Sunday, May 1, 2011

Things I've Learned On Twitter.

I've learned alot of things on Twitter. Some on my own and some just by looking at other people's posts. When I was just starting out on Twitter I didn't really like it because of two things. I didn't know how to really use it. I also wanted to follow celebrities but I didn't think the accounts were real. Well since then, I've had 4 different Twitter accounts. I'm on a Twitter whore. I know what I'm doing and I know the difference between a parody account of a celebrity and a veriftied account.

Before I knew there was a way to talk to people on Twitter. I just updated with what I was doing. I only tweeted probably five times a day. That's really sad! Now a days, I know how to talk to EVERYBODY! I have experience in that department. That's doesn't sound right. I know that the "@" symbol has a new meaning for Twitter people. Using the "@" is how you start conversations with everyone.

Twitter is not like Facebook. Drama is not part of Twitter. Unless its about celebrities then that's another story. Twitter helps get new friends. People from all over the world. All the people I talk to are Linkin Park fans. Then there's a few who are The Vampire Diaries fans. I have a hand full that are from the US. Then the rest are from overseas. My farest friend lives in Vietnam. The one that lives the closest is from Illionis.