I get a little scared. Because that's when this sucker showed up. Thank god I had my TV still on or I wouldn't had seen him. I've had 3 in my room in one month. I have a crack at the side of my room. I've had mice and spiders come into my room. I can't wait til the crack is sealed because I hate thinking I have things that aren't suppose to on my floor all the time.

So, let's talk about something good. I got the nerve to watch what MTV taped of behind the sences of Linkin Park's new single that's going to be in the Transformers: Dark Of The Moon movie that comes out in July. The single is called "Iridescent" which I love the song, but I've got this thing where "sad song equals sad ending" at least that's what I think. Well, this weekend the song was floating around online as a remix. Well somebody got the link and I listened to it and I hated it. Never thought I'd say that about a Linkin Park song but I do hate it. The beginning part where it starts out with a long piano beginning was taken out. Not only that but half of when all of the guys are singing was shorten. Actually the whole song is shorter.

The music video is another story. I love the whole setup except for one LONG thing. Of course they had to put a freaking snake in the music video and on Mike. Why Joe Hahn? Why? I hate snakes too! This week has not been a good one really. Especially after showing the hot picture (even though he has the snake on his shoulders) of Mike sitting on the thrown and his new hairdo to my mom. She reminded me of somebody else who else kind of looked like that. I really wish she kept that thought herself so that everytime I look at that picture I don't have to hold back my laugh.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Haiti & Japan Necklaces.

It's surprising what you can find yourself doing after somebody else creates the first idea. These two pictures are of my Japan and Haiti necklaces. I haven't exactly mastered how to turn the Haiti one into a braclet yet and my dad said it looked better as a necklace. I am originally putting this necklaces on sale for charity. Since I'm not allowed to give my money, I came up with this idea. Both are for the charity; Music For Relief. Which is Linkin Park's charity. I am doing something special I am giving away free necklaces to my Twitter friends that are overseas since I have no idea how to transfer it over to Music For Relief.

So let me tell you about the design of these necklaces. The one on the top is the Japan necklace. Mike Shinoda did two shirt designs. One had a Butterfly and the other had "Not Alone" with Japan's flag colors as font colors. Well I used both for my necklace. On each necklace I make there will be a butterfly charm of a different color. I do two white beads to start it out and one red bead. I actually didn't plan on having 6 red beads but I think it's kind of a nice touch since they're 6 guys in Linkin Park.

The last picture is for Haiti, its rather long than I intended for it to be but it works. I really wanted this one to be a bracelet but I haven't learned to get it all to work. I kept the colors that were on the heart for Donate To Haiti CD cover. Green, tan, and red, (it looked tan to me). There are 13 green and red beads at each end and luckily Walmart had wooden Alphabet beads so I wouldn't have to use white Alphabet beads. The reason I wanted the wooden Alphabet beads was because of one reason, wood is for rebuilding. Since they are rebuilding the whole city.

For all my Twitter friends that are overseas, please email me at with what you want, give me your name/Twitter name. You are getting them free! So nobody has to purchase since I don't know to do that. Please be patient with these too, I'm not the fastest person with these since I am doing all these with my feet. :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Last Dance. (part 1)

Alright, last night was Thursday so The Vampire Diaries was on again to pleasure us with the mysterious of Klaus and Bonnie's new powers that could possibly kill her. Oh and we can't forget the Matt and Caroline thing. We still have no clue what Matt and Sheriff Forbes are up to, but if you're as tuned in as me you want to know now! So let's get into what happened last night. I'm only going through half of the episode and I'll continue on Tuesday after everybody overseas can read this if they wanted to.

So we left of that last episode with Katherine at Alaric's house and Maddox (Klaus' wizard) posessing Klaus in Alaric's body. Creepy! As Katherine finally realizes she can move again she tries to run out the door but there is a spell keeping her locked in and Klaus grabs her face and smiles and finally Katherine realizes its Klaus. Ok, after that I guess Klaus really wants to keep Katherine alive and has her tell him everything about Elena, Bonnie, The Salvatore Brothers, Elijah and Alaric himself.

Elena finally agrees to sign over papers as The Salvatore house as a safe house. Knowing Klaus is around Elena doesn't want to stay inside all the time. She goes to school with Stefan and Bonnie. After getting to the school in Alaric class Klaus finally sees Elena and talks about the 60s. Since the school is doing a dance around that time period. Which hint the last word of the episode, "Dance."

Jeremy is still mad about Bonnie willing to give up her life to protect Elena against Klaus. Jeremy and Bonnie don't really see eye to eye in this episode. Jeremy does finally say what I've been saying to everybody that watches the show to Bonnie. That he doesn't have a good girlfriend record of living. All his girlfriends have died on him. Poor Jeremy! As Jeremy walks off when Elena makes her way to where Bonnie is sitting. They are talking and a girl comes up to them and says to Elena, that there was a really hot guy who wanted to know if she was going to the dance tonight and if she wanted to share her last dance with him. She asks the girl what his name was, she says "Klaus" and oh hell breaks loose.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hayden Panettiere♥

Hayden Panettiere Pictures, Images and Photos

Some TVD Quotes.

"This is much better than watching Damon visit cougartown." - Caroline Forbes, Season 1: There Goes The Neighborhood.

"Some girls just can`t refuse my good looks, my style and my charm and my unflinching ability to listen to Taylor Swift." - Damon Salvatore, Season 1: Family Ties.

“Trust me, Damon. When I’m up to something, you’ll know it. C’mon. Kiss me …or kill me. Which will it be Damon? We both know that you’re only capable of one.” - Katherine Pierrce, Season 2: The Return.

"It`s you and me, Stefan. Always." - Elena Gilbert, Season 2: Kill Or Be Killed.

