Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cute Pictures and Quote.

Halloween Weekend!


This weekend is going to be good, I hope at least. Halloween is not one of my favorite hoildays because mostly I don't like creepy things and this hoilday brings out the worst in everybody. They'll play a lot more tricks then treats. And it sucks!

This Halloween its going to be different. I did have plans to hang out with my friends and go trick-or-treating with them, but my mom might have to work that night so I came up with a plan B. Plan B is staying home in my room staying up til midnight. (Hopefully) And watching some kind of festival on MTV. Two of my favorite bands are perfoming their songs and when I heard about this. I kind of dropped every other plan I had in my head and went with this instead. :)

At midnight, I am scream at the top of my lungs that I am finally 18! If my dad is the only one there I'm not going to scream, he may have a cow if I did that. Now my mom is another story. I'd just do that to drive her crazy. I'm her first born, you have to drive her wild sometimes.

At lunchtime, we'll go over to my nana's house and celebrate my birthday bash there. My nana and papaw will tell the crazy story of my birth and how they never got to eat their lunch at Red Lobster because of silly me coming early. Sorry. Then my mom will probably cry because "her baby is growing up." But oh well. Once as you look at me, I kind of look like I'm seven. Not my problem.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dream Big.

Since I was a kid, I was told that I would probably be the outcast at school, I'd have a learning disability, and I'd never learn how to walk. Well that part they got correct on some sort. The other two not so much.

There is one thing that I've done since I was four years old that I remember and that was dreaming. I'd daydream all day long if I could. Wondering outside the lines has always been a strong point for me. Wondering outside the lines means dreaming about things that no one in this world could understand.

My friend Ethan was texting me over the weekend about what I wanted to do after high school. And asked if I applied to any colleges yet. I have, but only one. My nana told me about my uncle and how he joined a band instead of going to college. He however now is a teacher. Explain that one to me.

Everyone wants me to dream big. Trust me, I may be handicapped but that will not stop me from proving America wrong then just sit on my butt and watch everyone else around me succeed at what they do. So I'm dreaming big and going to work hard at it and prove every single person wrong.


I am turning the big eighteen this Sunday. I am so pumped! My mom has to work on Halloween and sleep on my big day. So we're all hoping she gets off on Saturday. That way we can celebrate my birthday on the right day then on Halloween.

Friday was my birthday celebration day with my friends. We went to the movies, out to eat, and then to Wal-Mart. I went to Wal-Mart twice Friday. We went to Washington and Jasper. I went to Washington's Wal-Mart with my family. I went to Jasper's with Janise, Brooke, and Jasmine. I got home around 1. But it was defintely worth it. It was the best girls night out I'll probably ever have.

My nana has this box at her house. And all I know is I can't open it and its made in China.I've known about the box since late September. It came when I was at my nana's. We were talking and the UPS guy came to the door with two boxes. One was for Christmas the other was for my birthday. So I've been thinking about what's in the box, and so far I have nothing. You can't be too sure about my nana and the things she buys for us grandkids. :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I am so flipping torn between two things. Gah! It's about to drive me insane. I have filled out one application for college and my head is spinning because now I want to become a teacher. (My nana's words are kicking me in the butt!!) It sucks.

I have filled out one application for VU. And a while ago I got on USI. (Bad idea!!) And it got me thinking, "You know Meghan, you could be a good teacher?" You know I really could, but I don't really have that much courage in me to do so.

So really I'm torn between going for a Audio Recordings degree to going into being a Elementary Teacher.

This Weekend!

This weekend is going to be sweet! Its our Fall Break. :) I am so pumped up. I am going to my nana's sometime this weekend. That'll probably be Saturday. My mom has the whole weekend off too. That means I can plan some things.

I am planning on going to the movies this weekend. My mom and sister are wanting to go see The Stepfather, but I have my mind set on going to Couples Retreat with my friends Janise and Jasmine. I don't have any idea what were going to do afterwards, but sure hope it's fun.

Maybe on Sunday and Monday, I can type up more of my story about if John Dillinger had a daugthter or not. I am thinking about sending it to a Creative Writings Contest but I doubt I'll get it done before the due date. I don't hope I win it, because I really don't care but I just want to be proud of myself of sending it in. A college's english department is going to read it and I am so excited!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Would you?

This was a survey question that I took probably four weeks ago. And I've been thinking to myself about that question. About how I could express my feelings about it besides maybe one sentence that I put. So I wrote about it earlier today. The question was...

"Would you date the lead singer, lead guitarist, or the drummer of the band of your choice?"

