Friday, February 26, 2010

Get Me Out Of Here.

Get me out of here, I like this class. Just not some people in the classroom. Oh my God!


I Am A Dog Lover.

I am such a big Husky fan. I love Husky puppies! I fell in love with Huskies when I watched Snow Days for the first time. I actually can't watch Eight Below, because two of the dogs die. Thats just sad. I love the movie for the dogs and Paul Walker. Smart movie choice for him.

I heart yorkies! Their tiny and adoreable. You can literally take it anywhere. I love them. I bet they would be nicer than my little dog ChiChi. She's half devil and half nice.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

6th pd once again..

I'm in 6th period again. The day's almost over. Our teacher is getting mad about the blocks of websites. Its actually kind of funny. I love it. My stomach hurts, I'm blaming it on the sugar I've had all day. Darcie gave me Chocolate covered peanuts and I had a pink lemonade for a drink for lunch. And it lasted through the whole lunch. Bye.

Killing Time Round 2.

Favourite Cosmetics Brand?
Cover Girl

Your must-have beauty product?
Dont usually wear makeup.

Do you like Pink?

What's in your Purse/Handbag right now?

how many handbags do you own?
About five.

how many pairs of shoes do you own

Cutting edge design or boho chic?
Edge design.

Thongs or French Knickers?
Skirt or Pants?

Vest top or T-Shirt?

do you wax?

how often do you get a manicure?
Not very much.

how often do you get your hair done?

Favourite Perfume?
J. Lo Glow After Dark.

ever been to a spa?

how often do you go get a massage?

do you belong to a gym?

Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom?
Johnny Depp.

Heels or Sneakers?

Smoothies or Latte?

if you won $1000 would you spend it all on clothes, makeup and beauty

did you think that Clueless & Legally Blonde were good movies?

do you read

Do you like Glitter?
Not really.

who do you think is the most stylish female Celebrity?

what is your favourite Precious Stone?
Dont know.

do you own a tiny tiny doggie?

What color is your hair?

Eyeliner or Mascara?

do you wear false lashes?

Do you pluck/wax your eyebrows?

do you go on Sunbeds?
What are those?

do you cut your own hair?

do you make your own clothes?

do you like having your picture taken?

when you were a littlw girl, what did you want to be when you grew up?


A piece of Jewellry from Tiffany

An Ipod

a Cellphone

Hipster Jeans

more than 3 sets of matching underwear

a Gucci bag

Louis Vuitton Luggage

designer shades

a sports car
No, but I wish.

'Mean Girls' on DVD

Designer Cosmetics

Designer Perfume

A chiuaua

a Diamond Ring
Diamonds are not a girls best friend.

Shoes with Heels higher than 4ins

Flat Screen TV

A video games console

a teddy bear

more than 5 different brands of Lipgloss

A Belly Button Peircing

A ball gown

A Tattoo
Not yet.


Today is Thursday. It's kind of already boring today. I wish it was Friday. It feels like a Friday and it sucks that its not. I actually got something from my "Cravings" post yesterday, I got the Kraft Mac and Cheese last night. I was so happy last night. It was freaking amazing! Hopefully tonight I'll get to have Spaghettii. My mom needs to either make Chocolate Chip Cookies or Brownies. Either one will be good for me. If only the school would unblock some sites, cause I really want to look at Converse shoes right now, but I seriously doubt it will be unblocked so I gotta kill time. :) Fun Fun!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Almost Friday.

Its almost Friday and almost 3 o'clock. Thank you Jesus! I am in 6th period again. And I am so looking forward to go home. I am so tired. I got finished with my technically third protrait today. Yay! My pen drawing finished. Bye Bye.

Cravings!!! :)

Well its official. I am freaking hungry! I know I dont have any change so no vending machine snacks. I'm feeling very spicy today, actually I'm just hungry. Chocolate Chip Cookies sounds so good right now. Especially the fresh baked ones. Spaghettii, I want that for dinner tonight. Clam chowder, I was looking at Potato Soup, but nothing looked like my dad's so I thought about Clam Chowder and that sounded even more good. Nachos are freaking good! I want that today at lunch. Maybe I'll get lucky that I can get Cool Ranch Chips and I can get the nacho cheese with it. But I haven't had that together for awhile and I miss it. Mac and Cheese! My uncle David's baked mac and cheese is wonderful. I actually got that for a Christmas gift one year, and I had it for lunch. Oh my god, that sounds so good. And that picture looks good enough to eat. And finally, Brownies, hmmmm what can I say about them? Especially the corner sides are the best ever.

