Monday, February 8, 2010

Its Nine.

It's 9:00 pm. And I'm still on the computer on a school night. It rocks trust me. Hehe. My head feels fine, but I also have been listening to music since I got on the bus this evening. It feels good to have something to fall back on to make you feel better whatever pain is going through you. The sickness that is going around at school and my house. Has finally came to me. I have a normal temp. but yeah. Nothing's gonna hold me back no matter what.

I did make some productive moves today. My topic for my Children's Book that we are making for Mr. Stuckey's Creative Writing has been changed. Last Friday, it was going to be Fashion for little girls, but I had a change of heart. I am now making it about Sign Language and the Alphabet. I have my feet full. :) You get it? Anyways, I am doing this because Sign Language is very educational to a degree. My aunt said she taught her son Tate at the age of possibly 9 mos. to he was 6 maybe. Its pretty cool! Thats the one thing I can't do with my feet.

Oh, I fell asleep with my stereo blasting awhile ago. So guess what that means? No sleep for me tonight. Goody! I hope that snow comes on full blast because if my night is anything like Saturday night I am just gonna say "Screw it I'm not going." They should understand that, shouldn't they? Of course not. I was also reading about The Duggars new baby girl Josie. I think that its sad. And they want another one! But like right after she turns one. Seriously, I love God don't get me wrong or anything, but 17 kids in one house. OMG! There wouldn't be anyway I'd have 19 kids. I heard the terrible twos are bad. I wouldn't want to be pregnant when about four of my kids are under the age of 3. Hello? Wouldn't you?

Thanks for listening to me rant on and on. Your a very good listener. Goodnight! :)