Tuesday, May 10, 2011

One Day I Wish I Could Take Back.

As much as I'd like to go back and switch things around in a day that sucked. I can't. Because for me I'd go back a few times instead of one day. I've had a lot of crappy days. If I went back and changed something within that day it would change whatever joy I had that day (if I did) and it would change something around that day and I'm not risking that.

Now I've had dreams of myself going back in time to when my mom was younger and everybody was down here all the time. When my aunts were alive and when my older cousin Amy and Chris were younger. (Scary site trust me!) Thing is I had this dream and went back in time to this specific place without my wheelchair. So I was scooting on the ground. It was cool! On the other hand I kinda acted like Marty McFly from Back To The Future movies and was afraid to tell them who I was and what time period.