Monday, January 31, 2011


So... Its almost February and I am kinda pumped about it. Two reasons maybe it'll be a better month than January, but I don't see that happening. The last reason is because Dave and Mike of Linkin Park's birthday. We intend to trend their birthdays like we did on Rob's on Twitter. Twitter people rock my world. Dave's birthday is apparently first and then Mike's. :D

Sorry its been awhile I've been but its been pretty boring and I don't have anything to say. I'm listening to the "Sober" by Kelly Clarkson right now. I love it so much. Kelly Clarkson is such an amazing singer. My sister said on facebook that she's doing American Idol next year. She wont audition for Swing Choir but she'll audition for American Idol. Weird much? Thought so! Do one year of Swing Choir/Concert Choir and then go for it. Mr. Hays will help you out.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Rods...

I've been getting lots of pain in my upper back and lower neck and its been this way for the past 3 days. Yeah, it sucks! And I've been probably driving every one of my followers on Twitter because of my complaining. Sorry, but when your in pain and medicine no longer works and people don't know why its hurting. You end up telling a bunch of people about it. But thanks to them, I feel the love of the ones that have asked about my back. So lets get to the story.

When I was born I was born with two diseases: Arthrogryposis and Scoliosis. I have a club foot and I dont know what the other is called. I've had to wear a brace for several years. I haven't had to wear a brace since I was 10. In 2002 I was told that I was going to have 3 surgeries in the matter of possibly 2 months, but it ended up being 4 1/2 months. I spent my birthday there. The first surgery was all about putting this metal halo on my head and screwing these little screws in my head to keep it in place. It had a strap where all the patients that we're going thru these surgeries that hooked up to a metal I guess you could say a "hanging bar" and when these straps were hooked onto it it lifted me in place. This surgery was the only surgery that I had at Shriner's Hospital in St. Louis, MO.

My second surgery was in September and I had it at Children's Hospital in St. Louis, MO. This surgery was about taking out one of my ribs (yes, I said ribs) and crushing it and taking the cartlege thats in between your spine and they sewed me back up. But this surgery had one heck
of a story about the day before. I have never taken blood before and me being 10 I took one look at that needle and exploded. Not too happy about it, I still dont like needles. Well after that day was done I was in the RC room where they had games and other things at and I saw one of my favorite nurses coming right for me. I knew exactly what she needed me for. They didnt have enough blood to take and had to do it again. Lets say nobody was on my good side afterwards.

My third and final surgery was about taking the halo off, putting the crushed rib in where the cartlege was and then inserting the rods in place. After they put the rods in they put a little thing between my knee bone and tilted me upside down and pulled me and they said they got 7 inches afterwards. I had a 150 deg curve in my back and I now have a 50 deg curve. This surgery was two weeks after the second surgery. They said my body was healing faster than my roommates was.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Prima Donna. ♥

I think I'm just gonna start titling every blog post after a song I'm listening to. I'm listening to Prima Donna by Christina Aguilera. I got her "Bionic" CD for Christmas and my mom apparently loves her song "Vanity" which I have to say is a really good song, but with my mom she likes a song and listens to it too much that it'll never be one of my favorites again.

Last night, sucked pretty much! I woke up at 2:30am and my feelings were at an all time low. I hate when they do that. I've done that when nothings really bothered me. Explain that one to me. Thanks to my best friend Janise everything is somewhat better than before. I just over think everything and its getting the best of me.

You can tell its been awhile since I've been on the big computer because my legs are killing me at the moment. Ugh! My right thigh is killing me. If you didnt know I type with my feet and they're being held up by our keyboard stand thingy. In my room, I have the laptop on the floor and it really doesnt bother me. I bet my neck is going to get use to my head rest as well since I haven't really used that either. I'm just falling apart. How nice?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Its been a long day for me. I've been up since 9am and its just 2pm and I feel like I could pass out. I've been on the laptop four times already. I've read my book and thinking about reading it again. I'm going to need another book soon. I want to start the next book of the Evermore series, I started that series December 2009.

