Friday, October 16, 2009

Would you?

This was a survey question that I took probably four weeks ago. And I've been thinking to myself about that question. About how I could express my feelings about it besides maybe one sentence that I put. So I wrote about it earlier today. The question was...

"Would you date the lead singer, lead guitarist, or the drummer of the band of your choice?"

If I had a chance to date anyone of them I'd have to see if they have a wedding ring on. It's a big turn off for me. I hate when I hear different stories of the rockstars cheat on their wives.
My mom and sister love the guitar players. My mom loved Prince and still does. And my sister Emily loves the lead singer/guitarist of Skillet John Cooper. You would think since I love music. Picking the lead singer or lead guitarist would make me the same. To be honest, I don't like being the same as my family members all the time. So if I were to like one certain band I usually go for the lead singers until recently I have admitted that the drummers are pretty good looking too.
I don't think I'd have enough have guts to date a rockstar. I'd be too scared. I can deal with listening to their music but actually going out on a date, that would never happen. Yeah, I scream everytime I hear a good rock song come on the radio or TV but I don't think I'd ever date one. My family would so disagree. They think I'm crazy, I'm not that crazy. I do like bad boys though I will not lie about that at all. But I do have my reasons to not a date a rockstar.
Another reason why I don't date or would never date one is of two things. One drugs of course and two is being on the road all the time. I can't imagine being away for maybe ten months out of the year just to be on tour. I'd miss my family too much. Not only that but when your come back all you get to hear are the stories that went on instead of being there to see it happen.
Drugs are the biggest worry I think. This is that one thing that a person can easely replace you with are drugs. I would hate being a teenager in the 1970s and liking a rockstar then. God knows all them were on drugs. Not only that is because they just weren't cheating on their wives they were using drugs too.
I think I'm overreacting, but my mom says I'm not. So after writing this, typing this on this, and reading it over and over again. I've come to the decision that I wouldn't date any of them. There's no use of worrying and questioning if I'd date a rockstar because they're just isn't a way I'd do it. Well I probably could but that person must be willing to prove me wrong that they're not just an ordinary rockstar.