Saturday, March 26, 2011

You cant buy me!

Myspace Graphics
Myspace Graphics and Myspace Layouts

Sunday, March 13, 2011

iTunes Cards.

So the last three times we've went to Walmart I've been getting a $15 iTunes card that way I don't feel left out of the fun. Well the first card I got I was smart about getting the 99 cent songs first and then get the $1.29 ones afterwards. I usually search and see which ones are cheap then go from there. Well the second time and this time I've had probably 62 cents left from my cards. These were on two separate occasions by the way, and I would count how many songs I would buy and it wouldn't line up with the card.

Like, now I bought my $15 card yesterday used up about half of it. This morning I had $5.21 left so I searched for cheap songs and only found 2 that I actually wanted. My last song was a $1.29. I had only bought 13 songs from a $15 card. What the heck??? If I buy a $15, $25 or $50 card I except that number of songs. Because they're were two more songs that I could've bought if I had money left since its a $15 card.

If iTunes just put all their songs on one price range for ALL their songs that would the best ever! Its either 99 cents, $1.29, or their new one is 69 cents. Just pick a price range for all the songs! That way when I buy a card I expect to have all the songs that are on that card and not have cents left. Its bullcrap!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Blue Bloods.

So recently I've become a Blue Bloods fan all of a sudden. I actually love watching Cop related shows and movies. My first rated R movie was Bad Boys at the age of 7. Not the best movie to let a 7 year old watch but I discovered Will Smith. I swear he was my first crush on an actor. I thought he was cute! Still kind of do sometimes. I can't for Bad Boys 3 to come out! I've been pumped about it for awhile.

Anyways, I've always liked shows like that. My first show that was about cases of murders or other crimes was when I was living at my grandparent's and she would watch Law & Order: SVU (Special Victims Unit). I instantly loved it! Detective Olivia Benson was my favorite on the show and closely behind was John Munch. For an old detective he is hilarious at times! Then I liked Elliott Stabler because of how tough he was, and last but certainly not least Fin. Ice-T did a song in the 80s called "Cop Killer" but yet he plays one.

To be clear the only reason why I started watching Blue Bloods was because Donnie Wahlberg is in it. But can you really blame me? Seriously? The dude is on fire on the show. He's kind of like Elliott with his toughness, Munch on how good he looks in a suit, and he's like Fin on his attitude with the criminals. I like how Donnie Wahlberg looks like in a suit. If a guy can look good in a suit. They've got in made.

I do like how the show gives you two different storylines, in some shows they only give you one. I love how the writers bring in the family into the picture. Like, when the Reagan family does dinners together. That shows me as a viewer that the family is important in the whole show. Since the Police Commissioner is the father of a War Hero, lawyer, and police officer. I just love how the show is about. I get so into it that the time goes really fast when you want it to go slow.

Change: Good or Bad?

How old do you have to be to not act like a teenager or want to go back a few years and relive your life? The last year and a half I've been trying to wrap my mind around something that I've been keeping in my head for awhile. It may not the smartest idea I've had to let it all out because it might hurt somebody in the process.

Teenagers love music, movies, and celebrities. So do some adults too. What if they start to change? Like, change themselves so much that a family member can tell the difference between who they use to be before they liked them. Is it a good or bad thing? If it was good it would be like someone who has had trouble ALL their life and bad would be like they've had good and all of a sudden they want to change it all. Is that really what is best for them?

I don't agree when you date or friends with and you have to change yourselves for them. Sometimes change is good but not all of it. For what its worth don't change your attitude for anything that has to deal with an human being. Because everything you've ever believed before it will change right along with that choice. I like many things but my mind set is very clear that's why I keep adding things that way I'm not wrapped on one thing and it starts to change me into somebody that everyone won't understand. Yes, you can be different but we liked you the way you were before you ever saw that person!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Goodbye Lullaby.

I'm listening to the new Avril Lavigne album. Its called, "Goodbye Lullaby" and so far I love it! I've been an Avril Lavigne fan since 2002. I've loved her crazy ways, her "dont give a shit" attitude, how she writes every lyric to her songs and isn't afraid to take risks. She's the kind of girl I've been trying to be for awhile. I wanted her attitude and style but I wanted Christina Aguilera's lungs. I'm pretty weird ain't I?

Its going to be really bittersweet this June. I'm going for my last trip to St. Louis, MO for a Shriner's Hospital check up. Since I am 19 now almost 20. I can no longer go there since I'm not a child anymore. I have lots of memories that I go back and revisit everyday. Last night, I was laying down on my bed. I was laying on my stomach and my mom replaced my pillow case with another one. It smelled just like the Cafeteria at Shriner's. I remember liking all the hospital food. I remember eating scramble eggs with cheese for breakfast before that got really old. So I switched to Rice Krisby Treaties. I remember eating so much Pineapple that I can hardly eat it now.

I really hope after the check up there will be enough time to go upstairs to see everything one more time. I haven't been to Shriner's since 2004 and even then everything was just rushed because of the traffic that my dad thought was going to be around. I've wanted to find the nurses I was with when I was there for my surgeries, but that's beginning to fade since there is no one still working there. I haven't heard from my roommate for a year. I've tried to look her up on facebook but she's not on there. I wonder if she knows that everytime I listen to Avril Lavigne I still think of the trips we would take to different places, (Science Center and the Zoo) that we would sing the songs.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday Night.

