Friday, January 29, 2010

The Big Day!

Today is the big day! Everybody will probably get under my skin about if I'm nervous. And I won't be nervous until tonight. Thats when everything will finally hit me and I'll throw up my dinner. How wonderful is that? It isn't it sucks.

I want out of here badly? Everything is driving me crazy. I just want out now! After third period it may get better, but only time will tell. I need my headphones and iPod right now or I'm going to drive myself insane. And if my mom doesn't buy me any make-up or anything else I'll be VERY mad. Because she is suppose to buy a bunch of things and if I don't see anything that I am suppose to have I'm going to cry. :(


That was this morning. And I was SO ready to leave my first period class and now I'm in my last period class, which is Resource. Not bad I'm just stuck in the library until 3. Anyways, I am sort of nervous but not as much as what I've told everybody else. I know I'm such a b*tch. But I really don't care. Art class pissed me off because the drawing of the guy I want to draw, the picture was too small. So instead of wasting the picture I used in my Musical Collage. I need the other band member in my collage as seperate individuals, but that takes work. And I am too tired to do that. So I'll do it Sunday and just email them to myself. It works better. It is now 2:42 pm right now. Almost leaving time. Heck yeah! Onto the night of winter dreams and the weekend. No more snow/ice please! At least not til the night's over with. Bye Bye. :)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

In Sixith Period.

I am in 6th period which is my Film Lit class. I am ready to go home and keep an eye out on this weather. I hope for a 2 hour delay instead of school closed. I want a snow day on the day before Prom. I am ready for tomorrow to be here and done. That night however I just want it to last and last. I want to just party it up with my best friends.


Homecoming is tomorrow! *screams* I am freaked! Chantz (my escort) didn't make me feel any better at all. And my sister wanted to be a butt last night, but at least no one got hurt by her. :) She almost wanted to hurt someone last year but I told her to calm and shut up. My nana and grandma are both suppose to come. And I really want to talk and sit by my nana after the Homecoming part she may leave early. But I know that woman too well. She wouldn't leave a place without talking to me first.

The freshmen are gone today, which means my third period will be pretty well empty. Yay! Too bad I don't have A lunch anymore. Thats okay though.

Today Is Thursday.

Today is Thursday, which means only one more day til Homecoming. Friday is the most nerve-racking day of my life I think. I have had the butterflies all week long. Last night was Beachless Volleyball and the Seniors kicked some butt. It was really fun watching a bunch boys play a girl's sport. Thats always fun!

After the game, I had practice for Homecoming. And I think I got everything. Its just I'm gonna cry on Friday night. And everybody's gonna see me bawling my eyes cause now its really my senior year. And I actually don't want it to be over. I'm leaving my best friends and losing the ones that I just got at the beginning of the year. How rude is that? Some of the classes I do want to leave out of but not some of the teachers nor students.

Chantz is my escort and I think after last night he will probably not be that wild up as much as what he was last night. And I'm last in line but up in the front line during the actual homecoming part. So everybody's really gonna see me cry. My mom and nana will cry. My dad doesn't want to come because he thinks he'll cry. And I have a bunch of my friends coming. I am so excited to see the friends that I don't get to see because of college.

If anyone wants to see my Homecoming dress, click on the link or copy and paste this to your URL.

Monday, January 25, 2010

My favorite bands right now. Linkin Park, Skillet, Flyleaf, Lacuna Coil, Dead By Sunrise, Nickelback, Daughtry, and Paramore.


Okay, apparently we are suppose to get snow all this week. Tomorrow and Wednesday its suppose to snow and rain at the same time. How crazy is that?!?! I am literally about to go out of my mind because I don't want it to snow.

Homecoming week is this week and I have been looking forward to this week in awhile. Since December really. Out of all the weeks in January, somehow this is the perfect week to snow and ice?!?! I think not. Seriously though, why of all weeks? Thats not a cool thing to do.

On one account, I do feel really comfortable today. I feel like I'm in a BIG pink bubble. I have two pairs of pants and tops on today. And I wore my pink and red fuzzy socks on today. Tomorrow is Mis match and crazy sock day. I can do crazy sock day, but I don't know about the whole mis match thing. I don't normally do mis match day at all on Spirit Week. Emily does, but she has more creativity in the woredobe than I do.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Homecoming Week!

Next week is Homecoming week, and its so surreal to me. I love that fact that what we have to wear has to be formal. So looking for a good dress was not a easy task to do. I was so excited to look for one, but Jasper is not a BIG enough place that has a lot of stores to choose from.

So my mom switched my $100 gift card from Wal-Mart to an American Express card of $100. So I can pretty much get anything I wanted. :) I didn't find a dress in Jasper at all. So I went online that next day and went and searched on stores that are around here and went on Dillard's and found a pretty dark brown dress. It's called Hershey. Prefect name. I looked at 2 other dresses, but my mom didn't like them at all. It was worth it though.

Homecoming this next Friday. And Beachless V-Ball is on Wednesday. We also have Spirit Week too!
Monday- Pj Day
Tuesday- Mis match day/ Crazy sock day
Wednesday- Favorite College Shirt or Jersey Day
Thursday- Sweat Suit Day
Friday- Crazy Camo, Burgondy, & Gold Day

I also have a NHS meeting on Monday morning. And hopefully we can help out with Haiti somehow. Because I am about go crazy if I don't find someway to help out. I know God listens to me, but I just don't think my praying is enough. I want to do more. And I think everyone should in someway.

Friday, January 15, 2010


I am totally excited for tomorrow! I am going dress shopping for my homecoming dress. I keep saying this until the day of Homecoming, but I still can't believe I got nominated. I love all the girls who got nominated too! I am either friends with them or I use to be but thats okay though. She's still a pretty nice girl, she just doesn't talk to me that much anymore. :(

I am hopefully getting a dark colored dress, but some people said to get a bright orange dress. But I wore a bright color dress to prom last year. And I don't want to tan or put that yucky tanning lotion that is a subistute of tanning either. So maybe a purple or a brown. I think if I get black my dad would think I am really going crazy. And I don't want that.

I stopped on my Musical Collage that I am making in my Drawing class. I don't have anymore magazines to cut out anymore. And I've used all the CD covers that I have out of the box that my other 45 CDs that I have. So now I am doing my portiture drawing. It looks so cool! I don't usually like my drawings, especially of people. Because I don't think it looks like the person that I am drawing, but this one does. I am so happy about it!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Four Day Weekend.

Last week, was our first week back since Christmas break and we started last week out right I think. We went three days last week and then on Wednesday night it started snowing really, really HARD! It came right to us, and Thursday morning I woke up and I had to look at two different channels just to see if we were on a delay or school was cancelled. Guess what? It was cancelled.

Around four o'clock, it was going around on Facebook that school was cancelled on Friday too. Everybody knew before the News Channels did. So sad. Thank god for facebook! Friday was kinda okay, but after Saturday and Sunday came it sucked. My mom had to work that weekend and it snowed. Duh, doesn't mix well. Thats why we didn't go to school on those last two days. She still went to work.

Today, we had a two hour delay. I am praying we have another one of those tomorrow. Because I had a rough last night and I want as much sleep as I possibly can get. My back hurt the whole night. I now have two pilliows now that I sleep with and neither one were comfortable enough for me. Nothing wanted to work right with me last night. So lets just hope I get some sleep tonight. I am crossing my Neon-Orange toes tonight for getting some much needed sleep. :)