Monday, September 12, 2011

Only Here For Inspiration.

I am only here for some ideas. I'm going to be looking for certain things that pop out at me in my past posts. I am running out of ideas on my regular blog, so might as well come on here and greet my readers and search for more ideas.

Hope everything is good. Today is another day. If yesterday sucked, then make today a new day. If last week was a diseaster then make this one better than last week. Don't let everything stress you out. Just relax. Something I've recently learned is that...

"If today was a bad day, there was something good about that day. You just didn't realize it at the time." Trust me, its true. :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I Got a Tumblr!

Earlier last month I finally caved. My sister has been a Tumblr user since the end of May. I've never been so proud of her. She defintely needed something to let herself go and tell out everything she feels. Her throughts about love, humor, and friendships are being let out into quotes. I've been calling her "Quote-manic" because it fits her completely.

I've had a Tumblr before but I've never really understood how to change the theme and things like that. Especially the "reblogging" that I was always curious about but didn't know to do it. Well last month, I finally did it. Been on WordPress since April so I needed another outllet. So I had my sister show me how to use Tumblr. Now I can't seem to keep myself off it. I'm always reblogging anything that has to do with Linkin Park, NKOTBSB, Christina Aguilera, Dance, Brands, Funny pictures, Animals, and things like that. Everytime I look at my Tumblr theme I feel like I'm in LA or Florida. So Summer-y! I love it!

So go find me and follow me please. I'm really addicted to it so I am usually on it alot more than I intended to be. So if you do decide to follow me, be aware of lots of Linkin Park, NKOTBSB, and Xtina. I'm a little nutty! So bye bye all!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Got Meghan?

So if you have tried to get on my WordPress since Friday, I kind of changed my username/URL. Its now it now matches my Twitter username. Which by the way, add me there too. So that should do it. If you don't have a picture on your Twitter you WILL NOT be accepted. Just saying. Sorry.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Sugar Free Juicy Fruit.

I love bubble gum. If I don't have any on me or if anybody in my family has any gum on them either I will ask everybody else. I am that addicted to gum. One night while my family and I were watching Due Date my dad gave me this gum, not knowing what the flavor was or anything. I was hooked instantly. It was Key Lime Pie and I have never liked pie but that was some good pie gum. Since my sister is like me she would take my gum without asking me first. So I kind of runned out of gum sooned than I should have.

So this new gum that my mom got me recently. It's Juicy Fruit that's sugar free. It's nasty! I really don't like the little bit size pieces of gum. I like the regular long strips of gum. They also have more sugar on them too. I need to get my Key Lime Pie gum back as soon as possible. I'm going through withdrawals. I also like that Trident gum that's the Orange on top and bottom and a Stawberry in the middle. It smells amazing and tastes great!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sorry People..

I've been on Wordpress a lot lately. I feel bad for all my readers here. I still don't want to make a Tumblr again... Wordpress was hard enough to learn and so that's why my attention is solely on it. I've had this blog since 2009 at the beginning of my senior year. We made them for my Grammar class and I still used mine after all this time. I have a lot of crazy posts on here. I'll try to be on here and post something but I've officially transferred over. Here's my new blog URL so subcribe to read my posts. Until next time.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I love me some JT! :)

justin timberlake gifs Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, May 20, 2011

I miss TVD already!

cast. Pictures, Images and Photos

What If...

I know nobody wants to hear about it or talk about it. Some people don't want to believe it. I don't blame them. I use to not believe the rumors either. Why bother listen to what people are saying when there's two different times of when it will happen. People are saying that the world will end on Sunday. One person said she heard somebody say it was Saturday. What the hell happened to 2012? The whole world is suppose to end in 2012? Who knows if it will end this weekend or not. If you choose not to believe it, thats your descision. I know for me, I can't help but wanna know what day exactly. Ever since I heard this weekend my mind has been in a daze. There's so many things going around in my head. I actually started making a mini bucket list in my head. Thing is, there isn't a way to do all of the things I want to do in a matter of one day.

I started thinking "what if we really do end on Saturday or Sunday?" Would I get into Heaven? Will I go to Hell because of my sins? Yet in the back of my head goes, "Meghan shut up!" I can't help it. I have thoughts and I have to get them out somehow. Blogging is a good way. I start to think of things I want before I die. The first two things that popped into my head were kids and Linkin Park. I really want kids before I die. Show them that handicapped people are like everybody else too. I want to go to a Linkin Park concert REALLY bad! I don't think watching Linkin Park's World Stage this morning was a good idea. Especially seeing the "Waiting For The End" part twice in one day. Bad idea.

My third thought was "I'm not gonna be able to meet all my Twitter friends if we die this weekend." That left me speechless for awhile. I still don't know how to answer that because I have so many of them. So many places I'd like to visit and learn more about. After thinking some more, I thought I would never get the chance to dance for real. It's a goal I'd love to reach but with my feet and legs all I have are doubts. So far I only have 4 things on this mini bucket list. I don't want to do anything extreme like jump out of an airplane. I am scared of heights and I can't and probably won't be able to face my fear. Your lucky you can even get me on an airplaine.

I'm listening to one of the songs from Transformers 2. I'm thinking of how the Decipiticons and Autobots were feuding. Then I started thinking about Battle: Los Angeles and how Aliens were killing all the people. I think I would much perfer robots instead of creepy looking Aliens with big eyes killing all of us. Great, now when I listen to Katy Perry's song "E.T." that'll be the first thing that goes in my head.

I was wondering if watching Oprah's episode today was gonna make me think and it did. It was about her Most Memorable Guests. Oh my gosh! That last one really got me. That mother really made me think. We don't know when our time will be. We should live it up as much as we can. I hope it doesn't end this weekend. I want to go to my Nana's this weekend and have lunch with my family on Sunday. We didn't get to last weekend because my mom had to work. It would not be cool if the world ended this weekend or this summer. Anytime really. I don't even want 2012 to get here because of all the stories. We'll just have to see I guess.