Saturday, October 30, 2010

HaPpY HaLlOwEeN!!!

Technically its not Halloween, but people are taking their kids out tonight instead of tomorrow night. Which I think is stupid because of two reasons, because Halloween lands on a Sunday and the second Sunday Night Foiotball. I think my hometown has lost their freaking minds but thats my opinion. But anyways, me, my sister and cousin Kristi went out today and we brought her new puppy Max and which was a big success! We got alot of candy but we had to divide it up for 3 people. So my share is smaller now. Oh well. At least I didn't act like a witch. Lol. So anywho this is my halloween costume. I was an Punk Ballerina. I even had red hair coloring in my hair. I got really into it. Now I want the pernmant stuff now!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Last Week Of October.

Just thought I'd say I have four days until my 19th birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm excited for Sunday, me, my sister Emily, our friends Jayde and Jace are going trick or treating at the nursing home. I hope the old men behave themselves around my sister. She's gotta thing for the old men. She even calls our papaw Precious. He thinks she's funny.

I'm craving some sweets! We have Dum-Dum suckers in the house and if we have trick or treating they best be hoping I'm not at home. Cuz I'm the sucker queen. If your costume ain't scary, cute, or original your not getting any Dum-Dums. Just kidding! I love kids costumes. They're always original. Not as scary as the adults. I can't stand scary costumes.

Saw 3D is coming out this weekend. Yay! No more previews of it on my TV. I am not going to see it. Your gonna have to kill me first to make me see it. Its in 3D which is a big factor of why I won't see it. Another reason is because its a "Saw" movie. Two things: Blood and clowns. That is all you have to say to make me scream.

I know Chester Benington is gonna be in it, and my luck he'd get killed first. No use in going now isn't there? Now there's a Dead By Sunrise song in the movie and Chester has his shirt off. Thats still not getting me to go. If you look hard enough on YouTube I'm sure there's a video of that has the same song that is in the movie and with his shirt off. Just saying. That works too. Don't make me or yourself go to a movie that you know won't like when you have YouTube for a lifesaver.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My 100th Blog Post!

Since this is my 100th blog post I thought I'd change it up a bit. In my past blog posts I have posts about baby names, school related stuff, songs, and Linkin Park. Well since this is my 100th post. Lets keep the guy part but lose everything else.

On that note, as you can see I have a Mike: The Situation and Pauly D from Jersey Shore. They are freaking HOT! The only reason why I didn't watch the show before was because of Snooki. I still don't like her really. But I hate Angelina more than Snooki.

Anyways, The Situation and Pauly D are freaking cute. Mike is just obivous why I think he's cute. Pauly D is cute of his tattoos. I love their faces their so cute! I go for the face before anything else. Thank god, they would never come in Southern Indiana, we already have enough players here we don't need two more.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Red High Heels. ♥

Well I'm up to my old ways again. Thinking about funny things about my life. My snappy comebacks keep getting better and better as the years go on. Thanks to my crazy family. And I like to watch Family Guy, Jeff Dunham, and The Blue Collar Comedy Tour. So I don't think that helps either.

I think my butt grew over night. Not even kidding. I have this seat cousion on the floor (another one of my dads successful ideas) and my right butt cheek is almost sitting on the hard floor. Even with carpet on it, its still hard as a rock. It sucks! This started as a conversation starter on my facebook now its making me think. I knew my butt was butt I just didnt know it was that big. Big butt girls rule! :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I Gotta Feeling. ♥

I'm in one of my moods again. Where I want to cry and be sad all day. Well thats not gonna happen today. I'm also feeling pretty random too. One minute I'm listening to Linkin Park the next like now The Wreckers. I feel like singing! But I can't because someone has to work tonight. I'd still do it if I had the guts, but I don't.

If your a friend on my facebook you've probably read my status. The one that says, "
you know how every woman says 'walking in high heels hurts?' Or something like that? I would kill just to walk in them and I'll trade off my wheelchair to you." Yeah, that one. As you know I'm in a wheelchair (if you didn't know you need to catch up) anyways, everytime I went to a dance or heck prom I wanted to wear high heels.

Yeah, I'm pretty weird. I like going into stores and looking at shoes. The only time I wear shoes is in the Winter. I only wear sneakers. I love Nike and DC shoes. I just like anything with personality. But I've never woren high heels. Everybody says high heels suck and especially to walk in. Well I want to trade. Because I've been dying to buy purple high heels. Sometimes I just want to put them on my dresser and just stare at them and say, "I wish."

You know how when you eat alot of ice cream and get a "brain freeze?" Of course you have. Well I got a good one for you. I don't get those. Since I have metal in my back from surgery 8 years ago I get back freezes. Not joking either. My whole back get tense and by my shoulder blades up to my neck hurts like hell.

I kind of wish we bleed our favorite colors. Thats a random thought. I just came up with that one. Since my favorite color is Purple my blood should be that color not Red. Now for the people who have more than one color they like. You could have you (Red) blood cells be one color and your (White) blood cells be another.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

RiP Teen Pop.