Forwood, Jalric,Jonnie & Katherine.

Caroline  Tyler KISS Pictures, Images and Photos Jenna and Alaric Pictures, Images and Photos Bonnie and Jeremy Pictures, Images and Photos The Vampire Diaries Katherine Pictures, Images and Photos

Delena Or Stelena?

the vampire diaries Pictures, Images and Photos the vampire diaries Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

So True!

"Guys are either married/taken, gay, dating a whore, or are whores themselves."

Almost 20.

So because of my good friend Juliana, Twitter name: @Mrs_Hahn. I asked her for a suggestion and she replied and explained it to me. So if you like/love this post. Thank her instead. Her suggestion was my reflection of my life. How my life is, stuff I've learned, people I've gotten close or met, new projects I'm working on.

So let's begin. My life is crazy and boring at the same time. I am always around crazy people and if I'm not around them I'm usually on Twitter with the rest of the crazy people around the world. My life can be boring, especially I'm at home for a whole week with nothing to do besides listen to my iPod and go on the Internet. Which I always love doing both, but they get old really easy. What I've learned lately, or should we say in the past few years are a couple things. As much as I think I'm bothering or annoying people I'm not, people are going to make you feel dumb by the little things, I give up easily, and I'm nice to everyone til somebody pissing me off.

I've been on Twitter, not counting after remaking my new Twitter in December. I've had my Twitter for two years. I've made lots of friends on Twitter. My followers are divided in three groups my The Vampire Diaries friends, Linkin Park friends, and others. No offense though. Majority is Linkin Park fans, everybody is so sweet on there to me. I have a lot more friends on Twitter than in reality. I love them though! It's so neat to have people from all over the world talk to you. I have maybe 10 people from the US and then I have people from Brazil that I talk to and then the rest is overseas like India, Germany, and Portugal. My mom thinks its so cool that I talk to everyone from around the world.

I don't have much things planned. I started making these beaded necklaces and I want to sell them for Music For Relief. I'm making one for Haiti, and they match the color scemes that we're on the hearts. For Haiti it was Green, Tan, and Red. For Japan, the colors are Red and White. The Haiti necklaces are red on one side and then I got wooden Alphabet beads in the middle and then green at the end. The Japan necklaces have two white beads and then one red bead. After a few beads in I put a butterfly charm in the middle. I kinda want to get a summer job but I doubt that'll happen.

Burning In The Skies.

Tumblr Photography at

I saw this picture and instantly thought of "Burning In The Skies" music video. It just looks like it. It just looks so cool! Both the music video and picture. Don't want people getting confused.

Bleeding Love.

"Closed off from love, I didn't need this pain. Once or twice was enough and it was all in vain. Time starts to pass before you know it you're frozen♥" - Leona Lewis

Tonight, Tonight.

So, here I am bored out of my mind. I'm also f*cking tired as well. I thought I'd sleep really good last night since I only had 6 hours of sleep the night before and my mom woke me up at 9am to take me to the bathroom and I never went back to bed because I knew if I did, I'd sleep til 4pm and my schedule would really be messed up. Even though, I'd rather be up all night talking to all my friends that are up at that time, since its day for them.

I went to bed last night 1am and woke up at 2am and I don't know what time I went back to bed, but it was a bad idea. I woke up at 10 or 11am I don't remember at the moment. My cousin Kristi is coming over tonight to spend the night and we're gonna have fun and I WILL stay up as late as I can, but I can't make any promises though. I'm gonna try and kick her ass at UNO tonight. We're gonna work on our bracelets/necklaces too. Oh and watch some Linkin Park and find new songs for her laptop. I'll probably crash at midnight just saying.

Celebrity Quotes.

Summer (Photos)

Monday, April 11, 2011


So what if I am different? So what if I don't look like you. I hate having to change myself everytime your around. I'm quiet and shy. Only outgoing on Twitter. I like to talk, but not in a group. I hate the game truth or dare. Reading doesn't suck. Blue pens are better than black ones. I love key chains. Blonde blue eyed boys are my guilty plkeasures. Will never be a groupie. Always says the wrong words at the wrong time. There is never a perfect time for anything. I think differents things are cool! I love plaid on boys. I still listen to the Backstreet Boys. I have another side of me, her name is Madison. I usually love the remixes better than the original. Rather be hated for who I am, then hated for who I'm not.



Taylor Swift.

Eye See LP!


Last night was interesting, I couldn't get any sleep because I wanted to sleep when the storms came. but it never did anything but rain apparently. Before I was ready to pass out and this was like 11pm or midnight, I was on Twitter and of course had my headphones so if I said anything I was going to be a little louder than usual. Well when you can't see anything on the floor because its too dark and all the light you have is facing in your direction. You start to get a little bit paranoid, or at least I did.

I swore I saw something crawl on the floor towards. I already had a spider on my bed earlier this weekend, I seriously don't want anything else on me while I'm sleep. Because what if its poisonous? Itty bitty little spider, yet so dangerous. Rather its small or not, its huge to me! Anyhoo, my dad killed the one that was on my bed, but I still have no idea what was coming at me last night. I defintely need a light in here at night that I can put on myself and not have to worry whats on the floor and be calm about it and then scream my head off!

Also, I did something I haven't done since early January. I wrote a song last night while listening to Within Temptation. Its called, "Shattered" and its got a dark tone throughout the lyrics. Its about a girl who is done with being treated badly and what happens to her world everytime he does anything to make it worse. I'm trying my hardest to get back in the swing of things, like my creative side. Obivously, I'm not quite done with it yet like I thought I was. Hopefully some of it stays because I got a new notebook and I want to do something with it.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Pretty Girl Rock.★

Let Yourself Be.