If I had a chance to date anyone of them I'd have to see if they have a wedding ring on. It's a big turn off for me. I hate when I hear different stories of the rockstars cheat on their wives.
My mom and sister love the guitar players. My mom loved Prince and still does. And my sister Emily loves the lead singer/guitarist of Skillet John Cooper. You would think since I love music. Picking the lead singer or lead guitarist would make me the same. To be honest, I don't like being the same as my family members all the time. So if I were to like one certain band I usually go for the lead singers until recently I have admitted that the drummers are pretty good looking too.
I don't think I'd have enough have guts to date a rockstar. I'd be too scared. I can deal with listening to their music but actually going out on a date, that would never happen. Yeah, I scream everytime I hear a good rock song come on the radio or TV but I don't think I'd ever date one. My family would so disagree. They think I'm crazy, I'm not that crazy. I do like bad boys though I will not lie about that at all. But I do have my reasons to not a date a rockstar.
Another reason why I don't date or would never date one is of two things. One drugs of course and two is being on the road all the time. I can't imagine being away for maybe ten months out of the year just to be on tour. I'd miss my family too much. Not only that but when your come back all you get to hear are the stories that went on instead of being there to see it happen.
Drugs are the biggest worry I think. This is that one thing that a person can easely replace you with are drugs. I would hate being a teenager in the 1970s and liking a rockstar then. God knows all them were on drugs. Not only that is because they just weren't cheating on their wives they were using drugs too.
I think I'm overreacting, but my mom says I'm not. So after writing this, typing this on this, and reading it over and over again. I've come to the decision that I wouldn't date any of them. There's no use of worrying and questioning if I'd date a rockstar because they're just isn't a way I'd do it. Well I probably could but that person must be willing to prove me wrong that they're not just an ordinary rockstar.

~*SeNiOr NiTe*~

It's senior nite tonight. I feel kind of happy about it, but then again I don't because it is my last year in high school. My sister is a cheerleader and so we have to get there at the school early. And my mom woke me up this morning saying, "Its senior nite, you should be happy about that." I was. After that I took my blanket off and gained a smile.

My mom doesn't like the fact that I am a senior in high school. And I am a "the first born." Which doesn't help much of that. During the end of the summer I really surprised everyone in my family that I wanted to go to college after high school. But I have been talking about college since middle school. I wanted to go to Butler but my family doesn't want me to go somewhere far away yet. So after a few years of figuring out what college and what major I wanted to go into. I have decided to go to VU for Audio Recordings.

I love music and I've actually always wanted to become a music producer but I've always been kind of scared because of my wheelchair and my feet. But after talking about it with some of my family members and the teacher that teaches it. I've actually felt better about myself. My confidence level has went up and I've actually been thinking ahead.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Linkin Park is really cool. I could if I had like all they're songs I could listen to them from the time I wake up in the morning to the time I go to sleep. I haven't taught myself to go to sleep with my headphones on yet, but I have a feeling that it'll happen soon.

I love egyptian things! From mummies to the art work. It all looks so cool. I've always loved it. I went to the Children's Measum last month and saw the King Tut exhibit and it was so cool!

I love fashion. I am not a big shopper but I am in love with clothes that are flashy with bright colors. Especially jeans. Blue jeans are awesome! I love dark blue jeans, they are my favorite.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Yup, this is me!

Hi... My name is Meghan, not Megan or Meaghan, its M.E.G.H.A.N! People like to spell my name wrong a lot. I feel like I live a double life sometimes. I have a life at home and a life around school and friends. Everyone at school thinks I am the sweetheart, the good one, and the one who WILL stand up for myself and anyone else around me that I love. My "other" self is crazy. I have given her a nickname, it is Megz. She's not shy, quiet, or anything else of that nature.

People tend to stare and/or watch me. I am handicapped. I have a disease called Arthrogryposis. That briefly means stiffening of the joint. My muscles didn't develop in my arms because of this. Like regular people can lift they're arms without a problem. I can't do that. I also can't unlock my elbows either. They are bent and have been that way since I was born. Since I can't use my finger's I use my feet for everything. I can draw, write (which I like to call footwriting), pick up tiny things from the floor, text (yes, I said text), and play Guitar Hero. Doctor's thought I'd have a learning disability, but I don't. I am slow at doing certain things but not to the extreme like some people are. I have problems with words sometimes. I use to have Scoliosis too, but I had surgery to fix that problem in 2002. I had a 130 deg. curve in my spine and it is now at 50 deg.

I am a music freak! I tend to vary with my "favorite" bands. When I was younger I loved the Backstreet Boys! I still do, but not like I use to. Brian Literall was my favorite. I thought he was the cute one of them all. Then around my pre-teen years I started getting interested in 50 Cent and his group G Unit. I liked them for about six years I think. And just recently I have fallen for the rock band Linkin Park. They are amazing! Never thought in a million years I'd like a altenative, screamo, rock band before but I do. Mike Shinoda and Rob Bourdon (the rapper and the drummer) are so hot! Brad Delson, who is one of the guiatr players in the band is my favorite. I am half my mom and half my nana. My mom has fallen for the guitar players before and my nana loves a lot of bass. So put those two together and you get me. :) My favorite female singers are Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, and Avril Lavigne.

I pretty much live a normal life. Just put a few more things in there about me and you get my life. I live life as it seems to be. Somedays it get's a little crazy and somedays it doesn't. After living in a handicapped world for a while you get used to it.