Yesterday, was a sad day for me. It was the one year ago that I actually didn't want the Backstreet Boys CD. How sad? If it didn't suck after the first single came out they might've had a chance. Instead they killed their chances. I was more concerned for the CD that was going to come out the Tuesday after. Thank god for Dead By Sunrise.

I was even listening to "Larger Than Life" a little bit ago. And I didn't even want to listen to it. The lyrics came flying out of my mouth and I couldn't help myself. My toes were even tapping away to the melody but I didn't feel happy while listening. I guess I'm one of those fans that was disappointed in their favorite band. I have grown up since then I like rock now. Surpringly, it makes me happy. I know weird.

Its officially time to say goodbye to Teen Pop. Like Disco it died too young. The 90s are no longer here anymore. People change. They grow up and want something more. Sometimes the old stuff can't always be a safe place. Its something that after awhile or if your really depressed it can make you happy, but not always. Music changes. Sometimes thats a good thing. Not a bad.

Bye bye.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dear Anyone Who Is Wiling to Hear. ♥

Your heart was willing to forget.
The feelings you kept inside.
Silent people stand around you.
Making you remember every mistake you made.
Making you cry for every little thing you did.
Your no longer dreaming.
Your screaming.

To anyone who is willing to hear.
The words just flowed out of your mouth.
You didn't keep anything hidden.
So I thought to keep you in my prayers.
Hoping you'd smile and laught again.
To anyone who is willing to hear.

You feel like dying.
The thoughts arrive.
Your feelings leave you behind.
Good memories are gone.
People are staring at you.
They're no longer talking to you.
And as your trying to figure out what you did.
Your screaming for sound.

To anyone who is willing to hear.
The words just flowed out of your mouth.
You didn't keep anything hidden.
So I thought to keep you in my prayers.
Hoping you'd smile and laught again.
To anyone who is willing to hear.

Your stuck in a corner.
By yourself.
Everything you ever wanted left.
Nothing but a scar.
Dear anyone who is willing hear.
To hear me cry.
To hear me lie.
To hear me say bye.

To anyone who is willing to hear.
The words just flowed out of your mouth.
You didn't keep anything hidden.
So I thought to keep you in my prayers.
Hoping you'd smile and laught again.
To anyone who is willing to hear.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Music Turned Me. Rock Edition.

This is the third and final music edition blog post. Its the rock edition. My favorite type of music. Here's my favorite bands, as of now of course. Linkin Park, Skillet, Flyleaf, Breaking Benjamin, In This Moment, Paramore, We Are The Fallen, Lacuna Coil, and Three Days Grace. To be honest every one of these bands, I hated at first. A few years I wasn't even a rock fan at all. All of my friends were, but me.

When I was in middle school everybody loved AC/DC. The adults would be so surprised when everyone would request the older rock n roll songs at dances. Anyways, in 2004 I was interested in Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, Evanescene, and Avril Laivgne. Avril was actually my first punk/rock singer. She's still good, I like her a lot. Good Charlotte has came back and they still got it. We haven't heard anything about Simple Plan in a few years, what happened to them?

Music Turned Me. Rap Edition.

Music turned me. It's probably turned you too. But this is the rap edition. Since we're talking about rappers, I might go for it and say whats on my mind about rap music. This might offend you, so brace yourself because I'm not holding anything back.

Lets start off with something kind of interesting and yet, hilarious at the same time. Does anyone remember when Snoop Dogg went country? I do!! It was hilarious! I can't stand when rappers try and do country songs. What the hell? I mean seriously, are you that bored or in this case too high to think straight anymore? Anything but country! Snoop dogg went for it and failed miserablely.

Rap started in the 80s. It started with Run-DMC and Russel Simmons. How do I know this? Rap music was my school project in my computer class in middle school. The 80s started out with LL Cool J, Sal-N-Pepa & Cypress Hill. Just to name a few. Bad then they're music was about drugs and women. Kind of like now, but violence and graphic language were two of the biggest drawbacks of rap. Since about half of the rappers sold drugs during the day, and then at night they did whatever they had to.

One thing about rappers that I hate the most is that they degrade women, but women aren't making it any better because they get money afterwords. Some on tour with the rappers and degrade themselves even more. I don't understand why they would do that. Even if some of the women had children I still wouldn't do that. Your not helping your child out by leaving them with grandparents and making a fool out of yourself. That's how you can get more kids and no daddys to help you out. Because you become a whore for a night or a month.

Music Turned Me. Pop Edition.

Music turns alot of heads. Especially, musicians that change their music type. Some start in one type of genre and sometime after their second blows up they change everything up. Usually its just a one time deal. Like if a musician/singer/band does a Christmas album, that's a usually a one time deal and you automatically know what month its going to come out.