So its Monday night and I'm watching The Bad Girls Club for the second time tonight. Nikki's boy toys are good looking. Her twin was a Corbin Bleu look-a-like. This one Justin, oh my goodness! S-E-X-Y! Dark hair and atheltic. I can't breathe at the moment. We're good, its all good!. I was jealous of her though. They should've added Lauren to the mix. I'm weird!

The whole fight between Ashley and Kori was Char's fault. Well that last part was Char's fault. Ashley just needs to chill out. Fast food ain't that expensive so relax! To be quite honest with you, as much as I love Kori. They all should have paid. But of course Char is "Miss Big Dog" doesn't have money on her. How sad? You leave a corporate job but yet you don't have money on you. The other part of the fight was all Char's fault. Char knew the guy had a girlfriend but yet wanted to dance with him. If she really wanted to stay and party. FIND ANOTHER DUDE! One who is SINGLE! His girlfriend threw a drink at Kori!

Haha! I love it!

Funny Graphics

i love you. ♥

Page Graphics

Profile Graphics, Page Graphics, Tumblr Graphics

Saturday, March 5, 2011


The only reason why I have this picture on here is because I LOVE his hair! I don't get this whole new thing of wearing sunglasses on stage is about but he can defintely pull it off. Mike Shinoda can defintely pull this hairstyle off better than Justin Bieber can. Just saying. Anywho, this man is one word: yummy!
I cannot tell you how many time my heart has dropped and how many times he's made me cry more than Chester. I love Mike, we all know that. Or should know thats for sure. He's funny, interesting, an artist, and an inspiration for people like me. I think I have more Mike fans on my Twitter that I talk to more than any other person in Linkin Park. I think Chester is slowly catching up, but I think so is Rob Bourdon fans too.


So this is Rob Bourdon! He is the drummer of Linkin Park and I gotta say he's pretty good at what he does, that actually sounds a little bad I must say. Oh well. He's very good at playing drums and he's got the most cutest smile ever! Everytime I watch or look at a picture of the whole group he is the first one I usually find. Then its Mike and so on and so on. I don't why anybody wouldn't think he's cute cause he is! I'm trying to judge anyone, but my goodness! Great! Now I can't breathe.
Go figure!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


So I've been thinking again. My usual habit. After graduation I kind of thought to myself, "Yay! I can finally live MY life and maybe keep some of my friends afterall." I was saddly mistaken. My graduation I only had 4 of my friends and had family and one of my teachers come. Afterwards, me, my cousin and two of my other friends went to the movies. It was fun! That was in June.

August came and I could feel two sides of me formal inside of my heart. I didn't let anyone because I didn't why something was forming. August through October were the diseaster months. I hate looking back at them and wanting to cry at everything I wanted and yet nobody really wanted to listen. I thought earlier I wanted it but after being depressed with the thoughts of no one understanding, being taken advantage of, and the never ending doubts that filled some people's minds. I give up.

Soon after I started to feel better about things, but everytime I thought things would change they never did. Everytime I would something that would kind of make me happy it would get shattered. My thoughts would to be blamed. My friends would try to help me, but it was no use. December came and left me with a huge hole in my heart. January started great then it ended horribly. February was probably the only good month all around. My twitter friends became a more stable environment for me. I started to realize that they were more humble to me than the people here were. So I'm hoping March continues the good stretch that I need to not always be in a depression bubble.

"... Do you feel cold and lost and in desperation. You build up hope, but failure's all you've known. Remember all the saddness and frustration and let it go. Let it go." - Iridescent, Linkin Park ♥

Dear America.

Dear America,

Why did you have to be an ocean away from other countries? Why do the states have to be so distanced from each other? Why does long distance calling have to be so expensive? Why do the time zones have to be different? I have lots of friends from all over the world. Thanks to the Internet, of course I can talk to them nonstop. I love knowing that there are people in this world that like the same things I do, except you can't find anybody here who's kind of obsessed with The Vampire Diaries and/or Linkin Park like me.

If the global didn't have all these Earthquakes before everybody in the world existed the world would still be one. One big place. Where we could take trains, subways, and airplanes to meet each other. Even though we already do now use these to our abilities, but we wouldn't be oceans away from each other. I hate being far away from people who talk to me more than the friends that I have here. Texting and Emailing are my only options and it sucks to be honest with you. So America, I have to say I do love you, but your kind of growing on me.

Sincerely, Meghan.


I was just thinking about The Vampire Diaries last night and how much I really miss Rose. I actually didn't like her at first but I think that episode where she gets killed really made miss her and how Damon was kind of falling for her. I was also thinking about how she couldn't go outside because she didn't have one of these rings that Stefan, Damon, and Caroline have.

I remember the episode that she takes Damon to talk to Slater and how the big window in the coffee shop was sun ray proof or what I like to call Vampire proof. Well when her and Elena went to Slater's house and discovered he was kind of dead. Rose sat by the window and looked out it and told Elena that she watches people walk around in the sunlight.

Well I can't believe I'm going to say this but I know exactly how she felt. Except I'm not a Vampire. I love looking out my window in the early morning watching the sky change colors from dark blue to purple and pink and then a light blue when morning turns into afternoon. I love seeing the sun shine after a week of it being gloomy and cloudy. Makes my body refreshed and happy seeing the sun shine. Changes my whole attitude of the day.