Thursday, November 19, 2009

For Once.

For once I come on here to do a blog post and I have nothing to talk about. Which really sucks! I guess I could talk about next week...

Well we only for three days, (thank god!) And then my family goes over to my nana's for Thanksgiving. I love how it's going back to normal for the holidays. I hope for another year of no fighting. We almost had one last year and I was real upset about it. My Aunt Laurie, her fiancee, and her son Tate are suppose to come down. I don't know if Amy will come down though. I wish she would it would make Saturday more interesting. My cousin Christopher is suppose to come too.

I see a lot of funny stories next week. If I don't hear any funny stories than we may have some problems, but my cousin Chris and my aunt Laurie usually have funny stories to tell so I don't think we have nothing to worry about. Friday and Saturday are gonna be the fun day's. Friday my nana wants us to get the Christmas tree down from the upstairs.