Sunday, September 19, 2010

Meghan vs. Madison. :)

Everybody thinks I am this sweet, innocent little girl. Who feels sad for everything in her life. Whose always in a depression bubble. Loves people for who they are. Loves little kids. Things like that. Well if you really knew me, I have this double side. We'll call it wild streak.

My altar ego or twin. Whatever you want to call her is my other emotional life. At first she only existed in my dreams. Because when I dream, I'm not handicapped I am just like you. I named Madison Elaine. Since my name is Meghan Elizabeth she ended up having the same initals as me. It took me a few years to figure out if I wanted to name her or not. I've always liked the name Madison so that's how that started.

Madison Elaine Workman, is the same age as me. Everything that I like she likes too, but on somethings she hates. Like kids, she thinks they're annoying. Madison is the flirt bug. She loves to flirt. She has a lot confidence that as Meghan I don't have. Madison is cocky and a little bit of a bitch. Hahaha... She really doesn't give a damn. She loves to cuss as you can tell. :) She hates people too. Well thats Madison for ya.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New State Of Mind.

I'm in this new state of mind and I absolutely love it! For some odd reason I'm starting to listen a lot more lately. I've been really cautious about people. I've actually cared more than I use to. And I have really changed my music presences. I have been going around my nana a lot more lately. Been going over there for two things to talk and vent. Sometimes even cry. I don't usually cry because I've been the "strong" one right now. Going through with school and not giving a damn about what people think of me and my degree.

I've been a good girl about adding people on myspace and facebook lately. I had one guy a couple of months ago apparently had a freaking crush on me and I didn't even know him. That's scary!! He loved how I looked and loved my feet. Sorry, but ew! Call me old-fashioned but let's go slow and let's be friends. I'm not looking for a relationship. Actually I haven't really looked for one since I was in middle school if that tells you anything.


I Remember.

I remember my senior year very well, because it was just last year that I was a senior in high school. Getting ready to have fun at the Powder Puff Football game. My team had high expectations because we had won the last two years and we really wanted to win again. I had made a goal that I wanted to play more than once this time. Since we played against two teams (then Freshmens & Juniors) and I don't remember what offense I was because I still don't know how football goes.

Tonight I am going to watch. I don't know who I hope will win just yet. But I do hope nothing gets hurt and I kinda wish Emily could have played but with her back she wouldn't been able to. Hopefully she can play next year, or maybe her senior year. She better play her senior year. Its a lot of fun. Its the only "sport" that I played.

Friday night is Homecoming night. Why do they do exciting things after I graduate? Really? Its not fair, but I don't like the rules of Spirit week anymore. Its gotten stupid. So I don't care. But they're having a Homecoming Parade for all sports and clubs. They didn't have that!! I would have loved to walk in a parade. :)

Good luck!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Never Mix Your Parents With Whatever You Listen To.

Never mix your parents, hell anybody that you live with that isn't the same age as you with whatever you listen to. Because it just might come back to haunt you. If people have heard it one way that don't want to hear it in another. Trust me, both my mom and nana have decided to be this way. Here's what I mean..

My mom and sister Emily, we were watching American Idol season 9 from start to finish with my now-71 year old grandmother tagging right along. Calling after every commerical just to see what they thought about the performance. If your not a friend or a family member of me than you don't know who I'm talking about, but you will. Everybody thought he was going to win it but ended up losing to Kris Allen. Yes, I am talkin about Adam Lambert. My nana is OBSESSED with him. She has a scarpbook of everything that's American Idol related of him, and just other things that people send the woman.

Well, at the beginning of the month she went to his concert in Evansville, and loved it but one little problem was there. Apparently she couldn't see him much and he changed how most of the songs origninally sounds on the CD. She's seen the Unplugged esposide too, and she still didn't like how they were different. She even got herself a mini laptop and I had to create her a Twitter. Poor Adam, everybody that is related to my nana feels bad for you to have her as a fan. Nana, if your reading this don't kill me, but like you said write about it and you'll better. I feel better now! :)

Alright now its the fun part. My mom and dad started all this so its only fair to blame the both of them for this one. In 2005 or 04 I don't remember. My dad loved the song "Numb/Encore" because it was always on the radio then. So my mom got him the CD for Christmas. Thing was he only liked one song and there were five other songs that he didn't want to listen to. So me and my mom listened to them. My mom loves "Jigga What/Faint" ALOT. Which got me into them. The rest is history for me. My mom however, the only way you can describe my mom right now is a Linkin Park oldy critic. Thats what I call all the ones that say Linkin Park's new stuff sucks. The new stuff sounds good. It does not suck at all. :P .

There is a good thing to this story. I got my nana into Linkin Park. All three of us think Mike Shinoda is a stud muffin. Lol. Nana kinda likes Chester which is interesting because she doesn't like it when he screams. Poor guy! She almost knows every guys name and what they look like. She even watched Sunday nights VMAs if that makes it better for you. She's actually excited to listen to the new ablum, but not as excited as I am.


Monday, September 13, 2010

VMA Night.

So okay, last night was the VMAs (Video Music Awards) where all musicians come together for the final award show of the year. So they have to go out with a bang. It has had so many commericals about it for the last couple of weeks about it that if you missed it you would be sorry. Well here's a side note. For the one's that didn't watch it... You didn't miss much.

Different artists were nominated like, B.o.B & Hayley Williams, Paramore, MGMNT, 30 Seconds to Mars, Florence, Justin Bieber, Usher, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Eminem, just to name a few. And of course, the ones that won the most were the ones that everybody knew. Lady Gaga, Justen Beiber, and Eminem. Lady Gaga won for Best Video of the Year, Justin Beiber won Best New Artist, and Eminem won for best Rap Video. Duh! Heck, I ever knew they were. That wasn't a surprise at all.

In the past VMAs there has been a lot of singers lip-syncing. For example, Britney Spear's performace for "I'm a Slave For You" in 2003 there was no doubt she was lip-syncing. Dance, walking around and a mircophone by your mouth. You are flipping lip-syncing! Sorry Britney, I love you but you lip-sync your performances. Nicki Minaj defintely lip-synced during the pre-show. Justin Beiber sounded like his was lip-synced. You couldn't tell because all the girls were screaming the lungs off. Usher's a professional, your lucky if you can tell if he made a mistake of not.

The drama over what happened at last year's VMAs between Kanye West and Taylor Swift is getting more annoying than ever. Especially that's all everybody wanted to talk about. Everybody was worried about what would happen between the two of them. When Taylor Swift performed her VMA song, it was classy and sounded sincere. It was defintely for Kanye West but it could have been written for someone else too. I didn't watch Kanye West's performance because I knew who it was for and all that jazz. Maybe the 2011 VMAs will be a nondrama fulled awards. Doubt it!

And last but not least. Linkin Park's performance. Two words: Freaking Cool. Does anybody think the place that they performed at look a lot like the animated place of the music video "In The End" or was it just me? They really outdid themselves. Really cool thing that I loved about their performance was that five out of six guys had microphones and sang with Mike and Chester. That's different, but in a good way. I love Linkin Park lots, but I hated waiting til the end of the freaking awards just watch them. That part sucked!

Throughout everything that happened, it was an okay awards ceremony. It wasn't good ceremony but it wasn't a bad one either. I hope I didn't offend anybody but this is MY opinion about the whole thing. So if you read it and hated my sayings get off my post and read another one. Congrats to everyone on your nominations/wins/performances. It was a beautiful night. Thanks for the rush of a lifetime. =)