Some artists are not just a "one time" deal. They go all out just to change what people have heard or what they heard the artist play before. Stephen Jerzak is one example, my sister likes him a lot. She's use to his Acoustic songs then his other songs. When an artist changes from one type sometimes they lose fans. Because the fans were used to one way, they usually hate the change.

What made me think of this I was listening to the Backstreet Boys for the first time in a month. I know how sad, especially when they were my first band, CD, and the only reason to get my first stereo. That was a long time ago. I will always like them, don't get me wrong, but has anyone listened to their last two albums? "Unbreakable" was in 2004, I liked the singles but the album sucked. Then last October they're "This Is Us" like I said I liked the first single but that was it. And they posted on their Twitter they're recording a new album, I'm screwed.

Anyways, you remember the "old" Backstreet Boys songs? Loveable right? Tell me what the hell happened? I know artists want to change, but man! That's a pretty big jump. Teen pop in the 90s to a little bit more Pop/R&B in 2004. Some of the songs were like their stuff but we've all grown up, they should too. When N'Sync broke up Justin Timberlake went from boy band teen pop to pop/hip hop. Nobody's complained about him because it was like the other guys of N'Sync were his back up singers. JC was the second singer in N'Sync but when he went out on his own nobody cared.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Well if you have me as a friend on Facebook or is following me on Twitter. You should already know that I have 81 songs on my computer. That's a lot of freaking songs that I've written in the last 3 years. I didn't know that I could write so much. I should just put them in one big folder on the computer, but that's a lot harder than just printing them out.

I have most of them printed out. But all the ones in the first folder probably haven't been looked at since I wrote them. I write one and them I'll leave them alone or they'll be fixed again and again. And I hate fixing something that usually doesn't need to be fixed. There's a lot of them that were just drafts in my notebook and I typed them on here. They were the lucky ones. Some ideas I get at night, when I can't go to sleep at night I'll think of a title/melody/chorus and the rest will just come pouring out. Since I can't write at night with a pen and a piece of paper I use my phone to save the thoughts. I have wrote 3 songs that way. Its easier that way I think.

These are the titles of my songs:

85 In A 50
A Hundred Truths (Thousand Lies)
All I Want
All-American Disabled
Age Nothing But A Number
Anything But Normal
Another Day
Another Love Like You
Black Cherries
Breathe Again
Chasing Tornadoes
Cold Feet
Crazy and Overrated
Forever Knowing
Hard To Handle
History Behind
His Eyes
I Am Alone
I'll Be Here
I'm Done With It.
Its Addicting To Know
Its A Secret Life
Just For You
Keep Up
Lady Phoenix
Let Down
Looking Out This Window
Looks Shouldn't Matter
Love Sux
Memories Are Weak
Most Wanted
Never Gonna Happen
Nobody Knows
Once Upon a Dream (Life)
One Year Ago Today
Random Song
Runaway Train
Sanity Left
Save Me
Song Of Change
Sorry For You
Standing Here
Standing Tall
Stereotype (Its My Life)
Strange Love
Stop Staring At Me
Tears Of Despair
Tease Me
Telling Stories
The Day She Didn't Say
The Emotional State
The Love Of Your Life
The Music Man
The Past
The Thin Line
The Way I Loved You
Thinking To Myself Again
To U I Am
Way Of Life
What If


Friday, October 1, 2010

Its October Bitches! ♥

Its once again the funniest month of the year. At least thats what I think. Lol. I do like 4th of July but it doesn't have my birthday the holiday's over. Haha, so October is probably the second month of my favorites. November being the best ever! Duh.

You should already know November is my birthday month. If you didn't know that well now you do. So far for my birthday, I hasve no plans for that day, but that will probably change since my mom has my birthday off and Halloween! So as of now, probably going to my nana's and having a party there. Which I'm down for that anyday.

Anyways, back to October. October means two things dressing up and lots, and lots of the big C. CANDY! Yummy stuff! My sweet tooth is driving me nuts! We now have candy at the house, but I want my own. It sucks to share with my family members, no offense. :) My favorite candy are Reese's, Skittles, M&Ms, Candy Canes, Gum, Hershey dark chocolate, and Sweet Tarts.

This year for Halloween will hopefully be the best ever! Last year I had to celebrate my birthday the weekend before my actual birthday weekend because my mom had to work that weekend. But this time she doesn't so guess who's making plans for that weekend? Me bitches! I'm going trick or treating for Halloween with my sister Emily and her friends Jayde and Jace. I went Halloween costume hunting online for something cheap and different.

I found three of And I thought the little kids had the best stuff never mind, its the adults. The whole costume thing for women I mean. I found two costumes that I LOVED! One was a Bee from the Transformers movies! How ahh-mazing is it? Then I found a Vampira Bellarina costume and loved that as well since I wanted to be a Vampire anyways. It was Red and Black of course I wanted it. Then the last one. Its not as crazy as the last two. Well like, I could be allowed to leave the house if I get the last one. It was a Kitty (black cat) teen costume. It was different and cheap. $19.99.