Friday, May 13, 2011

TVD Finale.

Well last night was the last episode of Season 2 of The Vampire Diaries. I'm not gonna lie I wish they'd never do breaks ever! I hate waiting four months just to see what's going to happen next. I've actually gotten an idea for the summer. I'm gonna see if I can write chapters of what might happened this fall in Season 3. That would kind of interesting.

We know that Damon is better and not dying anymore thanks to Katherine. Elena kissed Damon. BIG Delena moments throughout the entire episode. No Matt or Tyler in the episode. Alaric turns emo kind of. He drinks his pain away is what I'm meaning to say. Stefan and Klaus make a deal. Klaus kills Elijah. I knew that would happened, it was only matter of time. Klaus with his shirt off. HELLO! The last thing there was that pretty much took over the episode. Liz (Caroline's mother) kills Jeremy. The one time he doesn't have his ring on and he gets shot. Caroline tries to make him drink her blood. That doesn't work so Alaric and Bonnie take Jeremy to the house that 100 witches were killed. Bonnie asks them for help. They don't want to, tell Bonnie there will be consquences. Bonnie screams out "I LOVE HIM" and then the candles go out. Five minutes later, Jeremy comes to life.

Last night I kept thinking about it. The whole episode almost killed me to be honest. I thought about how Jeremy can see Anna and Vicki when they're both suppose to be in hell. Two threoies to this: Anna and Vicki are not dead or Jeremy can see the dead. If he can see the dead that means maybe Jenna will show herself too. Another thing, how is Klaus suppose to die now without Elijah? Unless there's more "Orignials" he can't be killed. I wonder if Klaus really did kill all of his family members?