Friday, March 11, 2011

Change: Good or Bad?

How old do you have to be to not act like a teenager or want to go back a few years and relive your life? The last year and a half I've been trying to wrap my mind around something that I've been keeping in my head for awhile. It may not the smartest idea I've had to let it all out because it might hurt somebody in the process.

Teenagers love music, movies, and celebrities. So do some adults too. What if they start to change? Like, change themselves so much that a family member can tell the difference between who they use to be before they liked them. Is it a good or bad thing? If it was good it would be like someone who has had trouble ALL their life and bad would be like they've had good and all of a sudden they want to change it all. Is that really what is best for them?

I don't agree when you date or friends with and you have to change yourselves for them. Sometimes change is good but not all of it. For what its worth don't change your attitude for anything that has to deal with an human being. Because everything you've ever believed before it will change right along with that choice. I like many things but my mind set is very clear that's why I keep adding things that way I'm not wrapped on one thing and it starts to change me into somebody that everyone won't understand. Yes, you can be different but we liked you the way you were before you ever saw that person!