Saturday, February 20, 2010

I Believe.

There has been so much new things going on with my life that it seems like I've been telling everybody about it. My poor aide has been having a mouth full of everything crazy that's been going on within my life. My nana has called to talk to me three times this week. She purchased this purple dress that was made in India. It's actually really pretty. It's got little beads on it, its really different. I think I'm gonna wear it on Graduation night. Whenever that is, one person said that the school has changed it and somebody else said that the seniors may have to go the three days after the seniors are suppose to leave.

I passed the ISTEP. My first period was interesting, my teacher didn't know it yet. He wasn't at school all last week. And everybody found out on Friday afternoon, (I was sick and didn't go) so I found out on Saturday. So who knows where I'll be placed on Monday, but I think I'm just gonna stay in Blair's class. I can have two resource classes. One first period and my second on last period. I could go for that anyday.

I have a fourth guy trying to sweet talk me on myspace again. And my second one is trying to talk to me on facebook. When will these guys get it through their head's that if I delete or block you from anything that you've talked to me from. That it means leave me alone. And the guy thinks he's not stalking me, really? You don't see that? I do. Especially when the guy said to proof that he thinks I'm cute he drawed me. I understand if your trying to be nice, but this guy doing this is just a tend bit creepy. Sorry dude.

I wrote another song. Over the weekend (last weekend) I watched the "We Are The World 25" music video, and bawled my eyes out while doing this. And I had already writing a poem about my rose that's somewhat dying in my room. And after the music video was over I started writing my feels about Haiti. I wrote it of the prespective of a little boy going through it all in Haiti. This is the one that I know my mom will never read. Half the songs I've wrote she won't read. But my nana however is different. She doesn't care and I don't care if she cries through it. She likes them and she helps if I misspell word. The song is called, "Someone." See I did write a song using the word "someone" like I've been wanting to do for like seven weeks now.

I think I have everything out now. So now I'm gonna go back on my MySpace and Facebook now.