Wednesday, April 28, 2010

All Six. :)

Now I have proof on here, facebook, myspace, and twitter. Well I've only posted 3 of the 6 on my twitter. :( It takes to long to post them just my phone to TwitPic so you've got to give me some credit that I finally posted pictures on here as well. :) Alright, I'll put what media they are in and the guys names... but thats it.

1.) This is in Pen and it's Phenoix (bass guitar player) of Linkin Park.

2.) This is Joe Hahn and he is the DJ of Linkin Park. This is also in Inkwash (pretty much ink from a pen and water).

3.) Okay, this is two in one picture because it was too far away I guess to get individual pictures. Anyways, first is Brad Delson, he is the main guitar player in Linkin Park and his is in Pencil. Then Rob Bourdon is in Pastele and he is the very hot drummer in Linkin Park.

4.) This is Mike Shinoda, his is in Charcoal. It was the first one I did in Charcoal. If your wondering what's around the frame. That's barb wire. Mike is the MC/piano player/guitar player in Linkin Park.

5.) This is my second Charcoal drawing and its of Chester Bennington. He is the singer of Linkin Park & Dead By Sunrise.

PS: My dad did my frames for me. I have my "Musical Collage" in my room and it will not be framed because of the size of it. I also have another picture that I am working on and its those eyes from my last post, but the iris will be purple instead baby blue. And I might do a flower for myself at the end of next week. :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Art Show.

I will be so happy when I get these
protraits done. Everybody's driving me crazy about my frames and I really don't think I will get them done, but I also have like a few weeks left too, so I think I'll be okay. I think everyone should come to it. It's May 18th in the middle school art room. It's going to be sweet! Mine are of these guys of course. Just to let people know, it was a challenge for me to get through them all. Trust me after my forth one I almost gave up. :( Let me say in order of what media I draw them in. Inkwash, Pen, Pencil, Charcoal, Charcoal again, and Pastal. (I don't think that last word is spelled right) Anyways, it was fun, but hard too.

This is sort of like the next picture I'll draw out. I actually might do this one instead, but the other one is done in Inkwash. And this picture has blue eyes and the other one had black eyes. I donk't know I like them both. I just might do both. :)


Okay, its the last few weeks of my senior year and I am happy!!! Prom is this weekend, the weekend after that is my last choir concert. *screams* And senior solo. Then two weeks after that is Senior Exams and Art Show, all in one week. Then last but not least Senior Week. Yay! Which is Senior Trip on Wednesday, Senior Awards on Thursday & practice for graduation, and Gradution of course. :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Been Thinking.

I've been thinking again. This time its the hard stuff about different things I've done, the risks I've taken, and the things I didn't do but I made it better. I actually want all three things in one song, but I don't think its end up that way.

Yeah, that's what's been going on in my head. :)

Monday, April 5, 2010


I seriously don't want to be here. I want to be at home sleeping in and then going to nana's instead of waiting til 2 to find out if my mother's going to pick me up early from school. As long as she gets me out of 6th period early I am completely fine with that.

My dad turned off his phone last night because me and Emily wanted to skip today, but nana said no. You would think with her present she got yesterday she would be okay with me skipping and going with her to therapy with her, but nope.

Lunch sounds good today. I'm really hungry. No cookies this morning and no gum in my purse so I'm pretty much screwed now. I hate Mondays! Of all days to want to skip a Monday is prefect to skip on. Obivously my mom didn't get it. This sucks! So get me the heck out of here. Please!! :)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Three Day Weekend.

Today is Good Friday, and it's been a very lazy day which is okay, but I really wanted to go over to my Nana's but she had therapy today. So we are going tomorrow. Sunday is not only Easter, but its also my Nana's birthday. She will be 72 years old. She'll be a 72 year old with a crush on Adam Lambert and likes mainstream rock, how sad?

She finally gets to have her collage of Adam Lambert pictures I did for her in my Art class. Speaking of Art class, which is Drawing for me. I am working on my 5th protrait. One more protrait and I am done with them. This one that I am working on is Chrocal, again. I really don't like it, its probably the least media that I dislike the most. Oh, and pant legs of jeans and Chrocal don't mix well. Trust me on that. :)

Tuesday, we had a program and it was Emerge Expenierce with Keith Robinson & the band Philmont. Like last year's I loved it. I am trying to carefree of what everyone's feelings and just going for it. It's not easy I will say that. It's not. The night show was interesting. Philmont just become my first rock concert. They beat out Linkin Park being my first rock concert. And mom's car wouldn't start so me and my sister got pictures with the band, and man we're they cute! I only got two pictures with two of the members and not the drummer. Em wouldn't let me go back in line. :( Mom and dad came and picked us up from it and I missed my second Graduation Committee meeting and your only allowed to miss one. Yeah, but I'm okay, I think this class understands that there are people who would like a voice somewhere.

So techincally my week was great! Especially the weather!! I should've been outside today, but nope.