Monday, December 14, 2009

Finals Week!

This week is final's week. And it's also the last week of the first semester of my last year here in high school. It seems so bittersweet, but then again it seems so good to almost be done with all of the high school drama, bad friendships, people who don't seem to care where you want to go. High school has really changed me. I remember when I was a freshman I really wanted to go back to middle school, but now I just want to go back to Elementary school.

Trusting people has been a big thing for me. Elementary I had one aide, and I had her until she retired when I started fifth grade. I was sad because she was the only one that knew me and understood me, and when I started fifth grade not only did I have to have surgeries, but I gained a bad aide. The only people who liked her were my "friends" and it was because she was younger. After when I graduated from Elementary, I was scared because I didn't know who would want to be friends with me. And then I learned that they're were NICE people in the older grades before me.

My "friends" in Elementary school, were leaving me as I left Elementary life before me. They were my friends, but some lied to gain my trust. I thought I was vurunable and weak because I was handicapped. I thought I would never become something. During my middle school years, I became very depressed. Half the time I let it show and the rest I never did, but my family knew I was. By my seventh grade year came my mom began school at VU for Nursing. And I hated it. Because I knew my dad would be the one to take care of me and Emily.

When my mom began school, I felt really lonely. I know I began to trust a lot of fake people and started believeing every word they said rather believeing in my own words. Music became more than a hobby for me. I began singing songs after my surgeries, I thought it was very werid that my lungs seemed stronger than ever. Avril Lavigne became my favorite Rockstar and still kind of is. Me and my roommate at Shriner's Shelby had a thing were every trip we went to we sang her songs. Being at Shriner's showed me that they were more kids like me.

When I started eighth grade, I was already crying from the depression and losing my mind from feeling unwanted. I joined 8th Grade Swing Choir and loved it! I hated the people that were in there but I loved singing. After that I started high school. Freshman actually wasn't too bad, if you can get past the flaws between boys. Then it was okay. The boys were nice for once. They would open doors for you, and then everybody else followed. Football became my thing. I loved the football team! The players were good looking and I was actually getting out of the house to go to games. Then I realized something I wanted to do POWDER PUFF FOOTBALL!