If anybody wasn't hungry before you read this, you are definitely hungry now. Sorry for that. It's very addicting! Especially when I had nothing to eat for breakfast this morning and I had my Cheddar Cheese Chex Mix that I bought yesterday, that was good too!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

City Girl At Heart.

It doesn't matter how many years I've lived in Pike County I will always be a city girl at heart. I was born Evansville and after I was born I left in Washington til I was seven. Then I moved here to Pike. And it has sucked since then. I've made up my mind that possibly after I graduate college I don't care I'm going somewhere that has city lights and lot of crazy people. I would actually like to live in Nashville, TN. I like natural sounds/music and that is really bad coming from me since I'm this big rock and roll girl and not a country hick like everybody else is here in Indiana. I think it would be cool to visit Tokyo, Japan. Its like New York City, NY just on the opposite side of the world. I love being different and I think Tokyo is just out of control and its really sweet. <3

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I Believe.

There has been so much new things going on with my life that it seems like I've been telling everybody about it. My poor aide has been having a mouth full of everything crazy that's been going on within my life. My nana has called to talk to me three times this week. She purchased this purple dress that was made in India. It's actually really pretty. It's got little beads on it, its really different. I think I'm gonna wear it on Graduation night. Whenever that is, one person said that the school has changed it and somebody else said that the seniors may have to go the three days after the seniors are suppose to leave.

I passed the ISTEP. My first period was interesting, my teacher didn't know it yet. He wasn't at school all last week. And everybody found out on Friday afternoon, (I was sick and didn't go) so I found out on Saturday. So who knows where I'll be placed on Monday, but I think I'm just gonna stay in Blair's class. I can have two resource classes. One first period and my second on last period. I could go for that anyday.

I have a fourth guy trying to sweet talk me on myspace again. And my second one is trying to talk to me on facebook. When will these guys get it through their head's that if I delete or block you from anything that you've talked to me from. That it means leave me alone. And the guy thinks he's not stalking me, really? You don't see that? I do. Especially when the guy said to proof that he thinks I'm cute he drawed me. I understand if your trying to be nice, but this guy doing this is just a tend bit creepy. Sorry dude.

I wrote another song. Over the weekend (last weekend) I watched the "We Are The World 25" music video, and bawled my eyes out while doing this. And I had already writing a poem about my rose that's somewhat dying in my room. And after the music video was over I started writing my feels about Haiti. I wrote it of the prespective of a little boy going through it all in Haiti. This is the one that I know my mom will never read. Half the songs I've wrote she won't read. But my nana however is different. She doesn't care and I don't care if she cries through it. She likes them and she helps if I misspell word. The song is called, "Someone." See I did write a song using the word "someone" like I've been wanting to do for like seven weeks now.

I think I have everything out now. So now I'm gonna go back on my MySpace and Facebook now.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Wow! After everything that I went through you would think I'd be the one to not want to graduate high school. Well thats pretty much wrong. I want to get out of Pike and Pike Central as bad as some of these underclassmen do. I want to do things on my own, which means I might want to get my driver's lienesce soon. But I really don't want to. I have a repuation of being the "Speed Demon" so I don't want to speed like everybody else does. Sorry.

As I start to think more about the future years, I think more about kids. Like last night after I watched the new episode of "Keeping Up With The Karadisans." I started thinking about babies, because Kourtney's still pregnant on the show. And I thought about my cousin having kids and all three kids were spelled with the letter "K" how weird right? Yeah! Krystal Jane, Kelli Jo, and Kody Joseph. My cousin's name starts with a "K" and her middle name starts with a "J." Creepy!

The thing was is that in that dream, I somehow got a call and it was some kind of doctor's office telling me I couldn't have kids. That bad part about this dream was that it was one of those dreams were you are awake and not asleep like you should be. I have those a lot and I greatly hate them. They look so real. I almost cried last night, because that's always my biggest fear is that I'll never have kids, but everyone will.

I had made a promise to my Nana that if I have a girl I'd have the middle name "Ruth" since that was the name she was born with but after she was adopted her parents pretty well kept everything on the down low. The only name I like the most that goes with "Ruth" is Hayden. I've got it where I want it just Hayden Ruth or I want to add another first name. And I came up with this, "Avril-Hayden Ruth" My nana was born in April and I love unique names so thats where this plays up. My sister has two middle names so might as well do something different. My daughter would be a cute and crazy brunette (hopefully!) like me.

