Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I am turning the big eighteen this Sunday. I am so pumped! My mom has to work on Halloween and sleep on my big day. So we're all hoping she gets off on Saturday. That way we can celebrate my birthday on the right day then on Halloween.

Friday was my birthday celebration day with my friends. We went to the movies, out to eat, and then to Wal-Mart. I went to Wal-Mart twice Friday. We went to Washington and Jasper. I went to Washington's Wal-Mart with my family. I went to Jasper's with Janise, Brooke, and Jasmine. I got home around 1. But it was defintely worth it. It was the best girls night out I'll probably ever have.

My nana has this box at her house. And all I know is I can't open it and its made in China.I've known about the box since late September. It came when I was at my nana's. We were talking and the UPS guy came to the door with two boxes. One was for Christmas the other was for my birthday. So I've been thinking about what's in the box, and so far I have nothing. You can't be too sure about my nana and the things she buys for us grandkids. :)