I have a few pages left on my book and then I'm going to need to look for another that way I don't spend all my time on the laptop. Especially Twitter. My TV looks like its about to go out on me. Its really bright and I can't really see the pictures and facial expressions. The snow is still falling. and my sister might not have school again for tomorrow. The poor seniors are never gonna have a summer break.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Bad Girls Club!

Its Monday night, which means BAD GIRLS CLUB! Season 6 starts tonight and I am pumped! My Twitter has been buzzing all day about it. I'm on Team Tucky (Lauren) because for two reasons: She lives a stare away and she's a Midwest girl. Girls from the midwest love to talk shit. You start to realize this after a few years.

I think Sydney is really pretty. For some odd reason I can see myself liking Kori but I don't like fake blondes. As long as she doesn't act like Kristen the whole season she'll be okay, I might give her a break. Char is probably gonna be the one to piss me off the most. I don't know what to think about Jessica and Jade just yet. But Nikki looks like a freaking man and shes kind of fat too. Hmmmm... we'll have to see.

Its almost #UpToNoGood time. I'm soooo excited! My Twitter is really starting to fill up my timeline with a lot of Bad Girls Club talks. I hope it starts like Jersey Shore... with a bang! I'm watching the second part of reunion of Bad Girls Club 5. I hated Blondie and Whorgan. Ughhhh! I loved Lea, Erica, and Kayleigh at the Reunion.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday Night.

Its Friday night, and I just told both of my parents I was going to bed but not just yet. I'm just nervous about tomorrow. I'm watching Roseanne, listening to the paper that is by the wall rustling back and forth. I'm on facebook and twitter. Half of all my friends are out and about. :P Oh well. Goodnight!

Love Hate Sex Pain

Don't worry, that's juat a title of a song that's on my TV. I'm not listening to it but its a good song. Its by Godsmack, that's their first song I''ve really liked. They have another one but I don't know what the title is but it was good too. I listen to Octane wayyy too much! Oh well it keeps me kind of sane! Now its Evanescene. Thats a good band too!

It's been snowing on and off all day. School was even cancelled, poor seniors! By the time all the snow is gone it'll be July! Just kidding! This is my first blog post of the new year. Its been awhile since I've done anything worth writing about. I haven't written a song either! I thought I was out of ideas and feelings I haven't used, but I think yesterday was the bomb because all of a sudden I have ideas and feelings again. And they're all good too! Which helps!

I'm addicted to Black and Yellow (the song). When I heard it the first time I thought it sucked, but after telling my cousin Kristi I hated I haven't stopped listening to it. Of course! Have you heard "What The Hell" by Avril Lavigne yet? Interesting! It's sooo good! I can't wait til March when the CD comes out! I can't wait til Britney Spears new song "Hold It Against Me" and that album too! I'm a in bigger music buzz than last year! March has two of my favorite musicans CDs coming out, April Fast Five comes out to theaters! Thank god! I need some PAul Walker, Ludacris, Tyreese Gibson, Dwayne Jonson, and Vin Diesel in my life.

Jersey Shore started this week, awesomeness! That's how you start off a season with a big ass fight! Jenni is my hero! She put Sammi in her place! I was kind of hoping for Snooki to join or Deena but oh well. JWOWW was a beast! This week starts with Bad Girls Club! YAY! I miss watching my favorite crazy show! The Bad Girls Club was first before Jersey Shore for me. I'm on teams Tucky (Lauren) and Red (Sydney)! I think Char is gonna piss me off throughout the whole season! I was kinda hoping Kori was but shes really pretty. I don't know we'll have to see.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

First Post Of 2011!

Happy new year everybody! My night was well we'll say interesting and go from there. I stayed at home with my parents and our friend Russell. My sister went to a party down the street then after the party was over she and her friend Jayde came back to the house. We talked for a bit but once I had send all my text messages back I was exhausted! I went to bed shortly after.

Last night, I spend it mostly in my room. On the laptop, reading my new book (that I love), watched half of Step Up 3, and listened to music. Pretty much just like every other Friday and Saturday. It sucked, but I toughened it out. I only cried a few tears before I remember "2010 is almost over!" I snapped back out of it. I'm very proud of myself.