Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dear America.

Dear America,

Why did you have to be an ocean away from other countries? Why do the states have to be so distanced from each other? Why does long distance calling have to be so expensive? Why do the time zones have to be different? I have lots of friends from all over the world. Thanks to the Internet, of course I can talk to them nonstop. I love knowing that there are people in this world that like the same things I do, except you can't find anybody here who's kind of obsessed with The Vampire Diaries and/or Linkin Park like me.

If the global didn't have all these Earthquakes before everybody in the world existed the world would still be one. One big place. Where we could take trains, subways, and airplanes to meet each other. Even though we already do now use these to our abilities, but we wouldn't be oceans away from each other. I hate being far away from people who talk to me more than the friends that I have here. Texting and Emailing are my only options and it sucks to be honest with you. So America, I have to say I do love you, but your kind of growing on me.

Sincerely, Meghan.