We have another pattern in my family with names. My papaw's I think it was his grandpa that he was named after. I'm not for sure, but I know it has something to do with my papaw's side. Anywho, My papaw's grandpa or someone's name was Morgan and that is my papaw's middle name. My cousin Tate's middle name is Morgan, but nobody else has it. So that was my other little idea, that has more names than what "Ruth" did. The name that I just love the most is: Amerik Morgan. I love it! If I had a son I would raise him to be respectful around other people with disabilities and be careful who to trust.

Just some thoughts that go through my mind a lot. I think about kids and raising them on my own without a daddy. It just seems like the life I would live. Because it's hard to take care of me so why would a man want to help raise a kid with a girlfriend/wife who has is handicapped? I just keep thinking if I didn't have a baby daddy he doesn't get to name my child. Makes that part easier on me and himself.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


I am so freakin stoked right now! I just got the news that I passed my ISTEP. *screams* I was suppose to find out yesterday but I didn't go yesterday so a aide from told me by email on facebook. Bye Bye Giving up. Moving forward and nothings holding me back.

I'm going to make it. All I need is the support from my family and friends to keep me going. God is the best! If it wasn't for him I definitely wouldn't have the strength to get through everything in my life. Bye Bye Feeling bad for myself. I can't go on with life with people who are just there to bring me down.

Okay snow, you can't come now. I want to graduate badly now. :) But I have a feeling your not going to listen to me. So I gotta go now. Oh by the way, I feel SO much better. I stayed home and slept in til noon. But I didn't go to bed til Midnight. Hehe. Oopsy. I think that Snickers just kicked in because now I am freaking hyper and I can't stop shaking, ahhhhh... If you were knew me I've been wanting for this day since I was a Freshmen. I'm also thinking about changing my senior solo song, again. Ever heard of "Edge Of Seventeen" by Stevie Nicks? Yeah, really thinking about doing that one. But I don't think my teacher would allow me to do it. :( But thats okay. My last idea that he knows might be a winner. :)

-Meghan. *Class of 2010*

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Its Been One Of The Days.

It's been one of those days where I'm ready to go home and listening to music. But my mother has to work tonight so hopefully I'll get lucky and she will be asleep when I get home. I have something to watch at 4 so I really hope she's asleep.

Tomorrow is Friday and we better have ourselves another two hour delay in the morning again. And I also heard that we may get more snow. Yay! We don't have anymore snow days and I don't care if we have to make them up or not. I'm not going to. Since I'm a Senior now. Haha.

Its 2:50 pm right now. Almost time to go. Yay! School's getting old really quick. And I just want out of here. I've been thinking of more baby names again. Boy: Amerik Morgan. Girl: Jolie Ruth. They're both cute and different. Alrighty peoples I'm getting off of here now. :)) See ya!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

All Five Snow Days Gone.

Today, was our last snow day that we took. :( So sad. I enjoyed it. I'm not gonna lie. I love sleeping in until 10 or 11 in the morning. I heard that we have a 2 hour delay tomorrow. Damn. At least it would make the day seem faster. So I can't argue with that too much.

I am a crazy girl at heart. Before I came on the computer I was watching Ellen. And the reason why I was watching it was because Channing Tatum was going to be on there. And I wasn't gonna pass up a chance to see him. Hmmmm... He's really yummy! And married too. I think him and Jenna Dewan are so cute together! He use to be a stripper. One word: Damn! Thats what he meant on the interview for Step Up. :)

I was also thinking about something that really needs to happen someday. I think there should be a Action type of movie and the actors and actress should be: Paul Walker, Channing Tatum, and Ryan Phillipee. The actress should be Jessica Alba (she needs to come back) and Hayden Penaterriee. And Linkin Park should do a song for the movie. That would literally kick Bad Boys and Purple Rain out of the top spot of good movies I've seen. That doesn't mean that the other movies that they've been in were bad, this would just be fricking amazing! :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

10:40 am.

Its 10:40 am right now. And so far its been a great day! No school today and who knows maybe the rest of the week too. That would be so awesome! I do feel bad about Girls Sectional Games though. It was suppose to be tonight. Sorry girlies! Your safety and everybody else's safety comes first because of the snow. And that there's absolutely no school at all. I wonder if my teacher left for Florida last night, strange thought I know.

