Sunday, May 30, 2010

Finally A Graduate.

Yes, its official! I am a Graduate from high school. On my way to going onto college in August. I am going to Vincennes University and majoring in Audio Recordings. I love music and I would love to produce it. Hopefully people take me seriously with this, because I know what everybody is thinking. "How can she do this?" Well thanks for that question. My answer is this: I can have my seatbelt taking off of me and if somebody is willing to help me then it can be done.

Hopefully my songwriting gets better. I wrote a song called, "Used Paper" two weeks ago during my fourth period final. Since I had an "A" in that class I got out of taking that final. The song is about me being a used piece of paper being ripped about from the metal wires. It could a graduation song, if you look at it.

I will be posting some pictures soon of the past couple of weeks.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Mike Shinoda Pictures, Images and Photos

You know if you have that one person that just inspires you and you want to be the best like that person? Well this is what Mike Shinoda is to me. Yeah, I'm probably crazy but everybody has some kind of role model and inspiration somewhere. Surprisingly, I liked Fort Minor before Linkin Park since I was into Rap before Rock.

I was watching "Charmed" on TNT and the commerical for the All-Stars came on and I was hooked. If a song has some kind of classical intersuments in the background I'm going to like it. Then I got into Linkin Park but this was 3 years after I got intoduced to Fort Minor. I heard the Jay-Z/Linkin Park songs first. My dad was a fan of "Numb/Encore" and my mom was into "Jigga What/Faint." Since then I've lost it. My parents still listen to Linkin Park. My sister could care less, but she's sang the words to "Leave Out All The Rest" so she can't say shit.

Mike is an artist, and not just the musical defination either. He went to Arts school and he is really good. Last August, I really wanted to trade my King Tut for a plane ticket just to see his art show. That same month I wanted to do something that would prove not only me but other people wrong. I wanted to take Drawing for my last year, but I hadn't passed my ISTEP yet so I would get to take the class 2nd Semester. I didn't want to wait but I certainly didn't want to start this idea on my own without being an a class. I had the picture I wanted but never used it. Once December rolled in, I began my search for pictures of the guys of Linkin Park. I had the confidence to do this, so really he was the reason to do this.

The first day of 2nd Semester of my last year I showed my art teacher my pictures and he was surprised that I was ready to do these. He showed me how to do the grid for my portraits. Joe was first and Rob's was last. I should have left Mike's last because after I got his done I didn't have the same motivation I had for everybody else's. Chester and Rob's are a disaster, but everybody seems to like them. Mike's a Chorcoal drawing, and is actually my favorite. He's my inspiration to kick some ass in the future. How many people get the chance that they got drawed by a person who does everything with their feet? Not many trust me. I hope to go to one of his Art Shows later on. That would be really cool.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Greyson Michael Chance Performs 'Paparazzi' by Lady Gaga On The Ellen De...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Purple Eyes! :)

These are my purple eyes that I drawed in my Drawing class. Hopefully this will be in the Art Show, but you never know. This is one of the ones that I love. My dad is finishing putting the frame on it, so it looks prudy. The original picture I actually posted earlier on the "Art Show" post a couple of weeks back and this was the end result of that. The iris were suppose to be baby blue but purple makes the eyes more mysterious to me. I actually named this drawing "Legacy" Because I'm leaving high school this year and this picture is sort of like me leaving and looking back with another outlook on life. That's why I changed the iris. My iris are brown and I'd changed mine into purple if I had enough guts to do it. :)


Wheelie... my favorite little evil character on Transformers 2: Revenge of The Fallen. Yeah, I know I'm obsessed, but I don't care. He was the funniest thing on the movie well besides the twins. I like the scene were they're at checkpoint between Egypt and Jordan and Wheelie is between Simmons and Sam and the guard comes walking down from the post and Wheelie goes, "Oh great, its a fricking munchkin! Short people are mean, tell them he's tall." Instantly I laughed my butt off. Cause he has a point. Short people are mean, but we have to be. I really hope his in the third movie because after they get to Egypt its like he disappears and I got depressed at the end, but then "New Divide" came on and I was back to my normal self again. =)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Halfway Gone -- Lifehouse.

You were always hard to hold
So letting go ain't easy
I'm hanging on but growing cold
While my mind is leaving

Talk, talk is cheap
Give me a word you can keep
Cause you're halfway gone and I'm on my way
And I'm feelin, feelin feelin this way
Cause I'm halfway in but don't take too long
Cause I'm halfway gone, I'm halfway gone

You got one foot out the door
And choking on the other
Always think there's something more
It's just around the corner

Talk, talk is cheap
Give me a word you can keep
Cause I'm halfway gone and I'm on my way
And I'm feelin, feelin feelin this way
Cause you're halfway in but don't take too long
Cause I'm halfway gone, I'm halfway gone

If you want me out, then I'm on my way
And I'm feelin, feelin feelin this way
Cause you're halfway in, but don't take too long
Cause I'm halfway gone, I'm halfway gone
I'm halfway gone, I'm halfway gone
Now I'm halfway gone, I'm halfway gone

Don't take too long, don't take too long
Cause I'm on my way
If you take too long
Cause I'm halfway gone and I'm on way
And I'm feelin, feelin I'm feelin this way
Cause you're halfway in but don't take too long
Cause I'm halfway gone, I'm halfway gone

If you want me out, then I'm on my way
And I'm feelin, feelin feelin this way
Cause you're halfway in, but don't take too long
Cause I'm halfway gone, I'm halfway gone
Cause I'm halfway gone, and I'm halfway gone
Cause I'm halfway gone, yeah I'm halfway gone

Monday, May 3, 2010


I love the Lion King.
We are tie-dying T-Shirts in my first period class this week.
We're suppose to decreate the door.
I have 3 weeks left.
Which is 17 days.
I hope tomorrow we have another two hour delay like we today.
I'm suppose to bring in my Art Projects.
I'm ready for Red Lobster w/ my family.
I'm ready for graduation parties, especially mine.
I think thats about it.