Monday, February 28, 2011


So thanks to all my twitter friends I've learned something new. I'm surprised we didn't do this is school because I would have plenty of ideas to write about. Its called, Fanfiction: it's your own verison of story about characters or TV show or movie that already exists and is well-known. I took Creative Writing and Grammar (which was like Creative Writing in a sense) the people who likes to write could've done this. Especially me, because that summer I went and saw Public Enemies and Transformers 2.

If you really think about I kind of wrote some fanfiction with Public Enemies. I sort of continued the story of Billie (John Dillinger's girlfriend at the time) and gave her life and told a story about if Billie and John had a child. There's no record of them having a child together, but I just kept thinking in my head throughout that month after I saw the movie, "it still could've happened if she kept it very quiet." I kept it as close as the facts that Wikipedia had of Billie and John. After John was killed she was released from prison and lived with his family, I kept that and added a few things to it. Then Wikipedia said she went back to Wisconsin for the rest of her life, I kept that as well.

I don't really get how to start off a fanfiction. Especially for me, when I watched, read, or listen to something one way I usually don't like the other. When I tried to read "Twilight" I kept comparing it to the movie. When I listen to a song and then listen to the remix its very unlikely I won't like the original. Sometimes I tend to like the remix better, not all the time but its happened that way. When movies have squeals like take the first Step Up movie, it was amazing! It had both ballet and hip hop. Wonderful storyline (and I usually hate love stories) and action in it. When Step Up 2 The Streets came out it had the almost the same things of the first movie. The third one went too fast, there was no ballet, had two love stories, and not a lot of action (like fights) in it like the first two had. See, I'm comparing again.