I just read something that had to Algebra, but it looked more like Geometry (thats also spelled wrong too). I passed Pre-Algebra and Algebra I but not Geometry, I didn't have my best friend in Geometry I think that was my problem. So I changed my dilphoma from a Core-40 to a Standard. I don't care if that automatically turns me into "stupid mode" because I'm stupid, nobody is. I just can't do Math. Esepecially equations. There's this thing called Cheating, thats what I did. I'll be so happy when I graduate because once I do. The truth will be told.

Anyways, back to what I was trying to say, but I got side tracked. So I reading this guy telling us about why the band's album is taking so long. He puts a freaking equation that looks more like a Geometry equation than an Algebra. There are a lot of people that know Algebra but stop after High School and College. And if they don't well they're smart. There I go again, I don't mind waiting on an band's album to be done. But everytime I hear something about I feel like it I'm gonna crack, which in this case I already have.

Sometimes I like Twitter, sometimes I don't. Like my friend said, "They all have Twitter because they want to." Okay, but I think its giving their fans a little bit more than what they need. I am a fan of tons of things, mainly including famous people. Just like everyone else in this world. There is one thing that I do and I really wish everyone who has a Twitter and is following famous people. Leave them alone! If they ask for your opinion then go for it. Don't ask them questions like everyday life because your bored. Be respectful to others space. I tweet with my friends from school (they probably do too!) Its just ugh. It gets so annoying. I feel bad for myself because half of the people I'm following on my Twitter is famous. But I DO NOT TWEET RANDOM STUPID QUESTIONS TO THEM!!!!!!!! Thats just wrong.


Monday, February 8, 2010

Its Nine.

It's 9:00 pm. And I'm still on the computer on a school night. It rocks trust me. Hehe. My head feels fine, but I also have been listening to music since I got on the bus this evening. It feels good to have something to fall back on to make you feel better whatever pain is going through you. The sickness that is going around at school and my house. Has finally came to me. I have a normal temp. but yeah. Nothing's gonna hold me back no matter what.

I did make some productive moves today. My topic for my Children's Book that we are making for Mr. Stuckey's Creative Writing has been changed. Last Friday, it was going to be Fashion for little girls, but I had a change of heart. I am now making it about Sign Language and the Alphabet. I have my feet full. :) You get it? Anyways, I am doing this because Sign Language is very educational to a degree. My aunt said she taught her son Tate at the age of possibly 9 mos. to he was 6 maybe. Its pretty cool! Thats the one thing I can't do with my feet.

Oh, I fell asleep with my stereo blasting awhile ago. So guess what that means? No sleep for me tonight. Goody! I hope that snow comes on full blast because if my night is anything like Saturday night I am just gonna say "Screw it I'm not going." They should understand that, shouldn't they? Of course not. I was also reading about The Duggars new baby girl Josie. I think that its sad. And they want another one! But like right after she turns one. Seriously, I love God don't get me wrong or anything, but 17 kids in one house. OMG! There wouldn't be anyway I'd have 19 kids. I heard the terrible twos are bad. I wouldn't want to be pregnant when about four of my kids are under the age of 3. Hello? Wouldn't you?

Thanks for listening to me rant on and on. Your a very good listener. Goodnight! :)

The Anti-Valentine.

I figured out a life full of dreams and tears.
Just by living with them.
I can’t just be someone to you.
I’d rather have your heart and more.
I use to be your best friend.
Every once in awhile I’ll get a hug from you.
And everything I thought would be gone.
Then the next day I’ll see you and wonder.
“Your really gone.”
It only takes one thought to get you back.
I love you and always will.
You’ve always been there.
And now I see the months traveling by.
And before we know it every train of thought of you is gone again.
The person I wanted.
The person that over time left me hanging.
The person who’s heart will still be mine.
As a friend I say, I love you always!
But your too gone to be my Valentine.

The Feeling Of Music Thats Always Around Me.

I can't explain.
I hear the bass.
That popping sound that excites me.
It makes me pop and lock in certain places.
The words come out.
Even though you can't hear.
I'm singing along to the chorus.
The dance floor keeps getting more crowed then before.
There is no pain.
All there is, is someone there singing the song and understanding what you feel.
The rush comes and makes it apart of you.
I can't even explain
I see the bass.
The colors splatters all over.
The screams drown every fear and torture you went through.
The lights grow darker.
Your arms are everywhere.
You jump up and down.
And when it stops the rush doesn't.
And Your back to where you started.
Lost and confused.
Until you play it again.

Killing time.

