Sunday, May 1, 2011

30 Day Challenge on Blogger.

I found this on Tumblr. So I thought I'd switch it. I'm gonna do a 30 Day Challenge on my blog. Even the month of May has 31 days instead of 30 days, but I'm still gonna do it. I think it's gonna be interesting to do. I'll still do little post in between doing the days. If you want to do the challenge too. Here are the days and challenges.

Day 1- List of your favorite things.
Day 2- 5 ways to get to your heart.
Day 3- Your definition of Love.
Day 4- Something you wish you could have, but can’t.
Day 5- Something you miss.
Day 6- Something you’ve always had a problem with.
Day 7- What you hate most.
Day 8- What you like about in the opposite sex.
Day 9- What superpower you would want.
Day 10- One day you wish you could take back.
Day 11- A Confession.
Day 12- Something that’s important to you.
Day 13- Something you wish you could’ve done differently.
Day 14- Something you wish didn’t exist.
Day 15- Worst thing that has happened to you.
Day 16- Something you’re afraid of.
Day 17- Your recent dream.
Day 18- What you are most worried about.
Day 19- 3 Wishes.
Day 20- One thing you would do before you died.
Day 21- Who/What made you who you are now?
Day 22- What you will do differently when you become a parent.
Day 23- Who you would want to be for a day.
Day 24- What you would do if you won the lottery.
Day 25- Initials of the people that have had the biggest impact on your life.
Day 26- Lyrics of 5 songs you can relate to.
Day 27- Where you see yourself 10 years from now.
Day 28- Something/Someone you envy.
Day 29- Whats in your wallet.
Day 30- Random picture.