Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Weekend!


This weekend is going to be good, I hope at least. Halloween is not one of my favorite hoildays because mostly I don't like creepy things and this hoilday brings out the worst in everybody. They'll play a lot more tricks then treats. And it sucks!

This Halloween its going to be different. I did have plans to hang out with my friends and go trick-or-treating with them, but my mom might have to work that night so I came up with a plan B. Plan B is staying home in my room staying up til midnight. (Hopefully) And watching some kind of festival on MTV. Two of my favorite bands are perfoming their songs and when I heard about this. I kind of dropped every other plan I had in my head and went with this instead. :)

At midnight, I am scream at the top of my lungs that I am finally 18! If my dad is the only one there I'm not going to scream, he may have a cow if I did that. Now my mom is another story. I'd just do that to drive her crazy. I'm her first born, you have to drive her wild sometimes.

At lunchtime, we'll go over to my nana's house and celebrate my birthday bash there. My nana and papaw will tell the crazy story of my birth and how they never got to eat their lunch at Red Lobster because of silly me coming early. Sorry. Then my mom will probably cry because "her baby is growing up." But oh well. Once as you look at me, I kind of look like I'm seven. Not my problem.