1. Have you ever been searched by the cops? Not the cops, but the airport police I have.

2. Do you close your eyes on roller coasters? I hate them.

3. When’s the last time you’ve been sledding? Long time ago.

4. Would you rather text or talk to someone on the phone? I like both.
5. Do you believe in ghosts? No.
6. Do you consider yourself creative? Yeah.
7. Do you think O.J. killed his wife? I've actually always thought that, since he fled the police after somebody told him his wife was killed. Hello?
8. Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie? Jennifer Aniston.
9. Do you stay friends with your ex’s? Yeah.
10. Do you know how to play poker? No.
11. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? Yes.
12. What’s your favorite commercial? The ones that have kids on them.
13. What are you allergic to? Sufa.
14. If you’re driving in the middle of the night, and no one is around do you run red lights? Hehe, yes.
15. Do you have a secret that no one knows but you? Yep.
16. Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees? Ick!
17. Have you ever been Ice Skating? No, I'd fall on myself or I'd break the ice.
18. How often do you remember your dreams? Yes.
19. When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried? The last Saturday that my uncle David came over to my nanas.
20. Can you name 5 songs by The Beatles? No.
21. What’s the one thing on your mind now? I need gum.
22. Do you believe in love at first sight? No.
23. Do you know what the current events are? Sometimes.
24. Do you always wear your seat belt? Yes, even in my wheelchair. Thats why I like to drive like a manic.
25 what cell service do you use? Verizon
26. Do you like Sushi? Never tried it.
27. Have you ever narrowly avoided a fatal accident? I don't think so.
28. What do you wear to bed? T-Shirt and sweats.
29. Been caught stealing? Only twice.
30. what shoe size do you have? Thirteen in kids.
31. Do you truly hate anyone? I don't hate people, but I do dislike a few.
32. Classic Rock or Rap? Rap.
33. If you could sleep with one famous person, who would it be? No comment. :)
34. Are you bored? Somewhat.

Wanting A New Hair Color!

I want my hair colored like this. Since we can't have any hair colored thats not naturally. This was the only thing I saw and liked really well. Hopefully it will worked because my hair is SO dark. I've had both red and blonde highlights in my hair and so thats kinda the reason why my hair is so dark. I hate it being so plain . I wanted like bright red highlights, but I don't think my dad wouldn't let me do that. Me and my friend Janise were going to do that, but yeah. Like I said my dad wouldn't let me do it. :)

Friday, February 5, 2010

MuSiC iS mY lIfE!

These make very happy! There's a quote that I always follow. "If the music's up too loud, you're too old." Trust me, it makes a lot of sense. My life is wrapped around a cord to music that can be as loud as it wants. As long, as music gets me out of reality I am fine. :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My BIG Art Project.

My BIG art project is pretty much kicking me in the rear end right now. My first portiature I actually did complete, but it looks really bad. It actually was looking pretty good until I made a mistake on his face and then I started doing the shading of the face and it all went down hill from that. It doesn't look that bad, but I think it looks horrible. But thats just me. I tend to worry a lot about the little things.

My second portraiture is looking somewhat desent and I'm also doing it in Pastel. So who knows what it will look like at the moment. I didn't work on it today, because I had my $40 pants on from Victoria's Secret. And I was happy until I found out what my third portraiture was going to be. Then my whole confidence level changed. My first one looks horrible (to me) and my second is a Pastel portraiture, its gonna look bad no matter what Mr. Ross says. I was going to do my third in Pen but I really doubt I'll want to do that after I sketch it out.

After these two I will have 3 more to go. And then onto flowers and such. No more portraitures after these six are done. They're driving me insane.


I've been thinking of more song titles, "Reconsider, Someone, and Freaks Of Nature." All three are going to be very different once as I figure out the rest of the lyrics to go with it. I think that's what I'll be doing all day, is figuring out more things to write because obivously at the moment I am running out of things to write about. So the next couple of days will be fun. :)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sickly, I think.

I am in 6th period right now and my throat hurts so freakin bad. I can't swallow anything! Its about the drive me crazy! There are two things you never do, go outside with you socks off with its freezing cold and its windy. And Wednesday my sister made the mistake of not wanting to mess with my zipper on my coat and so I went outside without my coat on at all. So I see a sickness coming on. :P

Well Crap!

Apparently, I missed Linkin Park on the Grammys Red Carpet. And I watched both TV Guide and E! to see them and squeal, but never got a chance. I went to bed at 10:55 last night. And missed the last bit of the Grammy's. And now I'm looking up pictures of them and so far not so good right now. :)