Monday, November 23, 2009

What I Am Thankful For.

What I am thankful for is just traditional thankness. If that is really a word. But I am. And there's a few not-so-traditional. I am thankful: my family, my friends, God for always helping me, my health, everybody's else health, fun times with people, food, the world that's starting to change, nicer people, not many fights, good books, animals, my feet for not giving out on me, music, technology, pictures, big conversations, and I think that's it. I'm a very weird person, I am pretty well thankful for just about everything.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

For Once.

For once I come on here to do a blog post and I have nothing to talk about. Which really sucks! I guess I could talk about next week...

Well we only for three days, (thank god!) And then my family goes over to my nana's for Thanksgiving. I love how it's going back to normal for the holidays. I hope for another year of no fighting. We almost had one last year and I was real upset about it. My Aunt Laurie, her fiancee, and her son Tate are suppose to come down. I don't know if Amy will come down though. I wish she would it would make Saturday more interesting. My cousin Christopher is suppose to come too.

I see a lot of funny stories next week. If I don't hear any funny stories than we may have some problems, but my cousin Chris and my aunt Laurie usually have funny stories to tell so I don't think we have nothing to worry about. Friday and Saturday are gonna be the fun day's. Friday my nana wants us to get the Christmas tree down from the upstairs.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Getting Started.

Alrighty my story, "Rival's Love Nest." Is actually coming along good. I am writing a story within another story. My narrator is telling the reader another story that has to go with it. It will be very different than my last story. I did a story about if John Dillinger had a daughter. Everybody seem to like it. So with my friend Darcie reading Twilight and New Moon and the New Moon movie coming out tomorrow. Why not write about a Vampire? This is what my female lead is kind of looking like in my mind. This is Jade. :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Haircuts Anyone?

So what do you think?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Possibly Getting a New Hair Cut.

Okay, well it's official my dad hates my hair. Well mostly my bangs. I love my bangs! I don't understand what the big deal is about them. It's my hair and I am eighteen years old, I can make my own choices within life now. :) I'm thinking about going shorter. Like Rihanna's hair. Something cool and on the edge as what I would say. So that way afterwards I can add in the red highlights that I am dieing to get.

Grammar Assignment.

My grammar assignment is going to start out like this. I already know most of this career because it's what I want to go into in the future. The career that I have choosen is Audio Recording. It is definetly something you wouldn't except out of me or how much grammar is involved in it. Everything that has to do with computers or softwares pretty well come with instructions on how to start it up. There are bunch of tools for you to use, but a lot of wires and cords for you to place for it all to work correctly. This is a picture of one of the softwares that I have heard of. It's called Pro Tools. What I think is cool is that the software sometimes comes in different languages. If your going to go into this career you might as well have it in different languages so that way other ethnics can understand how it works too.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Secret Life.

I've been through crap all of my life.
I've stayed quiet all this time, without a complaint from me.
You still need to find something in me to make yourself right.
I'm not rich or famous.
I just live a simple life.
But I bet if you got close to me, you would see a world you'd never known.

It's a secret life.
Underneath this normal life.
I have so many things that I bet you'd never believe I'd ever like.
It's a secret life.
It goes in one ear and out another.
I have a lot of things that I've done and I wish I had a chance to redo it all again.

The colors of the world can't change me, even if you'd try.
Take a listen of what I've got to say.
Take a hint of what I just said.
I'm nothing like you.
I'm more of me, and less like you.
I just love ticking you off.

It's a secret life.
Underneath a normal life.
I have so many things that I bet you'd never believe I'd ever like.
It's a secret life.
It goes in one ear and out the other.
I have a lot of things that I've done and I wish I had a chance to redo it all again.

Maybe not.
I have got it all.
I don't have to be fake.
I can be as real as I want to be.
It's just a secret life that nobody has to know.
To know, Oh-no.

It's a secret life.
Underneath a normal life.
I have so many things that I bet you'd never believe I'd ever like.
It's a secret life.
It goes in one ear and out the other.
I have a lot of things that I've done and I wish I had a chance to redo it all again.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Okay, I am wanting a change to everything I am. Well not everything. My best friend Janise and I were at Wal-Mart one time, and we went on the hair part of the store and we were looking at the hair dyes. I want my hair dyed again. Well I don't want it dyed all the way, I just want highlights in my hair. I've already tried blonde highlights and you couldn't see them very well. Then I tried red highlights, and it was the type that stays in for only two weeks. So this time, I found a product that I want to try. Its bright red. Its really cool. It'll be very different for myself, because I don't like to change my hair unless I really have to. So this is a big change for me to do. I might even get my haircut beforehand, but I don't know yet. So we'll see, here's a picture of what I want.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Past Three Days.

The past three days have been very weird feeling to me. I am just thinking about things more than what I use to. For my birthday I got a $100 visa gift card from Wal-Mart. And I am all ready to spend it, but I am actually thinking about my best friend a Christmas present. Her birthday comes after Christmas and Christmas is closer. So she's getting something very soon!

I was suppose to get a call from the admissions person at VU yesterday, but Em had to be picked it up at the school and so my mother called the VU admissions office to have them wait until she got back. But guess what? They never called back. Not happy because I was ready and happy for them to call me. Maybe today they'll call me.

Today, I am going to the lincese branch to get a ID. Not a driver's lincese, but a ID. I am so getting myself a lottery ticket today! I am so excited! My mom isn't, but she'll get over it. My dad has told me that he doesn't care about the guys I date anymore. That's a plus. Poor Emily though. Dad's been giving her a hard time about these high school boys. I already know why he doesn't care about the guys I date. I've known that since I was a seventh grader. It comes with being handicapped.